Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Xu Yian

Annabelle Goldie, deputy Minister of Defense, said on March 21 that the country's "Challenger 2" main battle tank supporting ammunition provided by the country will contain depleted uranium (also known as decaying uranium)Armor -piercing bombs triggered Russian President Putin severe warning.

Putin said that Britain not only provides tanks to Kiev, but also provides depleted uranium bombs.If you do this, "We will be forced to respond to the use of weapons containing nuclear materials in the West."

In addition, Putin announced on the 25th that it deployed tactical nuclear martial arts in White. This is the first time that Russia has deployed nuclear weapons overseas since the mid -1990s.It is estimated that this is also a measure to respond to Britain.

What are the depleted uranium bombs that stir up the emotions of Kediya?

Gordi said that the challengers transported to Ukraine 2 main battle tank ammunition, including Armor-Piercing Munition, which contain depleted uranium, referred to as ARMOR-PIERCING or AP).

Lulbuku, also known as subtle uranium, is a by -product appearing in the process of concentrated uranium required for nuclear weapons, which is 60 % reduced than the radioactivity of natural uranium.Uranium is a very high -density metal, and its density is 1.7 times that of lead.It does not deform when it is hitting the target.

Its functions are similar to ordinary armor -piercing bombs, but because the high hardness, high gravity and high melting point of depleted uranium alloys are used to penetrate the target with kinetic energy, it pose a great threat to armor such as tanks.

Who invent?Who used it?

The United States developed it in the 1970s to fight with the new Soviet tank, and many countries held it.NATO, led by the United States, used it many times.To this day, they are part of the ammunition of the American Abrams tank, and they can also be used by German Leopard 2 tanks and British challenger 2 tanks.

The U.S. military operations, bombing Yugoslavia in 1991, and depleted uranium bombs were widely used during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.The US Department of Defense acknowledged two depleted uranium bombs in 2015 while fighting the Terrorist Organization ISIS.

How terrible is depleted uranium?

According to the UN Environmental Planning Department, depleted uranium is "a heavy metal with chemical and radioactive pollution."In addition to the metal fragments after hitting the target, there are also uranium dust.After the human body is inhaled or intakes, the latent period of it is longer.Depirolic uranium also has long -term pollution environment and human food chain.

In the Ukraine conflict environmental impact report released by the UN Environmental Administration in 2022, it pointed out that depleted uranium and toxic chemicals in bombs may cause skin irritation, renal failure, and increase the risk of cancer.

Iraq and Serbia, which had been attacked by depleted uranium bombs, have led to a rapid increase in the incidence of cancer and a significant increase in children's congenital defects.

French International Radio (RFI, French) said on the 26th that many research conclusions said that there was no evidence that depleted uranium was harmful, but these conclusions were still controversial.

United National Office for Disarmament Affairs (Unoda) said that according to the research based on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the small particle form released by ZD3 after the collision of depleted uranium caused local pollution to the environment,The radiation risk of the environment is not significant. "

However, the conclusion that the above -mentioned institutions are concluded are "when the fragments of depleted uranium bombs or a complete ammunition of this type may be affected by radiation."