Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Chen Jianzhong

In response to the continuous expansion of Nuclear military threats in North Korea, the United States and South Korea jointly issued a Washington Declaration that the two sides planned to set up a NATO "nuclear review team".Nuclear protection umbrellas; however, the declaration would not help scare North Korea to continue to develop nuclear intimidation, and South Korea's hopes to support the nuclear public opinion has not eliminated, and the even has the potential pressure of nuclear diffusion in the area.

Although the United States and South Korea have no intention to target third parties, the deployment of strategic nuclear submarines will inevitably lead to corresponding countermeasures in Beijing and Russia., Relying on suppression and anti -suppression, can only cause hostility spiral upward, making the crisis more difficult to resolve.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue threatened in January that if the North Korean nuclear threat expands, South Korea may develop its own nuclear weapons or ask the United States to regain nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.The United States deployed tactical nuclear martial arts in South Korea in 1958. It was withdrawn after the Cold War in 1991, but now, the Russian and Ukraine War has entered the final key decisive battle period. It is impossible for the United States to re -deploy nuclear weapons in South Korea or agree with South Korea to develop nuclear weapons. OtherwiseIn addition to being strongly countered by China and Russia, Japan cannot accept it.

Faced with the threat of North Korea's nuclear threat, the Washington Declaration In addition to Bayeon verbally declare that if North Korea initiated a nuclear attack, it will lead to the demise of the regime. What has really changed is the first mobile deployment of the "Ohio" strategic nuclear submarine in 40 years.The problem is that the "Trident D5 Halberd D5 ballistic missile range is 12,000 kilometers from the Ohio -level strategic nuclear submarine., But also increase the risk of being hunted.

North Korea's nuclear issue is a interest -related country in North Korea, the United States, Japan, China, and Russia. The interests of any party have been sacrificed and it is difficult to achieve a real resolution.deepen.The introduction of the Washington declaration into the US strategic nuclear submarine may make North Korea more intensively developed nuclear intimidation, and also deepen Beijing and Moscow's hostility to Washington.No matter how the United States and South Korea emphasize that the declaration is not targeted at third parties, in the eyes of China and Russia, the US approach is to provoke a camp confrontation with the Cold War thinking, destroy the nuclear non -diffusion system, damage the strategic interests of other countries, exacerbate the tension of the peninsula, and destroy regional peace and stability; thusIt is bound to increase the military deployment of Northeast Asia and even the entire Western Pacific region. Regardless of the issue of nuclear North Korea, the four islands in Northern Japan and Russia, and even the Sino -Japanese Diaoyutai disputes, new variables have been cast.

Since this year, the hot spots of war in the world's regional regional may have been almost an accident or out of control.With the tilt of the Russian war on the Russian side, the United States seems to be anxious to win the Allies to sanction Russia, but it has attracted the ignorance of China, the US -China relations have further deteriorated, and the Taiwan Strait crisis has become increasingly deepened.If the Korean Peninsula and even the Taiwan Strait wipe the guns and get angry, the situation will be out of control.

This year is the 30th anniversary of Gu Wang's talks. Instead of improving cross-strait relations, it is unprecedentedly nervous. It expands the military threat of Taiwan on the other side.It will become normal.Although the Pentagon has continuously increased its military cooperation in the United States and Taiwan, expanded military sales, and intended to reserve military fire in Taiwan, but the results were only attracting a stronger military threat to the other side, and the Taiwan Strait was more difficult to stable.The two sides of the strait must restart negotiations. The Cai government should not deliberately challenge the Beijing Red Line, otherwise, the Taiwan Strait crisis will slip faster to get out of control faster.

(the author is a senior media person in Taiwan)