From the head coach of the national team to the chairman of the Chinese Football Association to the Deputy Director of the State General Administration of Sports, to officials at all levels, and then a large number of players who have been lost because they are suspected of participating in gambling. Recently, Chinese football is recentlyCanton the dilemma of thousands of people scolding again.Thinking of Xie Yalong, Nan Yong, Yang Yimin and others more than ten years ago, Chinese football has become a "big dye tank".

For many years, Chinese football has become a wonderful phenomenon in Chinese society.The leaders attach great importance to the scores and worse, black for a few minutes, and various tragedies have continued. The society has been vomiting for two or three decades. The spring evening is always the fact, Chinese football is not a wonderful work. It is weak, utilitarian, short -sighted, dirty, and stingy. In a sense, it is the product of this society.As an old fan with nearly 30 years of "watching the ball", I really want to say a few words to Chinese football.

First of all, China has almost no soil suitable for football.A seed, put it in the air, can it grow into a towering tree?For the seeds of Chinese football, it has never found soils that are suitable for growth.

There are fewer football stadiums in China, and most of the stadiums have not played.After coming to China, the famous Spanish coach Bentes was puzzled. Why can't Chinese children learn while learning?He found that once a person chose the road of football, he had to give up his studies.In a country like a student in China that is generally heavier and is separated by teaching, every fan who scolds Chinese football is facing a very embarrassing question: Why not send your children to play football?

Not only is it difficult to take care of the ball and academic studies. Compared with other countries, in China, the cost of playing football in China is huge. What can bear risk is a relatively rich family.Therefore, among the children who play in China today, there are few aspiring young people who are poor, and most of them are the young master who do not learn.This is not difficult to understand why Chinese players have such poor personal literacy, they are stinky, and there is a smelly problem.

Even if the soil is poor, the entire environment of Chinese football is also bad, and there are very few people who have worked silently.In order to achieve results earlier, minor players were "leaders" to change their age, which once became a common phenomenon.When we have practiced basic skills, everyone is fighting. When I was young, I was deceiving and small, and it was revealed after adulthood. For the sake of political achievements, the head of the Football Association could suspend the league's lifting level, leading to the chaos of the league.Change the leader, change the goal, change the plan, and pursue short -term political achievements, and there are few long -term planning.

In 1997, before the key battles, let the players raise the flag again, and voted to do not work according to the rules of football. In the end, it can only be deformation, imbalanced mentality, and defeated Maicheng.When he was strong in Germany, he learned Germany. When Brazil was strong, he learned Brazil. When he saw that others had achieved results, they also forcibly sent people. Seeing that "naturalization" could improve his achievements in the short term, he thought of "naturalization".Whenever there are a few good seedlings, they can't afford the toss of the two mountains of utilitarianism and bureaucracy.Therefore, it should be the decision maker, the manager of the football, not the Chinese football itself.

In the final analysis, China has not established any decent football culture, so don't expect that football can bring decent results.In my opinion, professional sports produce at least two representative cultural models, one is a business sports cultural model represented by the United States.In this model, sports are business. The workers and management are negotiated and safeguarded their respective interests. The competition mainly highlights entertainment. The stars are created. The audience enjoys the competition. Sports has become one of the important entertainment methods of the public.

The other is represented by Europe and I call community sports cultural models. It highlights competition and inheritance. A team is rooted in a city or a community.Fans.The fans regard themselves as the master of the team, and no matter how bad their grades, they will never give up. The support will always be supported.For this reason, in Europe, there are still some league rejection of foreign investors, and even the individual's own team.

In contrast, in the golden period of football culture 30 years ago, Chinese football has embarked on the road of professionalization and commercialization prematurely.Commercial football is not unable to do it, but I am afraid of incompleteness.Investors were played as monkeys, and their interests were never guaranteed. Several of them were forced to be anxious. They joined for another overtime professional alliance. However, similar "uprising" was stunned because of the intervention of administrative forces.Professionalization allowed the original amateur sports school -type training model to be completely overturned, but no new model was established.A young team in a certain place, through Shanghai, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Beijing, tossed several times, and finally could only end up.

The short prosperity brought by Jinyuan Football is like a return photo, becoming the last straw that crushes Chinese football.Even if Evergrande has won two Asian champions, how many loyal fans have been cultivated in the end?Commercial football, or community football, can succeed, but the decision makers of Chinese football have chosen a nice way, which is really regrettable.

Therefore, Chinese football is not so strange and should not be a public sputter; on the contrary, it is a victim and players.A famous football says that China must have Messi, but we wore glasses to do questions in the classroom.What Chinese football practitioners should think about how to let "Chinese Messi" take off their glasses and Mercedes on the field.In the face of the ruined Chinese football, long sighs and cold tide irony cannot solve any problems.If it is a stubborn disease in Chinese sports and even Chinese society, analyzing it and treating it is the right attitude.

The author is a reporter from Shandong