Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Society

After the epidemic, the Hong Kong Government actively grabbed talents, not only absorbing high -end talents, but even intending to enter the construction industry workers to deal with people's hand shortage.Labor organizations must not only protect their own interests and oppose the input of foreign workers, but ignore the negative impact of the shortage of manpower in the construction industry and the shortage of people from all walks of life on the economic recovery.This is a real issue that Hong Kong must face.

Sun Yuzheng, the director of the Labor Bureau, said in an inquiry when the Legislative Council was accepted by members of the Legislative Council that the official was planning the overall planning of the human demand for the construction and transportation industry, and would actively consider entering workers in priority to ensure the employment of local workers.The Development Bureau also stated that it will evaluate how to respond to the needs of the construction industry and put forward a whole strategy.It is reported that the government is preparing to refer to the special plan for the input nursing staff in the hospital, which is allowed to enter the construction industry to enter thousands of foreign workers without requiring the approval of the work.

Project delays overdue to slow down Hong Kong development

The Hong Kong Government actively considers the input of the construction industry workers, which makes people feel unswerving. Because there are currently many industries in all walks of life, many companies do not hesitate to raise wages, and they still have a strange phenomenon of inviting people.Affects Hong Kong's restoration and recovery progress.In order to grab the people, the official dared to touch it before, and at the expense of disassembling the wall and loosening, the doctors, nurses, and nurses who introduced overseas training were first extended to the construction industry.

Officials are anxious to enter the construction industry workers, because there are many projects in Hong Kong in the next few years. In addition to the construction of public housing, transitional houses and minimalist public housing, the northern metropolitan area and tomorrow's Lantau will also be launched.However, the construction of the Construction Industry Parliament issued a human forecast report earlier, referring to the number of proficiency and semi -familiar number of workers in welding, scaffolding and brick bricks. From now 15,000 to 40,000 in 2027, as for architects, civil engineers and other majors, etc.The number of people's shortage is increased from 4,500 to 6,500.Coupled with the aging of construction workers, 600,000 registered workers in Hong Kong have an average age of 47, and young people are unwilling to enter the industry, which makes people deserted more severe.The consequences of lack of manpower are serious. The project cannot be completed as planned. Delay overruns occur at any time, increasing construction costs, and pushing up property prices, driving inflation increases, weakening Hong Kong's competitiveness in the long run, and slowing the development of Hong Kong.

To relieve the problem of lack of manpower, the official must adopt two legs walking strategies.The first leg is to apply more new technologies in various projects, especially assembly and synthetic building methods. Through the prefabricated building component in the Greater Bay Area, and then sending the components to the construction site, this technology has been applied to the construction of the public.Houses, transitional houses and the main bridge of the blue tunnel.The advantage is that the construction procedure is moved to the Mainland. In addition to reducing the needs of people, it can also reduce the sun and rain of construction workers in the sun and rain, save time and improve safety and efficiency.The industry should also make good use of the construction information simulation technology at the same time to simulate the construction procedures and logistics transportation from the beginning to the completion of the entire engineering project.Picture, thereby improving efficiency.

Issuing the doubts of the number of workers in response to market conditions

Although new technology can reduce people's hands, more construction processes still need to do it.In the face of severe manpower shortage, the industry must also walk for the second leg, which is to properly introduce foreign workers in response to actual needs, so that the project has enough people to carry out smoothly and avoid lack of engineering delays.

Entering foreign workers is the fastest way to alleviate people in various industries, but it will definitely be opposed by the labor community.The labor community believes that this will affect the job hunting of local workers, and will make employers in various industries rely on foreign workers' policies in the future. After foreign workers come to Hong Kong, they need to be resolved in advance to avoid aggravating housing pressure.In the final analysis, the industry only focuses on its own interests, and is worried that the introduction of foreign workers will cause employers to lower the wages of local workers and eventually damage themselves.It is necessary to know that the current unemployment rate is only 3.3%. The level of employment of the people has been complained to people in various industries. If they blindly resist the input of foreign workers, the employer is forced to grab the people at a high salary.

The Hong Kong Government should communicate with various industries to understand its human demand planning, give priority to local workers, and start training people. If you need to enter foreign workers in the short term, it is required to renew the contract with foreign workers each year.Places to release doubts about local labor.As for the housing problem of foreign workers, you can refer to the Macau approach to allow foreign workers to return to the Mainland today to save residence costs. You can also consider renting the vacant community isolation facilities to foreign workers.

After the Hong Kong epidemic, the economy is fully the economy. Now the people's deserted economic development and the import of foreign workers under the situation of the whole people are believed to be a more desirable and reasonable response, but there mustBalance.