Source: Taiwan China Times Society

Assisting Taiwan to strengthen combat reserve and effectively deterring mainland China is the most important commitment to the security of Taiwan in the United States.Fighter planes have been determined now.It is puzzling that Lockheed Martin, the United States, cannot transport fighters as scheduled. There is no restriction on the default clauses, but Taiwan still has to pay according to the planned progress.Seeking more business opportunities, and the DPP government ignored the emergence of national defense, and still had unlimited expectations for American manufacturers.

U.S. Defense National Defense Broken Pass

The US Department of Defense announced in August 2020 announced the sale of 66 F-16V fighters in Taiwan, with a total price of 8 billion US dollars (S $ 10.6 billion) and about NT $ 250 billion.The procurement case is scheduled to be delivered before the fourth quarter of 2026, which will help improve Taiwan's combat reserve and balance cross -strait combat power.

The outside world initially questioned the price of F-16V single machines of US $ 120 million, which is more expensive than the most advanced F-35 fighter. Although the Air Force emphasized that it is not expensive, it has not been able to remove the US military sales for Taiwan.Doubt; the Washington Post reported in March that after F-16V passed the aircraft in 2026, there will be more than 200 fighters in Taiwan. It needs to be added to about 100 new pilots, but facing the serious insufficient pilots; now the media is also the media.It is reported that the first batch of planes at the beginning of this year will be delayed to mid -2025, and the goal of the full aircraft in 2026 cannot be achieved.

According to US information, the delay of the US-military sales of the United States has expanded to 19 billion US dollars in December last year.The "thorn needle" personnel carried air defense missiles, "fish fork" anti -ship missiles, and "Hemaas" high -mobility multi -tube rocket system, etc., can be said to be comprehensive structural issues.

Former U.S. Indo -Pacific Commander Daison predicts that in 2027, China has the ability to attack Taiwan as an indicator.It has become the most urgent challenge for Taiwan's national defense and US -Taiwan military cooperation, but the DPP government is accustomed to extended delivery of US manufacturers and generally bear serious consequences.

The United States's provision of Taiwan's weapon systems cannot be implemented. The fundamental reason is that the foundation and capacity of the US defense industry and capacity are insufficient, and the military sales of Taiwan are "foreign military sales (FMS)".Congress approved, the process is lengthy.In the former, Washington must accelerate the investment in the national defense industry, expand energy and protect the supply chain; the latter needs to simplify the military sales process and reduce procedural delays.

Create a gunpowder library unfavorable peace

U.S. Congress highly concerned Taiwan's unable to obtain weapons and equipment. The Bayeng government faces strong pressure., Listening to the United States to act, loses the opportunity to take the initiative.

For example, the US Defense Authorization Law in 2023 requires the Bayeng government to solve the problem of delay in military sales, accelerate Taiwan's military sales, and give Taiwan the same treatment of "specific major non -NATO allies", so as to give priority to obtaining over -defense supplies in the United States.In addition, the authorized president uses the "presidential appropriation right" to misappropriate defense materials or services from the Ministry of National Defense to more than $ 1 billion from the Ministry of National Defense to Taiwan.Therefore, regardless of the policy and practice, the Tsai government has room for operation, and it should be closely coordinated with the US Congress and requested that the administrative department must implement the will to implement the national defense authorization law to meet the demand for national defense in Taiwan.


The Cai government has too much expectations to require the United States to implement their commitment to implement their commitments. However, there is too much expectations for the largest US arms dealers who claim to be the largest US arms business since the broken diplomatic relations.It can be certain that whether it is the choice of suppliers or visitors that the DPP government officials, the primary goal of the US military fire dealers is commercial interests, not Taiwan's security interests, which will not help immediately and effectively solve the delay of the transportation of military preparations.The problem.

It is reported that the US military fire dealers may seek cooperative production of drones, ammunition and other military products. These involve the US export control and technical transfer permits. They need to be approved by the US government. All specifications and conditions will follow US decision -making.The production cost investment and risks are passed on to Taiwan, which is a typical American business model.

Cross -strait relations must be improved through good faith -based communication and communication. Simple military deterrence cannot produce the deterioration effect, creating Taiwan to become the "gunpowder store" in East Asia, which will only stimulate the opposite side.The military reserve is not available, and he wants to turn Taiwan into a arsenal and raise the cross -strait military reserve competition. This is definitely not a security option for Taiwan.