Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Li Xiaoyu

Li Qiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, hosted a symposium on an economic situation expert and entrepreneurs on April 8 to hear the opinions and suggestions on the current economic situation and the next economic work, and proposed to promote the deployment to accelerate the effectiveness.

Observation believes that on the eve of the announcement of economic data in the first quarter, the official will have a deep meaning behind the symposium.

At present, positive factors in China's economic development are increasing, and market confidence has increased.From the perspective of advanced indicators, the March manufacturing procurement manager index (PMI), non -manufacturing business activity indexes and comprehensive PMI output index are in the expansion range, indicating that enterprise production and operation activities are accelerated.In the first two months, the year -on -year growth rate of investment in manufacturing investment and industries above designated size continued to rise, and import and exports continued the growth trend since October last year.

Yu Xiangrong, chief economist of the Greater China District of Citi Group, believes that since the beginning of this year, China's new round of stable growth policy has accelerated, and many aspects of economic data are better than expected.

But at the same time, the economy still faces many challenges.

From the inside, risks in the fields of real estate and local government debt still need to be disposed of steadily; from the outside, the development of environmental complexity, severe nature, and uncertainty increase.For example, the trade protection behavior of Chinese electric vehicles in Europe and the United States may bring certain interference to China exports.

Xiao He, an associate researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the Global Change Bureau will accelerate the evolution. Some countries will not subscribe to the momentum of economic nationalism.Essence

Considering the current overall trend of China's macroeconomic operation, the market generally believes that consolidating and enhancing the economic recovery of the economy still requires the policy to make advance and give full efforts in advance, and the timing and rhythm of the policy must be properly grasped. Macro policiesThe pathway to micro -conduction should also be opened as soon as possible.

Through this economic situation expert and entrepreneurial symposium, the official release of clear signals: more powerful and accurate measures will be adopted to maintain sustainable and healthy economic development.

It is proposed that the combination effect should be strengthened, the consistency of macro policy orientation, and systematically solve some key difficult problems.Earlier, China has clearly mentioned the consistency of the central economic work conference and the government work report at the end of 2023 and this year's government work report.

Yang Zhiyong, director of the Financial Tax Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the consistency of macro policy orientation means that various policies should have a common goal.From the perspective of the current situation, in order to promote the further recovery of the economy, China is expected to avoid the introduction of policies that may lead to economic tightening and adversely affect market expectations.

The meeting also proposed that it is necessary to pay attention to precise policies, grasp the key contradictions of scientific and technological innovation to promote the key and effective demand of industrial innovation, and improve the effectiveness of macro policies to the micro -conductivity.

In response to insufficient valid demand, China has recently introduced many policies such as promoting large -scale equipment updates and consumer products with old -fashioned new replacement.

Analysts believe that expanding effective demand, especially domestic demand, is the key measure of China's current macroeconomic policy.To this end, in the future, the supply and demand, consumption and investment should be overall to increase the supply of high -quality products and services, eliminate some restricted consumption policies that are not conducive to expanding domestic demand, introduce more support policies that are conducive to private investment, promote supply and demand in moreA virtuous cycle is achieved at a high level.