Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Shi Zhengfeng

1975 was a unable to calm down. At that time, I was in the second year of high school. The 60th anniversary of Taichung No.1 Central Construction School took a photo with the instructor Wang Hui.EssenceAt that time, the Vietnam War was nearly ended, and the United States was in a hurry, and the South Vietnamese soldiers defeated.Hue and Langang have lost their own age.The United States urgently withdrew overseas Chinese on April 29, and Saigon fell the next day.As everyone knows, the same script was previewed 17 days ago.

Khmer Wars is independent after war, Prince Westhano will not make an alliance; Prime Minister Langno launches a coup in 1970, and the civil war rose high.Although the corruption regime has been blends in the United States, the Cambodian Communist Party is now in the capital of Phnom Penh, and only the airport barely maintains the external connection.Lango ran to Indonesia with his family on the grounds of medical treatment on April 1 and switched to Hawaii.The U.S. ambassador Dien judged that the general trend had gone and launched the withdrawal overseas Chinese on the 3rd. The U.S. forces launched the "Eagle withdrawal Action" at 6 am, completed the task in five hours, withdrawn from 287 Americans, Khmer, and allies.

The U.S. military planned to form an withdrawal plan in 1973, and the original estimated number of people was 3600.As the US Congress prohibit military aid, the outsider's 20-time C-130 is supplemented by outsider every day. Those who want to run have returned to Cheng Wan to avoid Thailand, especially the embassy family members.In the end, as the artillery attack airport was increasingly fierce, the withdrawal of the overseas Chinese was transported by helicopter. In the final stage, it is estimated that only 590 people must be carried away, and less than half of the actual picking.

According to the training order of Washington, the withdrawal objects include the Khmer government's prominent, good relations with the U.S. military, or receiving higher education locals.The embassy relaxes the conditions. In addition to helping friendly countries, as long as people who live for the United States, people who are in danger of life must be saved. Regardless of whether there is a doctorate degree, that is, the gardener, the servant, the general or the minister, and even the love house and the black librarian include the librarian’sKhmer's lover.Although it sounds lofty, the people can only listen to the destiny.

The most famous on the rescue list is the well -known atomic bomb scientist. He received notice early in the morning that he must rush to the embassy to report in 45 minutes. He later transferred to the French Atomic Energy Commission.The embassy also sent helicopters to the staff of 16 International Red Cross all over the place, and 40 priests and nuns took DC-8 passenger planes to Thailand.The first Khmer Hitzer -Penal Bishop refused to leave, and was the first batch of killed by the Red Cambodian.

12 helicopters are not direct flights to Thailand, but on the territory of the United States, that is, the amphibious assault ship deployed outside the Gulf of Siam Bay.The military is afraid that a squadron is not enough and also sent from San Diego to the Han Kok number modified by the aircraft carrier. It rushed to the Subick Bay Naval Base in the Philippines via Pearl Harbor to reinforce more helicopters and was equipped with frigates from the South Vietnamese sea.

The senior officials of Khmer Wuben sent people to the embassy to listen to the presentation of 6 pm.On the eve of the withdrawal, Dien went to the prime minister's official residence to officially take a photo at 7:30, and other librarians took the invitation letter to say that the cabinet members took the helicopter to die.The meeting point is the football hall near the embassy, escorted by the 360 Marines, and there are far less people who eventually appear than the aircraft.Except for the acting President Su Jinkui, no other cabinet members came; five days later, in the fall of Phnom Penh, they were all executed.

Former Prime Minister Sirimada ranked "Seven major traitors". He generously returned to Dien and regretted that he had listened to the United States.Dien was born in Germany. He was lucky enough to escape the Nazi catastrophe to immigrate to the United States with his parents. Later, the government criticized the government as an episode of Khmer Wars.The United States does not die, falls into the stones, and I do n’t know if it is eater or fat or false.The media reports that the United States requires Hanguang exercises to be included in withdrawal overseas Chinese, and it is difficult for people to be strong.