Turkey is about to hold the presidential election and parliamentary elections on May 14.

Although Turkey is a country in the Middle East, it is both a member of NATO and the most secularized and Westernized Islamic countries. The social participation of women is at the forefront.Turkish women's rights to vote and campaign political positions began in 1934. Thanks to the promotion of the Father of the National Republic of Turkey, Kellyr.Since the establishment of the Republic in 1923, secularization and Westernization are the mainstream of political culture.Kermal gently persuaded women not to wear headscarves. Modern Turkish women accepted this persuasion, and women in big cities do not wear headscarves to become mainstream.But as a whole, the reform of the Kemal period did not cover every class of the entire country. The living standards of rural people have not improved. The vast countryside is a place where modernization is not touched. Rural women still retain traditional clothing.Cultural values preserve and continue.

The rural traditional culture and social lifestyle gradually urbanize, and large cities have become the place where various social trends are exchanged.After the mid -1960s, the number of women wearing headscarves in the city increased, and many cities women re -wearing headscarves to whether wearing headscarves became a fierce political topic. Some schools forcibly removed students to wear headscarves and police joined the intervention.Katr introduced many political ideas from the West, and the United States supports the Turkish soldiers group that represents the combination of nationalism and secularism.After the success of the coup in September 1980, the military government issued a headscarf ban to prohibit wearing headscarves on the campus of middle, elementary, and university campuses.Since then, the previous Turkish government has implemented a scarf ban until 2013.

Turkey is an Islamic country that promotes the democratic republic, and various political forces have been playing in politics.Byousists advocate national feminism and secular feminism, and Islamist uses Islamic feminism, leading to politics of women's headscarves.With the influence of Islamic, more and more women in cities appear in the city, and they belong to the middle and lower families.After decades of political and economic baptism, these seemingly returning to traditional women have actually passively or proactively absorb new elements of modernization, and the awakening of self -awareness is becoming stronger and stronger.What's more important is that in the transformation of traditional society to modern society, the important changes in all aspects of Turkish society have affected the choice of women and have also become an important force to promote social transformation.

Women have an important impact on Turkish political elections and began in the mid -1990s.The multi -party election of the parliament is the door to the convenience of Islamic forces in the political election. The competition between the Islamic party and the secular party is even more obvious. Women's headscarves have become the central issue of political debate.In December 1995, the Prosperous Party of the pro -Islam became the largest party of the parliament, and a large part of the prosperous party branch was Muslim women.

At the same time, secular feminism has developed significantly in Türkiye.Tansu? Iller, the correct road party, served as the Prime Minister from 1993 to 1996, and in 1996 with the Prosperous Party Joint Pavilion as a foreign minister.The purpose of the correct road party is to kiss the West and secularization. Chilal said that he insisted on secularization and did not like the Islamic Prosperous Party, but she felt that letting the prosperous party enter the political center is the only way to maintain social stability and maintain democratic system.EssenceShe is the first female prime minister in Turkish history and the only country's highest female governor in the country in Islamic countries in the Middle East.In terms of education and political aspects, she was influenced by the mix of national feminism and secular feminism, and opened the door for later Turkish women to participate in the upper politics of the country.

While Islamic feminism is full of fanfare, a Cavaci headscarf incident occurred in 1999 in 1999.At that time, Merwaka, a female member of the Islamic Party, refused to take off the headscarf and was expelled from the oath when he was sworn in.Cavan has since obtained a doctorate degree in Howard University, a professor at George Washington University and Harvard University, and is a critic of the Turkish secularist regent.In the book of HEADSCARF POLITICS in Turkey: A PostColonial Reading (2010), in 2006, the number of women wearing headscarves accounted for 61.3%of the total number of Turkish women.In 2017, Cavan was appointed by Erdogan as the Turkish Ambassador to Malaysia.The Cavanian incident reflects the concern and active participation of new generations of women on social affairs, although this participation is involved in the political struggle between the secularization and Islam.

Since November 2002, Turkey has been under the administration of Erdogan, adhered to the secular framework in the political and economic field, and emphasized the traditional Islamic values and lifestyles, emphasized the role of women on the family, and requires more womenGive birth to children.In 2010, the ban on wearing headscarves on the university campus; in 2013, the abolition of women's ban on government agencies that could not wear headscarves and allowed female students to wear headscarves at state institutions; after 2014, high school students were allowed to wear headscarves.Officials from the army are allowed to wear headscarves during work.

At the same time, more women participate in politics.In the 2018 Parliament, there were 82 female members, accounting for 15%.In this year's parliamentary elections, in order to win women's votes, the total number of female members of various political parties reached 904, accounting for 21.5%.In the 2018 presidential election, women's influence reached its peak.The "Iron Lady" Merlar Akshene, which was established, established a good party, is the strongest competitor of Erdogan's presidential position.In order to obtain the support of women's headscarves, Meral planned various ticketing strategies and eventually lost.

Women's issues have also become the focus of turbulence in the relationship between Turkey and the European Union.In March 2021, the Turkish government announced the withdrawal of the European Commission that aims to protect women and children's rights and interests to prevent and oppose the Convention on violence and domestic violence (also known as the Istanbul Convention), which has triggered criticism from EU officials and domestic protests.On April 6, Erdogan arranged for the visiting European Commission Chairman Feng Deline in an inappropriate position, that is, the sofa next to it.This caused many European countries to condemn, and the Turkish government refused to admit wrong.Afterwards, Feng Delin said that she was hurt and lonely as a European. This was not only discriminating against women, but also related to core values.The European Council Chairman Michelle therefore believes that the EU is difficult to deepen Turkey's economic connection.

In the second half of last year, Turkey began to enter the new presidential election preparation, and women's issues began to ferment.Erdogan has repeatedly promoted his political parties to represent the devout Muslims and take the banning of women's headscarves as an example.According to the Iranian English TV Station (Presstv), Erdogan proposed to vote across the country to ensure the right to wear headscarves in national institutions, schools and universities.Corresponding to this, Kelikdarogru, the leader of the Republican Party, who advocates secularization and Westernization, acknowledged: "We used to make mistakes in headscarves" and tried to propose a law to protect the rights of wearing a headscarf, Thereby reducing whether voters worry about whether the secular parties will prohibit wearing headscarves and get as much as possible voters.On December 21 last year, a spokesman for the Turkish presidential spokesman criticized the Taliban government in Afghanistan to ban women from receiving higher education and believed that this decision violated Islamic spirit.It can be seen that in the upcoming presidential election and parliamentary elections, women's issues will be intertwined with factors such as politics, economy, and diplomacy, which will become an important influencing factor.

The author is an associate professor at the Institute of International Relations of Yunnan University