Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft will be launched this week. This is the 12th manned space flight in China and the third rotation of space stations.The spacemen announced by the Chinese month before the month before and after 2030 have attracted widespread attention.Because the United States has previously announced that it has achieved the people's return to the moon at the end of 2025, and hype the "moon landing competition" in China and the United States, regarding China's moon landing as the threat of the United States.This reflects the upper brain of the "Chinese threat theory" in the United States. It has a sense of pressure on any progress in China. It is difficult to treat China equally in any field, and not to accept the distorted mentality of any potential challenges.

The moon landing display comprehensive national strength China to stabilize the United States for progress

Space exploration is indeed a symbol of comprehensive national strength, showing the technology and wealth ability of a country.In the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union carried out hundreds of lunar exploration activities. The United States also implemented the "Apollo" moon landing plan with strong national strength. After 1967, 12 astronauts have been sent to and from the moon six times.The country that carries the moon.At that time, the lunar exploration project was a "big country game" for burning money. The "Saturn V" carrier rocket used by "Apollo" was as high as US $ 500 million, which is equivalent to more than 100 billion US dollars.The plan lasted for 11 years and cost a total of $ 25.5 billion. The Space Administration (NASA) at the time of the annual budget accounted for about 4.5%of the total US government budget, and an average of more than 400 US dollars per American households.China did not launch the first global satellite "Orient Red One" until 1970. The space industry just started, and the total domestic product (GDP) of the same year was less than 10 billion US dollars.

With the development of economic development, national strength, and space technology, China achieved manned space flight for the first time in 2003. Following the former Soviet Union and the United States became the third country to give people to space, they would target the goal of 50 50For many years, the lunar lunar.According to the arrangement of "three steps" around, falling, and back to the "three steps", Chang'e 1 to 5 of the detector launched from 2007 completed the first soft landing on the back of the world, successfully established a Chinese relay communication point between the earth and the moonMoon vehicles, return to the earth from the lunar soil sampling belt.

Monthly, the person in charge of China Manned Aerospace announced that the mission of China's manned moon landing stage has been launched, and it is planned to land on the moon for the first time by 2030.The specific scheme is: two carrier rockets are used to send the moon landing device and the manned spacecraft to the ground to transfer track.After the moon's scheduled area landing, the astronauts completed the scientific inspection and sample collection tasks in the moon, and rushed to the Lingyue orbit to meet with the spacecraft, and returned to the earth with a spacecraft with a sample.

China's space development has always been step by step, stable, especially manned projects. Various technologies will be tested repeatedly on the ground to achieve everything.Therefore, from next year, unmanned lunar explorators such as Chang'e 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be launched one after another.

The United States proposed the "Artemis" plan in 2017. It was originally planned to send the astronauts to the moon in 2024. The plan also participated in 27 countries including Europe, Japan, and South Korea.The goal of China's moon landing is 2030, and the target of the United States is in 2024. With the world's first scientific and technological standards and the national strength of the world's top, it is also very adventurous and aggressive.Not surprising.From the perspective of advancing the progress of human exploration of the scientific and technological progress of the universe, it is not important to land on the moon.

But the aesthetics look at the moon landing plan of China and the United States from a geopolitical perspective. NASA Director Bill Nelson said many times last year to the beginning of this year that the United States and China have in fact that there are facts in the manned lunar monthly planning plan.The competitive relationship says that the United States and their partners will "defeat China" in this competition. He also said that if Chinese astronauts land on the moon first, "may announce ownership of the moon's territory."

In fact, the above statement exactly exposes the hegemonic mentality of maintaining the advantages of China in all fields.As the Chinese spokesman responded, China has always advocated the use of space peacefully and opposed the space forces preparation competitions.

Nielson's speech is internally reflecting the anxiety of the United States.Some people believe that the degree of money to disappear and the moon after the Cold War has disappeared and the lunar monthly burning, which made the United States lose interest in continuing to explore the moon.In fact, the decline and technical fault of the American industrial system in the past 20 years have also greatly reduced its lunar ability to land on the moon.The "Attimes" program can only rely on a series of new systems and equipment that is still under development, which is equivalent to the heads.The moon landing goal has been postponed to 2025, and Nielsen also mentioned 2026 in a public speech.In fact, the launch vehicle SLS used for the plan for the first time was delayed for the first time, and it was only successful in 2022.Many key tasks are subcontracted to 11 companies including SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing. Once any major postponed or leakage occurs, the entire plan will be delayed again.

NASA Director's hype threatened to run a suspense for the Sino -American Turtle Rabbit Racing

Like all high -tech projects in space, talent also has an important role.Zhou Chengyu, the first space female commander of Chang'e 5, was only 24 years old. Xu Wenxiao, the commander of the Long March 5 rocket control system, was only 26 years old.When the "Apollo 11" was successful in 1969, its team was only 33 years old.In recent years, the average age of NASA employees has exceeded 52 years.Age is not the only criterion, but to a certain extent reflects the long -term competitiveness of China and the United States.

China actually has no intention of competing with the United States for the moon. However, the United States does not fight for itself, and the goal of returning to the moon in 2026 may not be able to achieve smoothly in 2026. Most of the tasks of the Chinese lunar exploration project are planned according to the planned plan, and even completed in advance.EssenceAt present, the new generation of manned spacecraft, moon lander, moon landing suit, manned moon vehicle and other equipment are under development. A new generation of carrier rocket "Long March 10" with a load weight of 27 tons is expected to be the first in 2027.Flying, the turtle rabbit race in China and the United States, who was finally dead, was really difficult to conclude.