Israel is facing a rare constitutional crisis since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the name of judicial reform, Prime Minister Neya tried to allow administrative power to override judicial power, which caused several months of opposition and resistance from all walks of life.In view of the serious situation, Israeli President Herzog, which belongs to the constitutional system, publicly stated his statement, urging the government to immediately stop the controversial judicial reform process.The opposition party launched a motion of disbelief in the Neutanhahu government in Congress, but was rejected by the governing alliance with a slight difference.Nevertheless, Neitanhu announced on March 27 that the legislative process of judicial reform was suspended.

The controversy of judicial reform stems from Neitana's Right -Right Governance Alliance, which is relatively inclined to the confrontation of the judicial system of liberalism.The Israeli courts have previously ruled that the Government of the Neihuhu government has been violated. For example, the settlement of Jewish settlements in the occupation area has triggered dissatisfaction with the basic Jewish doctrine of the government, and the judge accuses the judge in interfere with the administrative power of the government.Neutana's judicial reform advocates transferring the appointment right of the Supreme Court judge to Congress, so that the cabinet decides the appointment and removal of judges.This means that the independence of justice will be weakened, so it will trigger strong dissatisfaction and struggle in all sectors of society.

The content of judicial reform also includes Congress with the right to overthrow the court's ruling, and the minister does not have to follow the legal advice of the prosecutor's chief according to law.In addition, Neganahu itself also faced the investigation of the prosecutor because of the suspected corruption.For this reason, the government has passed a new law to cancel the power of the prime minister who must resign as soon as the prime minister is determined that the prime minister does not meet the governance conditions.Therefore, the Israeli society generally believes that the judicial reform of Neganahu is simply to protect his personal power; and it is determined that his intention to reform the reform shows the dictatorship of anti -democracy.

Although the ruling alliance defeated the unbelievable motion proposed by the opposition party in Congress, the government's internal attitude towards reform was not a iron plate.The Minister of Defense Garrant previously delivered a TV speech, calling on the government to suspend judicial reform and talk to the opposition on reform.He warned that the rebound of public opinion caused by judicial reform, including the opposition of many reserve soldiers, has endangered national security.Neutana immediately announced the dismissal of Garant.This triggered a greater struggle, including tens of thousands of fellow soldiers to demonstrate on the street, and threatened that if the government did not recover its life, it would refuse to serve.

The Israeli National Defense Force is mainly composed of reserve soldiers who can participate in the war at any time, and they constitute the backbone of the army.Due to the number of hosted soldiers participating, and from major military, Israel's defense security is facing a huge test.The dissatisfaction with the government has also spread from the army to the police and intelligence agencies.The civil servant system also publicly opposed it. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the protest call, and all the embassies and consulates in the abroad for a collective strike for one day.The major cities have settled one after another, and the protest demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people have made the Neutanhu government under the difficulty of riding tigers facing the political pressure of rowing mountains.

The Nyanahu Governance Alliance, which was just in power at the end of last year, was composed of six political parties. It mainly relied on the right -right Jewish basic doctrine, and it was supported by 64 seats in the 120 seats of Congress.Neutanahu lifted the post of Minister of Defense, which is also a Likardian Group, showing that the government was split because of judicial reform.US President Biden expressed concerns about the situation in Israel on March 28 and believed that the Neihuhu administration should not continue to promote judicial reform.Nei Tanahu immediately issued a statement to refuse any foreign pressure.Facing the internal and external problems of the Neutanhahu government can persist, it has become the focus of all walks of life.

Israel, which is regarded as a minority of democratic countries in the Middle East, has been practicing a constitutional system of freedom and democracy since the founding of the People's Republic of China.Israeli citizens' attempts to destroy judicial independence in Neihuhu have rebuked to attack dictatorship and drumming, reflecting the strong sense of citizenship of the Israelites and the responsibility of maintaining the constitutional system.This aspect shows that the real democratic government is not just elected voting, but also must also maintain the independence of various national organs and the sense of justice of citizens.On the other hand, the performance of Neitanhu also shows that the mature democratic system may also face the challenges of internal anti -democratic forces.Some of the popular populism and strong people politics that are prevailing in Western mature democracy are the embodiment of this bad trend.