South Korean President Yin Xiyue held a summit with US President Biden on April 26.This is a state visit to the United States after 12 years of President of South Korea.This trip has attracted international attention. It has great reference value for understanding the new diplomacy of South Korea and the process of observing the game of the United States and China.Yin Xiyue had previously resolved the problem of working with Japan with Japan, and visited Japan from March 16th to 17th to restart the bilateral visit of the two countries for 12 years.At the same time, his position on China has changed significantly. On April 19, the issue of Taiwan was publicly described as a "global issue."

Since Yin Xiyue came to power, it has developed great development.On the one hand, North Korea ’s nuclear provocation is increasingly frequent, and it is constantly intimidating the US -Japanese -Japanese and Korean alliances by testing various missiles. On the other hand, Washington has increased its efforts to attract and pressure South Korea’ s strategy to block China to the United States.Yin Xiyue received a high -standard US reception in the trip. Vice President Harris accompanied him to visit him to visit the National Aeronautics and Space Agency Goddard Aerospace Center on April 25.South Korean President's Office subsequently announced that it has officially participated in the US -led manned lunar detection "Artemis Lunar Monthly Plan".

This year marks the US -South Korea -South Korea joint defense treaty to establish the 70th anniversary of the establishment of military alliances.The Yonhap News Agency reported yesterday that Yin Xiyue issued a Washington Declaration after the talks with Bynden to strengthen the "extended deterrence", that is, the United States provides nuclear -protected umbrellas to South Korea to respond to North Korean nuclear blackmail.According to a poll issued on February 21, 56%of Koreans support the deployment of nuclear weapons in South Korea in South Korea, and 71%of respondents support South Korea to develop nuclear weapons by themselves.In other words, the United States provides nuclear umbrellas for South Korea, but it can avoid South Korea's nuclear. After all, North Korea's continuous nuclear threat has caused the peninsula's nuclear -free target to live.

In addition to military close cooperation, South Korea also cooperates with the United States to decompose to China in the economic field.The Financial Times reported on April 24 that the White House demanded that Seoul urged Samsung Electronics and SK Hylos to investigate and prohibit American Micron chip in Beijing when it was sold in China.South Korea's cooperation will further improve the US technology blockade of China.Previously, Japan and the Netherlands had agreed to stop selling some of the most cutting -edge chip manufacturing equipment to China.

Yin Xiyue reiterated before visiting the United States that solving the problems left over in World War II in Korea and Japan was the practice of imitating the European countries after World War II, so as not to prevent historical hatred from hindering future development.Japan and South Korea have improved rapidly due to Yin Xiyue's big sword. Tokyo invited him to visit Japan in March and resumed bilateral visits to the 12 -year interruption; the two countries also restarted intelligence cooperation and economic exchanges, allowing the United States to build the three -sided military alliance in East Asia.Enhanced.

Following the toughness of South Korea's gesture to China with Diploma to the United States.In Reuters's interview with Yin Xiyue on April 19, he believed that the tension of Taiwan Strait was caused by trying to change the status quo with force. South Korea and the international community opposed this change, and pointed at mainland China.He described the issue of the Taiwan Strait, just like the Korean Peninsula. It is not simply a cross -strait issue, but a global issue.What's even more rare is that after the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman criticized this statement, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese ambassador to South Korea on April 20 to protest against China's serious diplomacy.

From the perspective of regional security, Yin Xiyue improves Korean -Japanese relations and strengthened South Korean -US military cooperation, which is conducive to allowing the US -Japan -South Korea and South Korea to play a role in scaring North Korea's provocations, which is of positive significance for improving the stability of the regional situation.At the same time, in the context of the upgrading of the game upgrade in the United States and China, the US -Japan -Korea Military Alliance may add variables to the situation in Taiwan.For China, the surrounding geopolitical environment has obviously become more unfriendly.

South Korea ’s diplomatic turning reflects the more and more geopolitical influence of the US -China game, and the pressure on the side stations faced by Small and medium -sized countries in the surrounding countries is obviously heavier.What Southeast Asian countries will think of South Korea's diplomatic choices are therefore the focus of subsequent observation.The Philippines recently held the "side -by -side" joint military exercise with the United States. Yesterday for the first time in the South China Sea in the South China Sea with sovereign disputes with China yesterday, using the "Hamas" accurate rocket system to sink a target ship, Xiangzhuang dance swordThe meaning is clear.Participated in the exercise also included Australian soldiers.