Source: Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

Author: Jane Corbin, Sean Coughlan

The British royal family is experiencing a transition period.Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years. During the royal family, there was a major turbulence inside the royal family, but to a large extent, it was also a period of stability and constant.Now, Britain has a new king.

Will the public's view of the royal family and the monarchy change?

King Charles encountered a demonstration during the recent visit to protest and the crowd who supported Xinjun's high -profile collision.

Anti -monarchs acknowledged that when the queen was alive, they were unwilling to organize such demonstrations and worried that they might irritate the public.But now it seems that gloves have taken off.

In order to evaluate the British public emotions before Charles III crowns, the BBC wide -angle mirror column commissioned YOUGOV to conduct a new public opinion survey.The results show that the monarchy still has extensive support. 58%of people support the retaining royal family, and 26%of people support the election to generate the head of state.

However, it can be seen through numbers that the public's attitude is changing, and the new king is facing obvious public opinion challenges at the beginning of the throne.Especially in attracting young people, the problem seems more obvious.

People over 65 are most likely to support the monarchy, accounting for 78%, but the age group of the crowd that does not support the royal family is 18 to 24 years old. Only 32%of them support the royal family.This young group is also more likely (38%) to support the election of the head of state.However, 30%of people's answers to this question are: I don't know.

Like opposition, indifferent may also be a problem. 78%of young people said that they were "not interested" in the royal family.

So what are the problems facing the new king?

Under the climate of the rising cost of life, the wealth of the royal family seems to be a factor that leads to a serious split attitude of different ages.

Overall, in this online survey with 4,592 British adults, 54%said that the monarch was worth it, and 32%of the people held the opposite.

The young group who is investigating-18-24 years old-more likely (40%) thinks that the royal family is "worthless", and only 36%think that "things are valuable."

"There are too many royal palaces, ridiculous. Frankly speaking, there must be a palace for state affairs, such as Buckingham Palace, maybe there is another one.Norman Baker, critic.

He also criticized that the king "told people to teach climate change" and frequently use helicopters and private planes.

Lord Nicholas Soames, King of Charles, refuted these allegations.He said that the (royal family) can only use a helicopter when "very good needs excellent" to complete the public duties, "will never go out for an outing."

Constitution expert Sir Vernon Bogdanor does not accept this economic criticism."I think the royal family is worth it in general. Only those who take the money to take the public office." He said.

But as the results of another poll in YOUGOV recently are prominent, the public is particularly sensitive to expenditure.The survey found that most people believe that the government should not pay for Charles III.

Looking at public expenditure alone, how much money is spent in the end, the government will not be announced until the end of the event.

In addition, some newspapers have recently investigated the royal family funds, questioning the boundaries between the private and public funds of the royal family, including the status of Lamaster and the Principality of Corwall.Each of these two huge estate brings more than 20 million pounds (S $ 33.41 million) to the royal family.

Baker believes that these land and real estate should be regarded as "public assets" and "profit applies to funding public services", not "transferred to the royal vault".

Buckingham Palace responded that the Principality of Corwel provided funds for the public, private and charity activities of the throne, and the Principality of Lanciezt funded the monarch so that they would not become a "burden on the country."

Professor Anna Whitelock, a historian of the City University, focuses on studying the status of monarchy in modern Britain.The question she raised was why the new king did not need to pay inheritance tax after the death of the former monarch.

But Buckingham Palace pointed out that the arrangement of funds and taxes was determined by the government, not the royal family.

Nevertheless, the doubt about the opaque of the royal family seems to continue.Recently, the conclusions of the two newspapers' investigation of the king's wealth are huge, and it also highlights the severity of uncertainty.One survey said that he was 600 million pounds, and the other said that he was 1.8 billion pounds.

The problem of

Money may also cause the public to doubt whether the royal members really understand the lives of the people.

The public opinion survey conducted by the British adults from April 14th to 17th from April 14th to 17th showed that the king's "disconnected" person accounted for 45%; 36%of the king's "non -disconnected".

But the king has been supporting vulnerable families through his charity for decades.

Martina Milburn, the former CEO of the Prince Trust Foundation, praised the king's ability to communicate with different people."I really went to prison with him, young criminal institutions, and employment centers. He could make a piece with people, which was very remarkable," she said.

However, Graham Smith, the CEO of the Anti -monarchy organization "Republic", said public opinion investigations reflected that the degree of opposition to the monarchy is often underestimated."Throughout the country, millions of people want to abolish the monarchy," he said.

Another sensitive topic faced by the royal family is the public's view of their attitude towards racial issues.

From the duchess of sussex with the Duke of Sussex, at the Buckingham Palace Enrollment Conference, Ngozi Fulani, the founder of Black Charity, was treated extensively.The dispute can be seen that this has always been a tricky topic.

YOUGOV survey highlight the seriousness of the royal challenge.

The polls found that people from the background of ethnic minorities are more likely to support the monarchy.

In this group, 40%of people want to see the national head of state, not the monarch.Similarly, people with a background of ethnic minorities are more likely to think that members of the royal family have "races and diversification issues". 49%said that they think that the royal family members do have problems. If they leave the ethnic background, this number is overall.It is 32%.

Lord Somas resolutely opposed any statement about racial discrimination.He said that the king's blood vessels were "no blood discriminatory blood."

Buckingham Palace said that the king and the royal family seriously treated all the issues related to races and diversification, and pointed out that the "rapid and powerful" response to the Forani incident was evidence.The royal family also said that the diversification and inclusive policy of the royal family was re -examined.

But this is also a problem that affects British international relations, including the Commonwealth, colonialism and slave tradeThe inheritance questioned.

Last year, when Prince Charles, who was the Crown Prince, spoke to the Commonwealth leader in Rwanda, talked about the suffering caused by slave trade to make him "deeply sad."

In another speech during the visit of Cyril Ramaphosa, a South African President, last fall, Charles said: "If we want"

Dan Barbados historian and the Chairman of the Caribbean Community Compensation Committee Sir Hilary Beckles believe that more actions are needed because the relationship between the royal family and the Caribbean region is "tense".

He said: "If the king starts from an apology, embarks on the road of justice, and then promotes the development of the actual daily activity that helps promote the development of the Caribbean's economic development, it can easily relieve tension."

Buckingham Palace said, "Historial Royal Palaces" -The charitable institution responsible for managing six places including the London Tower and Kenpson Palace -is participating in an independent research as a partner as a partner, the project is the project, the project is the project.Explore the connection between the British royal family and slave trade.Buckingham Palace also said that King Charles attached great importance to this issue.

The public opinion survey of wide -angle mirrors may trigger discussions on the time of monarchy changes, but it also outlines a continuous picture.The overall survey results show that the royal family still enjoys extensive support, and there are a few skepticists who are not small.

Over the years, a number of public opinion surveys have discovered similar results. The popularity of the royal family has become up with the changes in the news.It seems to reach a high point around 2011-2012.At that time, Prince William and Kate married and the Queen celebrated the 60 years of drilling.

The next few years will show a downward trend.Earlier this year, Prince Harry's autobiography spare (Spare) was published, and the royal support rate was hit again, but this does not necessarily mean that it will not recover.

This will also depend on how much the young people's current lack of enthusiasm for the monarchy to continue.

Earlier, the "British Social attitude" for a long time and continuous survey found that with age, people often change their original intentions and sympathize with the monarchy.

Undoubtedly, the new king will pay close attention and hope that this model will continue.