At the Bali Bali Summit held in November last year, China and the United States held the first offline meeting after Bayeon took office as President of the United States.The two countries were basically satisfied with this meeting, and the world was inspiring.However, the balloon incident earlier this year has once again turned Sino -US relations.Since then, China and the United States have been tattoo almost in almost everything.The direct and indirect interaction between the two countries is exactly the same as the "deaf dialogue" that appears frequently during the Cold War.All circles believe that Sino -US relations are repeating the mistakes of the United States and Soviet relations during the Cold War.However, American scholar Brantly Womack put forward different views on its asymmetry and International Relationships.He believes that China and the United States are in a "multi -festival" world rather than "polarization" world. There are enough alternative options in China and the United States and other countries to avoid the Cold War.

The so -called "polarization" world means that most countries have joined the pretty hostile camp, and the member states in the camp have strong identity.During the Cold War period, the US -Soviet camp formed a bipolar world. The end of the Cold War ended in 2008 that the US financial crisis broke out on the eve of the outbreak of the US financial crisis.

Since the financial crisis in 2008, the economy of developed economies such as the United States, Japan, and Europe has further expanded to the outside world. The deepening and expansion of globalization has stimulated the rise of developing economies in China and India.The development of network technology represented by the mobile Internet has created a new global interactive model.More and more behavioral body participates in international politics, and the relationship between various behaviors is unprecedentedly deepened.The country is the basic unit of the international community, but participants are more diverse, multi -layered and more important.The United States is still the most powerful country in the world. The large American allies, represented by NATO, are still there, but the Western camp does not exist.A clear and clear capitalist camp.

At the same time, China has risen rapidly.The gap between China and the United States is obvious and is a non -symmetrical relationship.In the bilateral relations of the United States, the United States is lower than China due to Sino -US relations, and enjoys higher autonomy and initiative; but China can also restrict the United States in many aspects, and the United States cannot unilaterally issue orders to China.China has strengthened economic and trade relations with neighboring countries through the "Belt and Road" initiative, and has established many dialogue mechanisms and cooperation platforms.China and neighboring countries are a complex of economic and political relations with water.China has a great influence on the surrounding areas, but it cannot give orders to neighboring countries.In recent years, under the squeezing of Western countries in the United States, China and Russia have unprecedentedly close and efficient strategic collaboration, but the two countries are partnerships that are partnerships and do not alliance, and they have maintained their flexibility.

It can be seen that under the current international pattern, whether it is the "axis spoke system" composed of the United States and the allies, or the compound relationship between China and neighboring countries, and the strategic partnership between China and Russia, it is essentially different from the US -Soviet camp during the Cold War period.EssenceThese relationships are based on common interests, but the boundaries of interaction are not as clear as during the Cold War.The Unicom Revolution and the unprecedented deepening globalization have kept closely linked the major countries, and the identity boundary during the Cold War has disappeared.

In other words, the world has gradually changed from the previous "two poles" or "single pole" to "multi -festival".The so -called "festival" means that in the current international community that does not have a clear camp border, each country is connected with other countries.The depth and breadth of these connections depend on the distance, resources and strength between the country.The "multi -festival" world is a world of intellectual interests in various countries, frequent interaction, and no clear identity boundary.In the "multi -festival" world, the country is still the most important participants. State sovereignty cannot be ignored, but regional and global mechanisms and non -governmental organizations have become increasingly important.

In the "multi -festival" world, there are still conflicts of interest between countries.China and the United States are the two largest "nodes" countries in the "multi -festival" world.The United States has a long -term extension of Sino -US asymmetric relations and managed to force China to obey its will.In order to achieve national unity and national rejuvenation, China does not have the real intention of challenging US power.

But the realization of the above goals objectively conflict with the United States to maintain the status of the world's dominance.Although China and the United States are the two largest economies, the sum of the two is less than half of the world's total.Even if the two main "nodes" countries in China and the United States are objective confrontation during a certain period, other countries (including small countries) can still reduce their influence by developing the relationship with other "nodes" countries.This will enhance the importance and strength of large regional or emerging economies, while weakening the importance and strength of China and the United States.If China and the United States have long -term hostility, they will only lose.Therefore, the Cold War of China and the United States is difficult to continue.

Perhaps people from all walks of life do not fully recognize the definition and analysis of the "multi -festival" world by Brandley Walker, but today the world does show the "multi -festival" characteristics in many aspects.Therefore, there is no necessaries between China and the United States.

The author is an associate professor of Sichuan University of Foreign Languages and graduate students in the master's degree