Kissinger is 100 years old, a age and life with almost merit, which is enviable and remembered.What is curious is that the death of the "the greatest Secretary of State in the history of the United States" (former President Ford), which is caused by the response caused by China more than anywhere in the world, including the United States; the highest leaders in China to the United States.After sending up the electricity, the folk and academic circles have lamented the end of an era, and almost simply referred to Kissinger as "the old friends of the Chinese people."

When the Chinese National People ’s Congress showed Kissinger and called it“ old friend ”, it did not show that he became the“ old friend ”of the Chinese, and it was not sure that in Kissinger's heart. ChinaIs his "old friend" and who is his real friend.Although the wishful thinking is also a way to confirm friends, it may always be a respectable and influential character like Kissinger, especially like Kissinger.

If Kissinger promotes the ease of Sino -US relations and makes it normally, or has come to China many times in his long life for effective visits, he believes that he is a friend in China. The world will be in the world.Many countries have more reasons to see him as better friends.For most countries in the Middle East, Kissinger is an out -of -the -box good friend, because he was the first to be committed to ease the region situation with peaceful means, rather than favor Israel, which is also partially belonging to the same Jews;Said that Kissinger is an important friend who saves people in water and fire, because he is committed to evacuating the United States from the Vietnam War, ending the war in the entire area after World War II to the 1970s;As a real friend, because when he was the most tense in the Cold War, he advocated the easing of the United States and the Soviet Union to ease the relationship, and avoid the confrontation of the two pole camps into a world war.

Now Kissinger's death, Russian President Putin, who has been sanctioned by the United States, also praised him as "an outstanding diplomat, a wise and visible politician, worthy of all the glory given by the world."But Putin did not recognize Kissinger as his friends. Just as Kissinger did not treat Putin as a friend, he often praised his ability.Therefore, only when everyone carefully examines and explores the real friends in Kissinger's heart, will they have a more accurate understanding of him, and this understanding will help us think about problems like Kissinger and deal with problems.

Kissinger's inner friends may first originate from the ability of scholars' rational thinking.Kissinger went directly to Washington as a professor at Harvard. He was a national security consultant first, and then the Secretary of State, assisted Nixon and Ford, two presidents. After retirement, he founded his own consulting company.EssenceLooking back at his life, he would like to thank the tolerance of the US political rotation door, but his personal ability based on academic accumulation is the primary prerequisite for his achievement.

Choose a friend for Kissinger

There are vast academic articles in history, but there are few political influence generated by Kissinger's articles. He is necessary for the choice of nuclear weapons and foreign policy he created before going to Washington: Partnership of US foreign policy prospects:The re -valuations and other works of the Atlantic Alliance have directly become the main foreign policy basis for the US government later.There are also many dazzling books published by retired politicians in history, but there are few academic influence of Kissinger's works. He has continued to create diplomatic theories in China after leaving the White House.Reading books in the field.Scholars' rationality is often questioned by politicians, but Kissinger has exerted its value to the extreme. He told the world with his own experience that politics has left high -quality academic rationality and will really become more chaotic.

Kissinger's criteria for choosing friends, I am afraid that national interests, that is, the interests of the United States."State interests first" is the slogan of many politicians hanging on the mouth, but there are not many that can be really done. First of all, we must first accurately grasp the definition, scope and long -term changes of national interests.EssenceThe Vietnamese war was the focus of American political debate at that time, and it was also the Waterloo of many politicians. From Kennedy to Johnson, Kissinger tried to help Nixon to calculate the effective ratio of Cost-Effectiveness in Vietnam, and got it.The conclusion that leaving the quagmire is most in line with the national interests. In fact, it stopped the decline in the United States when competing with the Soviet Union at the time.Think of everything to restore normal state exchanges between China is also due to the need to fight the Soviet Union. All the standards here are national interests, not the so -called values or ideology.It can benefit the United States more, and there is a more right to speak in the world, that is, the standards for Kissinger to choose which countries to be friends.If the practice of any country does not meet the interests of the United States, he will not hesitate to take a stop or hostile action, just like his motherland Israel who wants to occupy Egypt's Sinai Peninsula after the fourth Middle East war, he will be by him.Really rejected.

Do they treat China as friends?

Kissinger's strategy of treating friends is mainly mainly the geopolitical wrist of realism.His political tools that safeguard the interests of the United States are not war and peace, although he looks more inclined to peace, it is only because peace is indeed the main method that is most conducive to the long -term interests of the United States and the world.His national strategy is realism built on a complex geopolitical game framework, just like Metne he has studied in depth.Metne has built a "Sacred League" system with Austrian as the core and dominated European "Sacred League" system. Kissinger is also obsessed with the use of various geographical strategic means to build a world pattern that conforms to the national interests.

The withdrawal from Vietnam helps to focus on China and the Middle East. The establishment of diplomatic relations with China is the most important weight of the Soviet Union to check and balance the Soviet Union.Inside, in a favorable position.Kissinger in his later years is still working hard to ease US -China relations, because he realizes that when the United States is evil with Russia, it will never be able to put China into the ranks of opponents.Essence

On the day before Kissinger's death, 99 -year -old American Charlie Thomas Munger also left the world.Some people say that Kissinger and Munger are the most friendly heavyweights in China and the Scriptures. Their death will make Sino -US relations even more shadow.It is just that we do n’t know if Muge treats China as his own friend, but at least it must be clear. If you think that Evergrande Real Estate develops a good development and invests in it, do you treat it as a friend?

No one doubts Kissinger's achievements. When he dies, he should still remember and think, but if there is no private connection, it is unnecessary to make friends with his relatives.Regardless of whether he has regarded you as a friend, what is important is that you may have misunderstood him because of emotional factors, and this is a phenomenon that Mr. Kissinger despises, not to mentionTo make friends and levels in the world in the future.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator