Although the land area, history, and national conditions of the two countries are different, we have many the same ideals and facing many common challenges.I have confidence. New China can condense consensus and cooperate with each other to promote each other's growth, create new opportunities in emerging areas, and create a better future for the people of the two countries.

Tomorrow, I will co -host the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) meeting at the 19th New Central China Bilateral Cooperation Committee (JCBC) at Tianjin and the Vice Premier of Tianjin.New China will review the results of cooperation and formulate future cooperation through this highest -level bilateral cooperation platform.

In the past few decades, New China has established a wide and profound partnership, and has promoted various cooperation projects at different stages on their respective development roads.This includes three intergovernmental cooperation projects -Suzhou Industrial Park, Tianjin Ecological City and China -Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Interconnection Demonstration Project, a national -level bilateral cooperation project -China -Singapore Guangzhou Intellectual City, and eight provincial and municipal economic and tradeCouncil.In March of this year, under the guidance of Premier Li Xianlong and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the relationship between the two countries took a big step forward and upgraded to "a comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership."

I also participate in some of the cooperative projects.From 2015 to 2020, I participated in the development of Tianjin Ecological City as the Minister of Development.From 2019 to 2022, I also served as the co -chair of Singapore -Shanghai Comprehensive Cooperation Council.In the process, I witnessed the ambitions and ambitions showed by the Chinese people to promote economic and social development, as well as friendly and cooperative relationships between officials of new and China.Now, as the co -chair of JCBC, I look forward to planning the development of the next stage of the relationship between the two countries with Vice Premier Ding.

This meeting will be held in the background of the increasingly turbulent and changeable international situation.At present, the global economy is facing anti -winds, and we are also facing the severe crisis brought by climate change.In terms of handling these common challenges and maintaining economic development and prosperity, there are still room for cooperation between the two countries in the two countries.To this end, we must update and expand our economic connection with each other, reshape our industrial structure, and further consolidate the close relationship between the two countries.

Update and expand economic connection

In the past 10 years, Singapore has been China's largest foreign investment country, while China is Singapore's largest commodity trade partner.The close connection between the two countries has established in the economic field for decades, highlighting our confidence in each other.We should continue to try to update and expand our economic connection.The two countries are making more open and transparent rules for cross -border investment and service trade through the Free Trade Agreement of New China.In addition, the two sides also promoted regional economic integration between the international land and sea trade channels under the China -Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Interconnection Demonstration Project through the China -Singapore (Chongqing) strategic interconnection demonstration project.

We can expand cooperation fields on the basis of these connections, including strengthening food and food safety and supply chain toughness, and promoting the liquidity of capital markets between China and Southeast Asia and making cross -border payment more convenient.

Reshaping the industrial structure

We should also reshape our industrial structure, especially focusing on emerging fields such as green and digital economy, as well as other high -tech fields.In this way, our industry can maintain competitiveness and prepare for the future.

New China has cooperated for many years in sustainable development.As early as the topic of the world has begun to pay close attention to the topic of sustainable development, the two countries have already launched this cooperation.This year coincides with the 15th anniversary of the development and construction of Tianjin Ecological City. The park has set a new standard for the development of sustainable and green cities.We should learn valuable experience from this project and promote the use of resources and low -carbon development plans to promote it to other cities and even regions in China.In addition, green energy, finance, transportation and logistics, as well as other areas of sustainable development also provide many opportunities for cooperation.

In addition, New China can deepen cooperative relations in the digital economy.China leads the global digital process, and the digital economy occupies a considerable proportion among its domestic GDP (GDP).Southeast Asia is one of the fastest -growing regions in the world, and Singapore is the best springboard in the field of digital economy in Southeast Asia.Therefore, the two countries can formulate digital standards and policies through effective cooperation to promote cross -border business data circulation and digital trade. They can also work together to formulate smart city solutions through cooperation projects such as the new China (Shenzhen) smart city initiative.

We should also cooperate with each other's advantages in other emerging fields.The Suzhou Industrial Park jointly developed by the two countries has continuously developed high -tech industries, such as advanced manufacturing, biomedicine, and nanomal technology.The 30th anniversary of the development and construction of the park next year is precisely a good time for the two countries to improve the level of cooperation.

Consolidate the close relationship between the two countries

Finally, while expanding economic ties and re -reshaping the industrial structure, we must also strengthen the exchanges and interactions between the two countries at all levels.Whether it is to promote the communication between officials or students of the two countries or to promote cross -border tourism, these exchanges and interactions can help deepen the mutual understanding and trust of the people of the two countries.We can do more in terms of promoting the close connection between the people, such as strengthening cooperation and exchanges between the two countries in the fields of tourism, education, research, training, and medical and health.


Singapore has a close and diverse cooperative relationship.I look forward to promoting more bilateral cooperation projects with Deputy Prime Minister Ding, the co -chairman of JCBC in the above -mentioned fields and other aspects.Although the land area, history, and national conditions of the two countries are different, we have many the same ideals and face many common challenges.I have confidence. New China can condense consensus and cooperate with each other to promote each other's growth, create new opportunities in emerging areas, and create a better future for the people of the two countries.

The author is Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance