The French Retirement System Reform Act that triggered a fierce strike. The core content was finally passed on April 14th. The clauses of the law include gradually raising the retirement age from the end of this summer to 2030, and from 2027.Retirees can receive full pensions only on the premise of paying social sharing for 43 years.

This major reform led by President Macron's goal is to make the financial situation balance in 2030.Since its announcement in January this year, the French political situation has been turbulent.Well -known sociologists and historians Pierre Rosanvalon warned in early April that Macron must restore his legitimacy in the minds of voters. "Otherwise, the country may enter the revolutionary era and accumulateThe dissatisfaction will open the road for the extremely right -wing populist. "

The spirit of the young Macron's reform is firm, the spirit of "tens of millions of people, I go to" is admirable.

Raising the age of retirement is a universal political agenda of developed western countries today. The United Kingdom has taken a few steps faster than France in this regard, and receiving pensions will gradually increase to 68 years old.

In order to extend the retirement age, Singapore has been careful in layout in recent years, cautiously played chess, and better on the social problems of declining childization and aging.Singapore's retirement and re -employment law stipulates that the retirement age is 63 years old, re -employed to 68 years, and plans to increase the retirement and re -employment age to 65 and 70 before 2030.

Prime Minister Lee Xianlong on April 11 at the National University of Singapore for the new book Singapore aging: future issues and challenges (Singapore Ageing: Issues and Challenges AHEAD) said that the aging of the population may cause medical expenses to rise, withThe heavy economic burden may be forced to compete for different groups, causing social division.

The French people's reforms to delay the reform of pensions seem to have a "great revolution". It is the realistic portrayal of aging society to face the risk of social division.

Premier Li takes social division as a vigilance, showing that the problem of social aging in Singapore is becoming more complicated.It is not just the problem of elderly people, but the interconnection and role of the younger generation of "late" and "premature" phenomenon.

The younger generation generally focuses on his career, so that the marriage is "late", and he is interested in childhood and childcare. He doesn't even want to get married.The continuous rise in living expenses has continued to intensify the competitive pressure of parents. In addition to the expectations of material life, they have worked more while they are young, accumulate more money to enjoy blessing, or retire early to enjoy life."Late" must "leave early", once it is athmored, it will inevitably increase social costs.

Recently, Joint Morning Post interviewed Zeng Guolin, a middle -aged man who "leave early" at the age of 51. He has been self -reliant since the age of 17, strives to finish the undergraduate and master's degree in the University of Science and Technology, and was sponsored to study at the University of California.Doctoral degree in integrated circuit design.For decades of work, he was diligent and diligent. He didn't start to pay attention to his physical and mental state until he had a red light.During the crown disease epidemic, he re -evaluated his life arrangement and economic situation, so he made a decisive choice and gave up his work.Essence

In recent years, a "movement" has attracted many young fans, called "financial independence, retirement early" (Retire Early, Fire).The Fire, the "Fire Fire" through frugal, extreme savings and investment, can retire early as a 40 -year -old or even 30 years old as the goal of life.

This beautiful longing is related to personal financial management knowledge, ability and expectations.

Fire's thought originates from a book rich life (You Money or Your Life), which is Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, an American writer Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.EssenceIn the book, think about the relationship between life and money, and discuss how to achieve and maintain financial independence for a long time.

A financial expert pointed out that the strategy proposed by the Fire movement is not necessarily suitable for everyone. People must consider their own income and needs. If you make too much sacrifice in order to achieve your goals, you may lose money.Has the values of "Fire Fire" calculate the family's life?This is a factor that any financial management law cannot be ignored.

For the long -term economic interests of the country, Singapore is imperative to raise the age of retirement, and employers have received many rewards.Nevertheless, if you want to be 70 years old, the younger generation may have some psychological rebound."Fire Huo" suddenly rose and had a certain social background.

Some people "leave early" due to health reasons, and they can be original. When the machine stands up, the courage to cut the messy knife.

On the other hand, many people are old, and their bodies have sent health warnings.

In 1984, the old people's problem committee led by the Minister of Health Hou Yongchang submitted a report, suggesting that the number of years of withdrawal of the withdrawal of the withdrawal provident fund was raised from 55 to 60.It now seems that the government's thinking on aging topics at that time was ahead, and "seventy lives in life" was a common concept at the time.Today's era is not the same. The average life expectancy of Singaporeans and women is over 80 years old. It ranks one of the five longevity countries in the world. A positive and optimistic person will also say that "the seventy life starts", which is not so sensitive to improving the retirement age.

Recently visited a friend who had a home to raise illness. Listening to his wife said that when he was moved, in order to take care of his grandchildren, he "received it" every day and had no time to travel;I can't move out again.It sounds like complaining and helpless, but it is very touching.

The older generation has to "take leave" to the children when traveling abroad, but many grandparents are "sweet as", which may be puzzled in the eyes of Westerners.