The rapid development of the United States since the World War II has promoted the continuous expansion of the US military forces, spreading all over the world, and also formed a global strategy to treat the entire world as the market.This strategy is basically serving the above -mentioned huge vested interest groups.

After seven days of short ceasefire, Israel and Hamas's war in the Gaza Strip reworked.Israel has publicly eliminated Hamas more than once.Sources who are familiar with Israeli trends have recently quoted the Financial Times that Israel plans to launch a one -year or longer battle against Hamas, and the most densely ground offensive stage will continue until the beginning of next year.

On the other hand, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress has approved military assistance to Israel with $ 14.5 billion (about S $ 19.3 billion) on November 2, and is currently approved by the Senate.The United States gives Israel's military assistance about $ 3.8 billion each year.In order to cope with the Harbin War, it was suddenly increased by more than 100 billion yuan, and it can be seen that the war is difficult to stop in the short term.Too early fire does not conform to the interests of the US military fire merchants. Like the Russia -Uko -war war that has been playing for 21 months, this is a good opportunity for them to take the opportunity to ask the government for money.Therefore, it is difficult for the world to stop Russia and Ukraine's early fire.

We ordinary people want the world to be peaceful, but there has been a beyond monster that requires war, conflict and international disputes in the world.To.In the United States, because it has inextricable relationships with Congress, it is also called Milital-Indrial-Contgmental Complex (MICC).The more formal name is the defense industry.

The defense industry (mainly arms manufacturers and defense contractors) supply weapons and even personnel for the military, and the huge defense expenditure required mainly comes from the budget approved by Congress.MPs (including members of the Representatives and Senators) are required for a lot of funds, and the main donors are arms dealers.In order to expand their business, the arms dealers must lobby the Congress to continuously increase their defense expenses, so many lobbyists need to be needed.Because the domestic market is limited, the arms dealers must open up the market around the world.This requires the war of war. Not only does the war on the war need to buy more weapons, but other countries have to buy more weapons in order to strengthen their defense.

In 1961, the 34th president of the United States, Eisenhower, stepped down.In his farewell speech, he first talked about the danger of the close relationship between the huge military sector in the United States and the huge military industry for the first time.He believes that this is unprecedented for the United States.The influence (including economy, politics, and spiritual) of military compound can be described as pervasive, including all levels of society and the government.This increasing influence may lead to disaster consequences. The government must be vigilant about this, and must not let the two programs that endanger freedom and democracy.Citizens must also have a high degree of alertness to ensure that the combination of huge military industry and military machines is consistent with the methods and goals of seeking peace, and can take into account safety and freedom.

But the development of more than 60 years since 1961 shows that the monster of the US military engineering complex has long become an "scientific monster" that is out of control.The United States as a world police needs a huge military and military expenditure, and it must have various advanced weapons, but the development results finally turned Essenhower's concerns into facts.The huge military fire industry formed has gradually evolved into a wealthy trend and a large and economic interest group, which can affect the government's diplomatic and policy trends.

Generally, Americans have already lost the freedom of national policy in the true sense.Because, huge vested interest groups such as military composite, coupled with the wealthy financial and large -scale financial enterprises, are not only politically controlled, but have long been controlled to control the political and economy of the United States.Their influence has penetrated into all levels of society, and it also greatly controls US diplomacy and global strategies.Therefore, the US defense expenditure increases every year, and it can continue to transport weapons to places with war fires to the outside world. It is a major military fire business. However, there is not enough money in the inside to build and refurbish public facilities such as roads, bridges, subways and other public facilities.

The United States' politics, military, and diplomacy is basically a composite of the Military Industry Congress, and the political and economic elite groups composed of the Golden Lord with a wealth of wealth.The rapid development of the United States since the World War II has promoted the continuous expansion of the US military forces, spreading all over the world, and has also formed a global strategy that regards the entire world as the market.This strategy is basically serving the above -mentioned huge vested interest groups.

According to statistics from the Stockholm Institute of International Peace, Sweden, the global military expenditure budget in 2022 reached an unprecedented US $ 2.2 trillion, which has soared eight consecutive years.US military spending has reached nearly 40%of global military expenditures, namely $ 877 billion.China ranks second to $ 292 billion, followed by Russia, with 86.4 billion US dollars.Once again, India (US $ 81.4 billion), Saudi Arabia ($ 75 billion), Britain (US $ 68.5 billion), Germany (US $ 55.8 billion), France (US $ 53.6 billion), South Korea (US $ 46.4 billion) and Japan (US $ 46 billion))wait.In addition to maintaining armed forces and expenses at at least 750 military bases around the world, the cost of buying weapons and other countries such as Ukraine and Israel have been maintained at least 750 military bases around the world.

This is an unprecedented big business.European and American army firemen are grabbing this business.About two years ago, after Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States reached an agreement on a three -sided security partner (Aukus), they originally gave a single submarine business in France and were suddenly snatched by the United States.In addition to submarines, Australia also purchased more than 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States.French President Macron rushed to grit his teeth, but in the end he was helpless.

In addition to the arms dealers of major countries grabbing business around the world, South Korea in Asia has also rushed to share a share in recent years to vigorously promote the development of the military industry. In 2022, South Korean military fire exports exceeded 17 billion US dollars.The 2022 edition of the international arms trade development trend released by the Institute of International Peace of Stockholm in March this year shows that from 2018 to 2022, the total exports of Korean weapons and equipment ranked ninth in the world.

It can be asserted that the more arms quotient, the more uncomfortable the world will be.Treating international conflicts and war is the need for the survival and development of the arms dealers.Taking the Russian and Ukraine War as an example, the arms dealer said that Putin invaded Ukraine without provocation, as scholars such as John Mearsheimer said that the United States has been pushing NATO to Russia for many years to Russia for many years to Russia for many years to Russia for many years to Russia for many years.The results at the door (see how the new country is thinking about one book).Successfully asked Ukraine to fight an agent war, and the arms dealers must laugh secretly.In order to fight, Ukraine's military reserve expenditure from 2021 to 2022 increased by 640%.The United States is the largest weapon supplier.Therefore, I tried several rounds of peace talks shortly after Russia, but eventually abandoned the boss behind it.For the arms dealers, the longer the war, the better, the peace talks are the ending they do not want to see.

According to the data quoted by the US Foreign Relations Commission (or the US Foreign Relations Association), from the Kailang War of Russia to July this year, the United States has sent a total of more than $ 76.8 billion in Ukraine, of which only $ 3.9 billion (5%) Humanidal assistance, the rest is basically military and weapon assistance.A report released by the US Department of Defense's website on November 29 is very interesting. The title is: the security assistance to Ukraine has strengthened the foundation of the US defense industry.It is reported that in the United States, it is only seen in the United States that the support of Ukraine's mobilization of the defense industry for decades has been seen for decades.

In other words, the war provided the arms dealers' weapons assistance to Ukraine, one is divided into two types, one is to send instructions through the presidentThe use of US inventory weapons (must be repaid afterwards), and the other is through the "Ukraine Security Aid Plan", which will directly sign a military fire contract with the military fire dealers. After the weapons are done, they will be shipped directly to Ukraine.In order to rush the military fire, the US government has also provided $ 3.3 billion in military fire contractors from 18 states, including expanding existing production lines and adding new production lines.The arms contractor includes 155 mm shells, leading a multi -tube rocket system, thorns and anti -tank missiles.These are not general weapons, of course, the price is not expensive.

World disturbances, frequent war disasters, fruit must cause cause, and cause.Apply a sentence in the ancient book: Celebrating the father is not dead, Lu Su is over.The father of ancient times, the military fire industry today, the ancient Lu country, the world of today.As long as the huge military complex does not die, it is impossible to go out of the earth.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress