Source: China News Weekly

Author: Wang Chunxiao

On the afternoon of March 22, parents of North Street Primary School in Wusheng County, Jiaozuo, Henan, China suddenly received a notice that the school no longer runs school and takes the child home."The school owner's fund chain is broken, no money continues to run, and today suddenly announced the dissolution. All students pack all the objects and leave school." A parent posted a video online.In the video, you can see some students crying on campus.

Subsequently, a screenshot released by the parents of the students of Beijie Elementary School showed that Li Yuanyuan, the principal of Beijie Elementary School, apologized in the circle of friends and said, "Sorry for students and parents."

On the evening of March 23, the Wuzheng County Education and Sports Bureau issued a report that some parents of some parents of the North Street Primary School in Wuyi County reflected that the school could not carry out normal teaching activities due to funding problems, and required to solve students' schooling.At present, the students of the school are coordinated one by one, and all students will enter the class to school normally on March 24.Related issues are handling in accordance with laws and regulations.

On the second day after the release, some parents told China News Weekly. At present, children have been diverted to other local primary schools and started to class normally.

Although the problem of student schooling is temporarily resolved, the "scholarship" paid by parents and the salary of teachers still have not settled.Many parents told China News Weekly that Beijie Primary School had charged tens of thousands of yuan (RMB, the same below) in the name of "student aid", with a total amount of millions of yuan.

The school has closed down

When the news of stopping running schools in North Street Primary School came out, Li Jia (a pseudonym) did not sleep well for a few days. He told China News Weekly because children invested more than 100,000 in the school.It is all their family savings.

Parents of many North Street Primary School told China News Weekly that the areas where North Street Primary Schools are located in the past, due to factors such as few public primary schools and tight degrees, they can only send their children to private schools.

Before 2019, Li Jia's son was studying in a public elementary school with a class of about sixty or seventy people. Li Jia felt that the teaching environment was not very good, so he transferred the child to Beijie Elementary School.

The reason why Li Jia let the child transfer to school is the teaching quality of Beijie Elementary School.Children are taken care of. "

Enterprise checking information shows that Beijie Elementary School of Mucheng Office of Wudi County was established in 2018. The business scope is "full -time primary education (ordinary primary school)".The business unit of the school is the Education and Sports Bureau of Wuzhen County. In August 2022, the legal person was changed from Li Yuanyuan to Zhao Moumou.

The publicity information released by the school on social platforms shows that Beijie Education is a private education institution in Wuxian County, Jiaozuo City.EssenceIn addition to the main classes, the North Street Primary School also opened seven compulsory courses for piano, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Latin, Sanda, Yoga, and Kendo.

Publicity information shows that "Beijie Elementary School is a bilingual school that condenses the first -class teachers' team. It has a first -class teaching environment, new teaching concepts, small class teaching, modern high -end brand schools.Excellent teachers, now there are three senior teachers in elementary school, eight first -level teachers, seven outstanding class teachers in the province, and 13 municipal backbone teachers. "

In 2019, Li Jia turned his son to Beijie Elementary School.The school's public tuition fees were originally 16,800 yuan. Special festivals such as National Day each year, the school will give a certain discount.When his child entered school, the school received 80,000 yuan in school assistance at one time. After graduating, the school aid would return at one time without paying other fees in the middle.

However, after three years, the child graduated, but Li Jia's money failed to return as scheduled, and has been owed to the present."The second child in the family also went to school in North Street Elementary School. It also paid tens of thousands of schools aid.

Li Jia provided a contract with a school aid fund signed by China News Weekly with the school. The contract shows that after the parent provides a student fund, the child's tuition, living expenses, book fees, and insurance premiums during the school are all from school.Party A, the principal of North Street Primary School Li Yuanyuan.The fund is not affected by the increase in tuition expenses in Beijie Elementary School. After graduating from the child in elementary school, the parent is refunded in full, and the period is one month after the end of the semester.

"Most of the children who can go to the North Street Primary School have good conditions, and some parents pay the student in order to allow their children to get a high -quality education," Li Jia said.

Different from Li Jia's payment method, there are some parents who temporarily pay tens of thousands of yuan aid funds. The school promises to refund the original amount after the year expires, and gives a tuition fee of 11,000 yuan.

There are also parents who provide 100,000 yuan for school aid. Tuition fees, food fees, book fees, insurance premiums, accommodation fees, etc. during the school during school, etc., deduct them in accordance with the standard of 3,000 yuan per year.The school stipulates that after the students have completed their primary school studies, the remaining amount will be returned to the parents, but the state subsidies that students enjoy during school are owned by the school.

Some parents have explained that the above state subsidies are "two free and one supplement."The policy of "two free and one supplement" is exempt from school miscellaneous fees, providing textbooks for free, and home economic difficulties.In 2018, the Henan Provincial Department of Education mentioned in the convenience service hall that parents mentioned that the subsidy standard for boarding life is 1,000 yuan/year/student, and junior high school 1250 yuan/year/student.

Li Jia also mentioned that since the admission, they have not received the subsidy, "this money should be for students according to regulations."

"The number of aid funds paid by each parent is different, and the child's tuition deduction method and amount are different." Li Jia said that after the incident, they had made temporary statistics in the refund group of more than 400 people. ManyThe aid paid by parents is about 100,000 yuan. "There are less than 50,000 or 60,000, the children pay hundreds of thousands, and the total amount is at least millions, and these are just some data provided by some parents. I heard that the police investigated before.Statistics have reached tens of millions. "

In response to this information, China News Weekly contacted the local education bureau. Relevant personnel said that the police are currently under investigation and processing, and the specific situation is not clear for the time being.

Borrow money from parents and arrears teachers' salary

Four years ago, Liu Nan (pseudonym) children entered the North Street Primary School. In addition to paying more than 10,000 yuan in tuition, the principal Li Yuanyuan found him through an acquaintance and borrowed 100,000 yuan for school capital turnover.After a year and a half, the child was transferred to the child because he often changed the teacher, and he handled the school for the child. The subsequent money did not have to come back.

"At that time, borrowing money was also because the child was going to school here, and he had to be a few times later. He kept dragging. Now no one can find it." Liu Nan told China News Weekly.

In fact, before the "closure" of North Street Primary School, the school's funds have already appeared.

Teacher Liu Li (pseudonym), who has worked in the school for six years, told China News Weekly that starting on March 18, 2022, the school will not be able to pay the teacher's salary.After the end of the semester, many teachers chose to leave.By December, the salary was still hopeless, and the teachers who were still working at the school had difficulty maintaining their livelihoods and had to choose to defend their rights.

On December 9, 2022, there are also teachers who report on the website of the "Jiaozuo Municipal People's Government Online" website: the school has arrears of the wages of teachers, which has seriously affected my life problems. Please help the government to solve it.

"I tossed once at the end of last year, and the school paid 5,000 yuan, and there were 20,000 or 30,000." Liu Li said that until the school stopped running school, many teachers' salary was still arrears.

After the school fails, some teachers arrive in educationThe department seeks help, "The salary has not yet settled, and they are also helping find some job opportunities, but it is not necessarily suitable, only to see it first."

Enterprise checking information shows that since the establishment of North Street Elementary School, it has involved a number of legal litigation and debt disputes, including arrears of engineering wages, wages in the arrears of teachers and social security, and the cost of human resources company.

Since 2022, the school has been listed as executors many times, and because of refusing to perform its obligations, it was included in the list of dishonestyes on May 17, 2022. The original legal person Li Yuanyuan was limited to high consumption.

It is worth noting that the North Street Kindergarten related to Li Yuanyuan also involves many legal disputes.According to the referee, in July 2018, the North Street Kindergarten of Wuyi County borrowed 1 million through Micro Loan (Hangzhou) Financial Information Service Co., Ltd.In order to ensure the performance of debt, Li Yuanyuan and others signed the highest amount guarantee contract.

Afterwards, the northern street Kindergarten of Wudi County returned the corresponding interest and costs from May 2019 to October 23, and did not repay the re -repayment.In May 2020, the court determined that the kindergarten paid all the loan and interest of the micro -loan service company, and Li Yuanyuan and others assumed the liability for liability for the above debt.

China News Weekly contacted the above -mentioned financial companies. The staff said that after the court's decision, the other party did not return the loan.

From 2016 to June 2020, there were more than 300,000 yuan in books providers used by students used in North Street Kindergarten in Wuxian County and were sued by the other party to the court.

In 2021, Beijie Kindergarten was sued to a local court because he did not return a loan and interest at a bank of 1 million yuan in a certain bank.The school and Li Yuanyuan mentioned in the lawsuit that "the influence of the influence of the immortal factor of the epidemic has temporarily caused the difficulty of the capital of the North Street Kindergarten in Wuyi County."

Regarding the operation of the funds of North Street Elementary School, parents and teachers have not been able to know the details so far.Li Jia mentioned that before, North Street Education had off -class tutoring classes and art training classes, and later stopped due to epidemic and policy reasons.

In the second half of 2022, she had some news from other parents, "It is said that the school is not good, and can only barely maintain operation, but I did not expect that something would happen so soon."

Liu Li also expressed the same confusion, "There are thirty or forty children each class, at least two classes in a grade.Where, our teacher does not know. I only heard that the tuition fees paid by each parent are different, and some of the principals are cheap. "

It is worth noting that the registered capital of Beijie Elementary School is only 50,000 yuan.In this regard, the Private Education Department of Jiaozuo City Education Bureau responded to the Finance of the Times, "There are no specific requirements for registered funds, but there are corresponding requirements for school running conditions.And accept the school. "

President criminal detention, or illegal fundraising

On March 27, in response to the issues reported by the parents of Beijie Elementary School, the local official person in charge told China News Weekly that the legal representative of the school has been criminally detained.

"At present, it is illegally absorbing public deposits, and the specific situation is still investigating, and this is not fully concluded. The subsequent results come out and we will announce it in time." The relevant person in charge of the above said.

According to media reports, illegal fund -raising in Wuzheng North Street Elementary School in Henan has been filed, and the principal has been controlled by the police.

In this regard, Zhao Liangshan, a senior partner and a well -known public welfare lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, said that the so -called "illegal absorption of public deposits" refers to the actor's violation of national laws and regulations.Fund behavior.The more common form is to "borrow money" in unspecified public public in the name of raising development funds and absorb unspecified "deposits" in unspecified public publicly in a high amount of interest.

The perpetrator illegally absorb public deposits or disguise public deposits in disguise and disrupts financial order, which can constitute a crime of illegally absorbing public deposits and illegally absorbing public deposits is illegal fund -raising.If the actor is illegally possessing, the use of fraud methods illegally fundraising and the amount of large amount will constitute a crime of fund -raising fraud.

Zhao Liangshan believes that the principal of the school borrowed millions of yuan from hundreds of parents in the form of a contract.If the financial order disrupts the financial order, it will be sentenced to imprisonment or detention of less than three years, and a fine or single fine; if the amount is huge or other serious circumstances, it will be imprisoned for three years and more than ten years, and the fines will be punished.Other particularly serious circumstances are in prison for more than ten years and fined. "

At present, because the police have filed a case, the victims can only register their claims to the police and wait for the judicial organs to deal with the assets of the school and the principal, and finally distribute according to the proportion of claims.

"If the school is due to poor management, it is caused by the school's own reasons", Zhao Liangshan explained, but if the school has borrowed money from the parents for a long time, or the parents have borrowed money on the school's illegal borrowing money to the Education Bureau, and education is educated, and education is educated.The bureau's negligence and inaction, especially if the school's two or three years before the closure of the school, have been involved in many complaints, have not good long -term management, have not uniform tuition standards, and long -term absorption of parent funds, then the Education Bureau has poor supervision and relevant competent personnel work work.There are negligence, and corresponding administrative responsibilities must be assumed.