Recently, a song called Rakshahai has caused a "phenomenal" spread and interpretation boom on the Internet. Even people who do not care much about the music scene and entertainment news will also encounter it on social media.This song is one of the original albums of the original albums of the original album of the original album of Liao Yan, a singer Dao Lang, the singer of China Western Regions.Reading the lyrics carefully, almost all of them are "scolding."Why can this "curse" song be widely accepted and quickly became popular?

Soldiers Liao Yan's cover introduction: This album is "the theme concept album that combines the impression of Liao Zhai text and folk songs.""Liao Yan" is a homophonic "Liao Zhai", why is it called "Solo Song"?The introduction in the introduction: "Since the book, there have been ballads. Since Chu Sao Tang's Law, competing for the competition, and the sound of folk temperament, it is not allowed to be listed in the poetry, so it is said that the" mountain songs ".According to the introduction, although Liao Zhai can make people look at the era that does not belong to us. "However, I look at the things, so there are my own patterns in each era, and the eleven works of this album areFloating songs that belong to this era. "Everyone puts its energy on interpretation of the lyrics. Few people noticed that this profile has actually been very clear.intention.

Rakshahai City was a article in Liao Zhai. It was a young man named Ma Ji, who was mistakenly entered Rakshasa, and later left Rakshasa.Back to the twists and turns of the world.Dao Lang's song is mainly based on the first half of the story. The focus is on what Ma Ji saw in Rakshasa."Rakshasa" is a Sanskrit transliteration, referring to evil spirits.The Rakshasa nationals recorded in the Yuan Dynasty Ma Duanlin's literature: "Zhu Fat Black Noodles, Beast Tooth Eagle Claws, Nights, and Days to cover the face." When Pu Songling's pen, Rakshasa is a "ugly."For beauty", "with vulgarity".The country's country's country "both ears are born, nose is three holes, and eyelashes are covered with curtains." People with official positions are "weird", "but the throne is getting humble, and the ugliness is gradually killing." That is to sayThe higher the person who looks uglier, the higher the official position.Ma Yan is a young talent, good singing and dancing, and also good at poetry. He chose to do business in a living for a living.Drunk, he "made Zhang Fei with coal noodles", and the owner who retained him thought that this was beautiful, so he advised him to apply his own pollution and welcomed him, and then saw the king before being able to be named the doctor.

The opening of the Rakshaka sea in Daolang is "Rakshasa's 26,000 miles to the east / Qi Chong Yueyue Yuehai three -inch yellow mud land / only for the one -hill / river water flows over Gou Gou.Camp ... "here uses traditional Chinese medicine terms such as" seven rushing doors "," three cokes "and" four seas "used in human structure and internal organs.The internal organs and the six internal organs become excretion.

"One Hills" and "Gou Gou Ying" are homophonic for the idioms "Yizhu" and "Flying Camp Dog Gou".It can be seen that the beginning is a look of "bad coming".In this song, he wrote Ma Ji's seeing and hearing this: "He saw that the Raksha country often reversed / Mahu loved the bird's song / three more grass chickens to sing as Si Chen / half of the door lintel./ It is red and winged, the black painting skin / green embroidery cockton inlaid / but that the coal egg is born black / whether you wash it, it is also a dirty thing / that horse households don’t know that he is a donkey / that kind ofThe bird didn't know that he was a chicken / there was a pork dog in the painting hall / where did he come up with your shoe ... "Almost all the sentences were scolding, and the scolding whipped in, hearty.

Helpless netizens remember the old revenge

Why can such a scolding song quickly become popular?I think it is inseparable from the two major factors. One is that the interpretation of the lyrics has infinite possibilities; the other is to meet the public psychology and spiritual needs of the times.

When this song was just released, some netizens combined with the lyrics and Dao Lang's personal experience in the music scene, interpreting the revenge of some musicians who had derogated him.So thousands of netizens poured into the social media account of individual musicians and published uneven comments for Daolang.

Is the new song hated revenge, and Dao Lang never responded.Some netizens picked up the video of the reporter's question a few years ago. Some people asked him how to evaluate others' criticism.Some people commented that Dao Lang was never a narrow -minded person, but "there was no hatred in Dao Lang's heart, but helpless netizens remembered the old revenge."Some people also say that the behavior of netizens may be not just as simple as remembering old hatred.

There are also comments that this song has become popular because people have endured the social atmosphere of "ugly as beauty" for too long.In fact, from the introduction of the cover of Liao Yan, it also shows the meaning of ancient sarcasm.This song quickly became popular on the Internet, which also reminded people of a lonely man who became popular last year, Eason Chan's singing.This song is the Chinese theme song of the game League of Legends Derivative Animation League of Legends: the Chinese theme song of the Battle of Shuangcheng.However, the virus spread and turning boom of this song make people who have never heard of the League of Legends are familiar.The lyrics "All / brave / your forehead wounds / your / different / different / you make mistakes / do not have to hide" "Love you alone / love you without kneeling / love you confront despair / notKen crying "" Go / match? / This cloak / Battle / Battle / Battle / Most of the Dream / To the Night Sobs and Roar / Who said that standing in the light is a hero ""Say / I want to quit your madness / like wipe off dirt / they say / want to go up and up / cost, "these lyrics are extended to each specific person's situation, which can be interpreted and triggeredresonance.

People are angry and no longer hide depression

Volkswagen likes lonely people, mainly because they express that unyielding spirit when expressing people facing various dilemma, frustrations, and injustice.However, when singing that song, people are not as angry as they are, and they are more complaints, and they are more depressed, and they are more incentives for themselves.When the spread of Rakshahai, people no longer hidden, and no longer suppressed the dislocation of injustice and beauty and ugliness.

With this ready -made song, people can borrow wine glasses to pour their own blocks.How many people want to scold and dare not scold, and a Raghari city scolds people without dirty words, called those "red wings / black painted skin / green embroidered chicken crown / gold inlaid hoof" showing the prototype of "coal eggs are born black"Come."Gou Bo is always pretending to be elegant / Gonggong is well -known since ancient times." How many people can make a seat?This can be described as at least a bad breath in the tongue, and a way for spiritual depression.

This spiritual depression is out of the way, even if it is just a mirage, it is lively, and people must grasp it desperately.This is also the deep reason for this song to become popular. It meets the public's psychological and spiritual needs of the times.This song finally led to logic and language philosopher Wittgenstein. Although Daolang still used "horse donkey" and "bird chicken" to tease, after all, the truth of "language for the world was revealed while revealing the world."Blog" (Vitgustein quotation).The end of this song contains questioning of fundamental questions, expressing the distressed head of people who have no belief and value standards for people.

Since the 1990s, China has gradually fallen into a spiritual crisis, and the value standards have become increasingly blurred.Even some words with universal value are not trusted by the public because they are constantly being misappropriated.At this time, the popularity of the lonely and Rakshahai city also reflects people's reflection on this era, reflection on the void of spiritual and cultural void in the process of social development, and a desire to think and explore the pursuit of spiritual pursuit and cultural beliefs.After all, even plants have "lighting", and human spirit must always move towards the bright side.

The author is a former media person and creator of children's books