Cai Qisheng, president of the Singapore Zongxiang Guild Association, reminds all members of the subordinates to accept the new members or appointment of honorary chairman, be sure to act in accordance with the articles of association, strengthen supervision, and carefully review various applications.On September 16, Cai Qisheng was reported by the recent black laundering case at the 38th annual general meeting. Some people obtained the "Honorary President" title of the hall "Honorary President" through donation. They hoped that members would seriously maintain the reputation of various township groups.This is timely reminder.At the same time, the association's hall must also avoid being overkill, and improper discrimination against new immigrant members due to the money laundering case.

The social impact of the largest local criminal black money laundering case continues to ferment. The latest news released by the police on September 20 said that the assets involved in the case have further increased from the initial 1 billion yuan to 2.4 billion yuan.In addition to 10 people, 12 people are assisting the investigation, and eight people are wanted.Because many of them are from Anxi, Fujian, China, but holding many national passports and nationality, Yang Yunzhong, chairman of the Anxi Club Singapore, told the United Zard at the end of August that many Anxi people in Singapore and overseas folks are very concerned about money laundering.Human image.

This reflects a helpless fact that because external information is too complicated, often surpass the ability of individuals to carefully filter and analyze, while some people understand and grasp the world based on comprehensive instincts.If you do not add and manage, this instinct can easily breed the "non -ethnic" tribal mentality and emotions, which is definitely not conducive to social unity and harmony.Therefore, when the Chinese people look at the money laundering case, they must be vigilant. Don't overturn the entire boatman with a bamboo pole and look at new immigrants with strange eyes.Most of them are the same as their ancestors in their early years. Leaving the hometown is to want to create a better life for themselves and their descendants.

Although most new immigrants are similar to the predecessors in the south, they are good people who are safe and self -made, and strive to enter the countryside with customs, but due to the changes in the space -time environment, they certainly have different ideas and motivations.In the early years, Singapore was an immigrant society in Britain's colonial rule. Chinese people in the southern ocean could only rely on their own community to help each other through the friendship of their fellow villagers so that they could survive and develop in strange environment.Today's Singapore is an independent developed rule of law, and many new immigrants also have more resources and capabilities, so the reason for them to join the community or new community is naturally the same.

Some new immigrants or new environments that want to establish social circles in the new environment of life, or to add existing Zongxiang groups or set up new communities because of work and business needs to expand the network.As an important part of the local Chinese community, in addition to the original mutual aid and Xuexue role, Zongxiang Guild Hall has also increasingly played a greater role in inheriting and promoting Chinese language and culture, and promoting mutual understanding of diverse society.New immigrants must in -depth understanding of the nature of local communities, and avoid mistakes to make Zongxiang Club as general clubs in order to better integrate into society.

The various social activities before the arrest of the suspect of individual money laundering cases may involve the local Zongxiang Club and associations, so it has led Cai Qisheng to urge the members of the Zongxiang Federation to increase their vigilance to prevent illegal from touching the fish by donating muddy water.Affects the reputation of the hall.Sun Xueling, Minister of the Ministry of the Interior of the Ministry of the Interior and the Minister of Social and Family Development, proposed a community (amendment) bill in the Congress on September 18 to give the registered officials who have the right to refuse to perform illegal activities, or applicants who affect the order of Singapore, threatening national interests and security.Registered organizations may also have related considerations.

Insufficient fertility and population aging in Singapore means that new immigrants will play an increasingly important role in maintaining social vitality and promoting economic development.The tolerance acceptance of the local society and the harmonious integration of new immigrants must be a two -way and long -term process. The most important element is to cultivate mutual trust.The money laundering case is undoubtedly a negative event that affects far -reaching. We cannot let its damage infinitely expand, especially the dignity of cracking down on new immigrants.Therefore, when the Zongxiang Guild Hall and other associations accept new members, they must adhere to the principle of equal equalism. As long as they meet the conditions prescribed by the articles of association, they should open their arms and accept Baichuan.