Adidas is a well -known German sports brand and one of the most successful sports brands in the world.As a German company, it is also closely related to the German national football team.For more than 70 years after the end of World War II, Adidas has been a German national football team partner and sponsors, but has recently been defeated by Nike in the United States.From 2027 to 2034, the German Football Association will cooperate with Nike to provide all the equipment of the national team.Nike's non -public bidding is 50 million euros (about $ 7.307 million) higher than Adidas, which makes the German Association get a solid profit, but in terms of national emotions, German politicians are unacceptable.The German Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic and Climate Protection, Habeck, accused the German Football Association of Football Association. Settidas and Nike took Nike to lack the "Standortpatriotismus".

Adidas is patriotic politics in Germany. This is due to the long -term image of Adidas and the German national football.In 1954, West Germany won the "Berne Miracle" of the World Cup. The popularity of Germany stated that Adidas should remember.According to legend, Adidas designed sneakers for the German national football team to replace the nails, which made Germany stable in the muddy stadium in the heavy rain that day, and eventually defeated Hungary 3-2.The moment West Germany won the World Cup, marking the nation of the country, marking the regaining national confidence after World War II, and it also indicates that West Germany's "Rhine Miracle" after the war.To this day, football is still the National Movement of Germany. In the five major European leagues, the average seat rate of the Bundesliga ranks first.

This shows the deep relationship between football and the German national feelings. As a US company, Nike actually defeated Adidas, which will inevitably make the Germans unacceptable emotionally.In addition to Habeck, the governor of Bavaria, the leader of German economy, also said: "German football has always been part of the German economic history. The national team is wearing three striped jerseys. This is like a round.For granted in the same minute ... Therefore, it is wrong to end this history now. "Zide connected football, Adidas and Germany's economic history, which is undoubtedly remembering the glory of the past.In recent years, Adidas is not good in terms of brand image and fiscal performance.

Jumping out of the horizon out of Germany, it is not difficult to find that Adidas has repeatedly stood on the wrong team on political issues in recent years. Not only the damage to the brand image, but also the business has plummeted. At present, there is only about one -third of the old rival Nike in terms of market value.Recently, Adidas's No. 44 German jersey designed for the European Football Championships was said to be allegedly similar to the symbols used by the Nazi Party's parent, and it was announced that fans were banned from ordering the 44 jersey.

As early as 2021, Adidas announced the resistance of Xinjiang cotton in the "Xinjiang Cotton Incident" and triggered a resistance in China in China. Adidas' sales in China fell for two consecutive years and had only a limit in this year.In the Xinjiang Cotton Incident and Adidas, the old rival Nike and other sneakers and sports brands stood on the same front. Therefore, the two can be said to be damaged, and it is not the most painful political defeat of Adidas.

The most painful defeat of Adidas was at the end of 2022, and the cooperation with the famous rapper Kanye West was suspended because West had anti -Semitism statements; for nearly 10 years in the past, the two parties cooperated to launch launchThe Yeezy series is Adidas's most important cash cow. In 2021, Yeezy accounted for 40%of Adidas's profit.This cooperation brought Adidas directly reduced the revenue of 500 million euros and losses of 250 million euros. The performance directly made a profit of 612 million euros in 2022 and became a loss of 75 million euros last year.Decent.I don't know if Adidas sponsor the vault shyness, causing the bidding defeat to Nike?

Talk about the sponsorship of the German Football Association.As early as 2006, Nike's bid was much richer than Adidas. At that timeContinue to choose Adidas.However, in recent years, the German national football performance has been bad. Adidas has also been limited as a sponsors. It has not achieved the expected publicity effect. The low bid is also expected.

Of course, Adidas has declined in many aspects in recent years. It has both supply chain management problems and digital and backward problems. However, repeated mistakes in political issues are the main reason for a fashion brand to be abandoned by the times.In the past few years, Adidas has too much dependence on the successful factor of Yeezy, and it also relies heavily on the image of individual cooperative celebrities. However, the image of an artist often changes. Adidas put eggs in a basket, which is inevitable that the risk is too great.

The German Football Association's replacement partner has greatly stimulated the patriotic heart of the Germans. The decline of Adidas behind Adidas can actually be regarded as the epitome of old German companies.It started from the early 1990s to the beginning of this century. This process has been in the process of more than ten years, especially in the Chinese market.However, the geopolitical situation changes, and the enterprise itself cannot adapt to the trend of digitalization, highlighting the weakness of slow reform and difficulty turning.

The author is a Hong Kong media in Germany