Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council of China has recently updated the official website, officially added the name of the "Central Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Mainland Government", which clearly shows that 11 responsibilities and ten bureaus are set up, reflecting the central Hong Kong and Macao proposed by the party and state institutions' reform planThe establishment of the establishment is roughly completed.

According to the reform plan passed by the Plenary Session of the Twenty CPC Central Committee of the Mainland Government, the Central Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Central Hong Kong and Macao Office "undertake the implementation of the" one country, two systems' policy, the implementation of the central government's comprehensive governance power, the governance of the country in accordance with the rule of law, the maintenance of the national security, protecting the well -being of the people's livelihood, and the well -being of the people's livelihood.Support the investigation and research, coordination, and urging implementation of the responsibilities of Hong Kong and Macao into the overall situation of the national development.

The main responsibilities contained in the official website of the Hong Kong and Macau Office are the first two items (1) implementing "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Australian Relief Australia", and a highly autonomous policy., Implement the Constitution and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law, the Macau Special Administrative Region Basic Law, implement the principles of "patriotic governance of Hong Kong" and "patriot govern Australia", safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development benefits, and promote the long -term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao;The overall coordination and supervision of Hong Kong and Macao work, organize investigations and research on major issues, and put forward policy suggestions.

In fact, the reform plan and the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Hong Kong and Macao Office can be described as the "14 persistence" passed by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee.In the "persistence and improvement of the" one country, two systems' system ", also mentioned that" the appointment and removal system and mechanism of the central administrative region's Chief Executive and Major officials must be "improved", "establish and improve the legal system and implementation of the special administrative region to maintain national security and implement the implementation of the national security"Mechanisms", "Improve the Special Administrative Region's System of Responsibility for the Central Government", "Support Hong Kong and Macau to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood".

Correspondingly, the responsibilities of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Affairs Office of the Hong Kong and Macau naturally have the fifth point. "Research and propose to improve the system's responsibility of the Special Administrative Region's responsibility, improve the central government's measures and mechanisms for the appointment and removal system and mechanism of the Special Administrative Region,", Sixth Point "Coordinate the relevant departments to study policy suggestions and promote the implementation of Hong Kong and Macao's economic and well -being of the people's livelihood", and "Organize the implementation of the legal system and implementation mechanism of the special administrative region to maintain national security".It can be said that from the "persistence and improvement" of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the reform plan of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the establishment of the Central Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Mainland Government is to implement relevant arrangements.

Perhaps because the Hong Kong National Security Law has been implemented and effective, it is ranked in the "development of the economy and improved people's livelihood" in the "persistence and improvement", but it is ranked the sixth point in the earliest point of the Hong Kong and Macao Office.In any case, the central government's determination to "focus on solving deep -seated contradictions and problems that affect social stability and long -term development" is also beyond doubt.

The Chief Executive Li Jiachao published the second policy report during his tenure last week. It also mentioned that the concept of administration is "implementing 'one country, two systems', and developing the economy and improving people's livelihood."As of this week, the Development Bureau and the Transport and Logistics Bureau have published the North Metropolitan District Action Program and the Program of Modern Logistics Development.In one, the latter promotes the intelligence, modernization, green sustainability, internationalization and facilitation of the logistics industry.Similarly, the two action programs mentioned many opportunities to integrate the overall national development and cooperation and development of the Greater Bay Area.

Since there is a central government's policy support and the Hong Kong and Macao Office is responsible for promoting the implementation, the Hong Kong government has no reasons for "developing the economy and ensuring people's livelihood".This is exactly what President Xi Jinping said last year, "The Chief Executive and the Special Administrative Region Government are the family members of Hong Kong and the first responsible person to govern Hong Kong."The central government has a comprehensive governance right to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, but at the same time, it implements the policy of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and attaches great importance to high autonomy.