Reference News Network reported on November 1 According to the German Youth World Daily website reported on October 30, Beijing announced the new regulations on graphite exports since December 1.According to regulations, Chinese companies must obtain licenses to export high -value graphite categories.This is not a trivial matter: graphite is one of the most important raw materials for electric vehicle batteries.

Reported that how the situation will develop next, it can be seen from the restrictions on Chinese restrictions this summer.Until August 1st, the exports of these two materials have increased: global industrial enterprises are hoarding.Subsequently, exports dropped sharply.In August, China had neither exported nor exports; in September, China exported 1 kg.In July, China exported 8.63 tons and 5.15 tons.

The report believes that the consequences may appear in the next few months.At present, the raw materials of inventory can still meet industrial needs.But how long this situation will last is unknown.The international market prices of these two materials have risen to a certain extent.If there is a shortage of supply, the price may soar.Although 镓 锗 锗 is easy to be refined as a by -product of smelting aluminum aluminum, it is more expensive in the West than in China, and it takes time to build the corresponding production capacity.

What about graphite?According to a Reuters survey, about two -thirds of the current natural mining graphite and about 98%of synthetic graphite produced in China.Studies have shown that without graphite, cobalt, nickel and lithium raw materials, energy transformation cannot be pushed.If China has significantly reduced graphite exports like 锗 and 样, not only the American industry, but even the German industry can only stare.No wonder the U.S. government has already pressured it in this regard.In July, the U.S. government approved a $ 37 million to study the feasibility of mining graphite from Alaska.This study is funded by the Pentagon.

Reporting pointed out that of course, the United States takes a while to mine graphite from there.Although the relevant industry will hoard graphite before December 1st, just like accumulation of crickets this summer, no one knows how long these inventory is enough.In fact, China has a market dominant position in more raw materials -especially lithium.(Compiled/Wang Yan)