The word "Peaceful Outbreak" is not my invention. It is the original original of Tsinghua University Professor Liu Yu.Professor Liu Yu in her possibility: In the 30 lectures of political science, one of the topics of them is "the outbreak of peace".It was only 80 years away from us in World War II, but we already feel that peace is taken for granted.With reference to the history of human beings in the past 3000 years, most of the time is in the chaos of natural disasters, famine, infectious diseases and war.Today, we think that the peaceful peace is in the long river of human history.

I have a huge improvement this year, that is, the success of six kilograms of weight. This is a very great phase of the result for a super fat man, and this precious six kg is attributed to the Singapore government.My friend told me that the government issued 100 yuan cash points in the Activesg application, which can book a badminton stadium on ActiveSg sports facilities on the island.I checked on the Internet. I only received 3.5 yuan during the non -busy time of the venue in an hour, so I bought equipment and started my sports weight loss career.

I often receive various text messages from the government to provide citizens' protection or provide learning subsidies. I recently notified me to do breast examination.It is said that the red at the end of the year is about to come again, and there are hundreds of yuan of consumer coupons to be led.

When foreign friends mentioned Singapore, they always feel that the climate is a small land. In fact, don't worry. The climate here is suitable for outdoor sports throughout the year, and all public or entertainment facilities are available.I also bought a small bicycle and walked freely along the Park Lian Road (PCN). There was a supply station everywhere, you could drink water to the toilet, as well as an automatic vitro -vitamin with an first aid;The food court coffee shop makes leisure a kind of enjoyment.Last week, I took my relatives and relatives from China to the East Coast to eat seafood. On the beaches of a few steps, self -help barbecue, volleyball, dance, running, swimmers in the sea, toddle pile children ... harmonious and free.

Most of the entertainment and leisure facilities across the country are free, but peace is not free.

Singapore's difficult life today, the unity and harmony of all ethnic groups cannot be separated from a person's foresight. He is Li Guangyao, the founder and founder of Singapore.Speaking of which, Lee Kuan Yew has left us for some years, but I can feel his bones in every corner of Singapore.The big trees at the door of the house were lush, and the sign was erected. Li Guangyao was planted by himself.The Hu Ji Garden, who went to the Botanical Garden, had a black and white house in it, with a group photo of leaders of various countries and Li Zizheng on the wall.A few months ago I watched a documentary Li Guangyao and China reform and opening up. I burst into tears several times at the scene.He promoted simplified Chinese, plays an important role in China's reform and opening up, establishes a good friendship with each generation of Chinese leaders. In complex multilateral international relations, he always stands in an impartial position and promotes many historical events.Better evolution ...

Li Guangyao laid a solid foundation for the development of Singapore. The latter government leaders were working hard for Singapore's progress.The beauty of Singapore today is not the pie falling in the sky. It is created by the people of several generations with a pragmatic and cooperative attitude.I often think, how long can we maintain such a quiet time?How far is the sound of guns or slavery and aggression?

Any interview with the streets, most of the issues that the public cares about is "rising prices", "rent starting prices", "entrance examinations", "consumption taxes rose", and they did not expect that more than 700 square kilometers were integrated with the entire world.Look at the children of Palestine, when the reporter asked them: "What do you want to do when you grow up?" They shook their heads definitely: "We can't grow up." Times and international situation must be widely spread to let the public know, peacefulStability is not the main theme of human beings. To the happiness of holding in the palm of the palm, we must know how to cherish it, and the word "cherish" must work hard.

Liu Yu said in her book that if the times are dark, they need to be changed, because in a irreversible world, radicals will promote social progress;If there is a guarantee, you need patience to improve within the existing system.

The per capita life of Singapore has exceeded 80 years, which cannot be achieved in any historical period.The quiet time is just the moment. If you want to make it a long time, you must let the young people know that today's Singapore is not the grace given by heaven, but the great perspective and great strategy of the ancestors to lead us from the poor.How young today's young people are inherited, continue to improve, and take responsibility, and work hard for better Singapore. It is very important.

The author is local screenwriter, writer