The Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Lai Qingde issued a post on Facebook on March 18 and did not forget his original intention and defended democracy. Thank you for never being lazy.He pointed out that the Wild Lily School of 1990 wrote a "magnificent page" for the history of Taiwan's democratic movement.In fact, the day of the Sun Flower Study Games was actually nine years ago, but Lai Qingde did not say anything on Facebook.Both the Wild Lily Academic Games and the Sun Flower Study Games broke out in mid -March, but it was 24 years apart.There are similarities and important differences between the two.

The Wild Lily Academic Games and the Sun Flower Student Games occurred during the period of the Kuomintang -the former was in Li Denghui and the latter during the Ma Ying -jeou period.The Wild Lily School has not led to the rotation of political parties in Taiwan. After that, the Kuomintang was still in power in Taiwan for about 10 years.About two years after the end of the Sun Flower Study Movement, the Kuomintang defeated in two consecutive elections, which led the DPP to be fully governed in Taiwan.

Before the outbreak of the two school movements, Taiwanese society accumulated huge dissatisfaction.Before the Wild Lily School, in addition to the earlier beautiful island incident, Lin Zhai blood case, and Chen Wencheng incident, the 519 green operation in 1986, the 40th anniversary of the 228 incident, 1987 Kaohsiung Anti -Five 5Light movement, the five20 farmers' movement in 1988, Zheng Nanrong self -immolation, and the shellless snail social movement in Taipei in 1989, etc., social energy continued to accumulate, and finally stimulated the Wild Lily incident.Before the Sunflower learned, in addition to the wild strawberry movement, anti -media monopoly movement, the Hong Zhongqiu case, and the Tai Po incident also appeared.People are dissatisfied with voting, or they can be expressed on the streets -take sitting, marching, hunger strikes, etc.Wild lily academic movement, which is mainly sitting and hunger strike, has a short duration, and no serious conflict occurs. However, the Sunflower Study Games are different.

The demands of the Wild Lily Academic Games include the dissolution of the National Assembly and the National Meeting of the State.The demands of the Sun Flower Student Games include the return of the Cross -Strait Service Trade Agreement (Service Trade Agreement) and the supervision of the cross -strait agreement to directly involve cross -strait relations.Compared with wild lilies, solar flowers are more vivid -mainly -mainly anti -Chinese population.Two school movements are 24 years apart. During this time, the influence of Taiwan ’s localization and de -Chinaization has become more and more deeper, especially for the younger generation.

The main demands of the

Wild Lily School movement have been roughly realized. In this sense, it is basically successful.Objectively, it also plays a role in accelerating Taiwan's political innovation.As for the Sunflower Study Games -according to the later view of the Leadership of the Student Games -successfully succeeded in blocking the service trade agreement, but failed in promoting the progress of society.The demands of the school movement also include the convening of the Citizen Constitutional Conference, but no matter whether the Kuomintang's Ma Ying -jeou government or the DPP's Cai Yingwen government, they did not really show interest.The role of Sunflower Academic Function in Taiwan's further democratization is very limited.As for the pros and cons of the service trade agreement, the views of different camps in Taiwan are not consistent.

Lee Teng -hui and the DPP are both beneficiaries of Wild Lily School.The academic movement helps Li Denghui, then the then Kuomintang chairman, to continue the struggle with conservatives in the party.Wild lily accelerates Taiwan's democratization and localization, leading to rotation of political parties.It also provides some political talents for the DPP.In addition, the Democratic Progressive Party is the harvestor of the Sun Flower Student Games.Affected by the academic movement directly or indirectly, the Democratic Progressive Party won in elections in 2014 and 2016.Ke Wenzhe is also the beneficiary of the Sunflower Study Game. He defeated the Kuomintang Lian Shengwen in November 2014 and was elected as the mayor of Taipei.Election campaign. "

Some representatives of the Wild Lily Academic Games are currently the backbone of the DPP, including Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai, Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe, Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace Lin Jialong, Deputy Dean of the Executive Yuan Zheng Wencan, Minister of Culture Shi Zhe, and Minister of CultureLegislator Fan Yun and others -there are even the Democratic Progressive Star of the DPP.These people did not form a new party after the school movement, but joined the DPP successively and made important contributions to the party's development and growth.

The representatives of the Sun Flower Student Games have not joined the DPP, but have formed the power of the new party era. Participants include Huang Guochang, Chen Weiting, Wu Yan, etc.Later, Chen Weiting and Wu Yan exited the power of the era, and Huang Guochang was no longer the leader of the party.At present, the power of the times has faded the color of the "sun flower" on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is moving towards foaming.In the 2024 election, the power of the times will face a very severe test. If it is foaming like another Pan -Green Party Federation, it may marked that the influence of the solar flower learning movement further subsides.

The Social Democratic Party is also established after the Sunflower Study Games. Members include Wei Yang (three -three -three occupation of the Executive Yuan incident command), but its impact is not as good as the power of the times.

Lin Feifan (important leader of the Sun Flower Student Games), who has worked with the power of the times, served as the Deputy Secretary -General of the DPP in 2019.After Lai Qingde served as the party chairman in January this year, Lin Feifan left office.Zhuo Rongtai was the chairman of the DPP, and the Democratic Progressive Party took over Lin Feifan as the deputy secretary -general to seize the youth votes (including votes that support the power of the times), and Lai Qingde may not need him to play a similar role.Lin Feifan is a representative of a small number of Sunflower Students to join the DPP.

Compared with the Wild Lily School, the Sun Flower Studies Games is even more controversial in Taiwan ’s society, and it is still impossible to conclude.The public's view on the major events that have just happened generally do not fix it because of the end of the incident.The performance of the Sunflower Indicaties after the school movement will more or less affect the impression of some public in the school movement -for example, Chen Weiting retired from the legislator because of the attack on the girl, Lin Yingmeng is suspected of fraudulent assistant salary, Li BaizhenInvolved several cases of obstructing reputation and so on.Huang Guochang encountered a dismissal during the legislator. Although he was involved in the danger, he agreed that there were far more votes than different votes (although the threshold of removal was not reached), which made it embarrassing.The Sunflower represents a figure, and is more tortuous than the predecessor of the wild Lily.

In 2022, Taiwan's political atmosphere turned to "hate the DPP", but the public used votes instead of street operations to express dissatisfaction -the DPP was "removed".If the Kuomintang won again in the 2024 election, it should be able to completely get rid of the passive situation of the Sunflower after learning.As for the Democratic Progressive Party, it will face a similar dilemma after Chen Shui -bian stepped down in 2008.The Sunflower Student Games once led to the rotation of political parties. If a new political party rotation appears, the page of the sun flower will roughly turn over.

The author is a time -to -time judge, researcher of cross -strait relations, researchers