Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Zheng Jiaqing

French President Macron led the economic and trade delegation from April 5th to 7th to visit mainland China as a visit.Even through the invitation of Feng Delin, the chairman of the European Union Council, I hope to reduce the bilateral relations between the excessive concentration of the outside world, or to show the European unity situation through the EU position.Evaluation is too much.

The reason is that in the past, Europe and China had no contradiction between geopolitics or security issues. Therefore, bilateral relations were mostly focused on the related frictions of economic, trade, investment development and its derived friction.However, with the invasion of Ukraine in Russia on February 24, 2022, mainland China has always rejected Moscow to fight against Ukraine, and does not join the European and American sanctions on Russia.When the country intends to improve relations with mainland China, it is regarded as an appeasement.

During the EU summit on October 21, 2022, 27 member states leaders reached a consensus on the new strategy of mainland China, including the EU needs to continue to trade and communicate with mainland China, but through the source of the dispersible supply chain and enhance the internal internalSupply toughness to reduce the weaknesses in China.More importantly, a unity of unity in all levels of European -China relations.

However, the German Chancellor Tsutz, regardless of other European countries, insisted on formal visits to mainland China on November 4, 2022, so that the outside world had questioned whether European countries could maintain consistent in the middle position.Although the European Union immediately proved that the EU's position has not changed. For example, the EU and NATO jointly signed a joint security cooperation statement on January 10, 2023. For the first time, the two sides publicly stated that mainland China brought "challenges that need to be responded", but the outside world for the European Union to the EUThere are still doubts about China policy.

The Chairman of the EU Executive Committee, Feng Delin, also publicly stated before the interview that the "decoupling" with mainland China does not meet the interests of the European Union, but needs to focus on "de -risk".But unlike the United States' policies in the United States, Europe hopes to gradually adjust its dependence on mainland China, instead of decoupled.However, with the persistence of the Russian and Ukraine situation, mainland China still has not actively stated, and European countries have to take similar tones with the United States' policies.

The Taiwan Strait issue is not the main attention in Macron's visit, but it is indeed the focus of the current European countries and the people. It is large because the current mainstream public opinion is to project the Russian and Ukraine War in the development of the Taiwan Strait.Macron said in an interview with the media on a return journey that Europe should avoid being involved in the Sino -US conflict due to Taiwan issues, emphasizing that Europe's strategic autonomy should not be a vassal of the United States.This statement has been criticized by many European politics circles, and it has also made the outside world questioning whether the France can stand up at a critical moment in the Taiwan Strait.However, for France, intervention in the current situation of the Taiwan Strait does not meet the interests of France. It is the highest interest in Europe to help solve the Russian and Ukraine War in mainland China.

Carefully observing the connotation of the French Indo -Pacific strategy, it is not difficult to see that Macron's tone of the central or pair of beauty has not changed.The French Indo -Pacific strategy led by Macron is the core of the European strategy. It advocates that the Indo -Pacific region should have other options when facing the dilemma of the two strong confrontation, rather than being forced to attach mediocrity to any side.

But the problem of concern to the outside world is that while facing mainland China that failed to show the value of European and democratic issues, if European countries visited China successively and strengthened economic and trade exchanges with China, would it cause the United States and Europe to deal with the United States and Europe.China's policy pace is inconsistent, and then expand the differences in the future cognition of Ukraine. Can such a trend really in line with Europe's own interests?

The author is the CEO of the Taiwan European Union Center