Source: Taiwan United Daily

United Daily Black and White Collection

The Kuomintang's selection strategy was disclosed for three days, and an emergency apologized; the selection meeting stopped operation and returned to the original nomination mechanism.The Kuomintang was stunned, stained the image, set off a dispute between generations, leveraging Zhu Houxin, Zhu Lilun and the entire party were not injured; however, Hou Youyi made his statement, and in the end, he could not say that he had nothing to gain.

I am stupid to commit a fool.At that time, Zhu Lilun's first party chairman led the nomination of the legislators of the division. Although he mentioned the professionals, it was difficult to cover the fame and interest of the tiered wrestling, and the most bad list in the history of the tragic collection;Controversy, the worst title in history.

But looking at the list of the selection meetings, the old face is more popular, and it is more full of controversial candidates. Although it is said that it is only for the difficult constituencies, how can voters accept the "fruit of poisonous trees"?The latest polls show that the trust of the black gold problem is only half the Kuomintang and half of the people's party. Can the Kuomintang be vigilant?

As the Kuomintang was trapped in the mud, the Democratic Progressive Party also had registered in the preliminary election of the party in the party, and it was determined that the vice president Lai Qingde would be hung up.Lai Qingde was set to a residence, and he resigned from the Judge Nomination of the Judgment Group convener to quickly clean up several large battlefields such as Xuelun, Black Gold, and Constitution.Compared with the Blue Camp, the momentum continues to explode, and the momentum has fallen significantly.

The DPP has been in power for seven years, and bad people are countless.The Democratic Progressive Party has incompetence and is invincible. In the next ten months, the Kuomintang has no room for making mistakes.