Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Matsu's outlying island west of the beach, A Bing brother wrote "ask for help" claims that there is no meat; the news is like wildfire, and the name of political theory and the Internet celebrities scramble to comment.Two days later, the incident gradually clarified that the "grain break" was actually far less than that of the rendering, but it still burned all the way, and once again hit the image of the Taiwan army.When the confrontation between the two sides of the strait increased, the military became a street mouse; the Cai government continued to improve its combat reserve, but he was cold and humiliated by the image of the Taiwan army.Is this kind of people and morale really enough to respond to the war?

Juoguang Township is Matsu Island, and recently encountered insufficient supplementary materials.The reason is that the only freighter "Xinhua I" operating the Keelung flight was suspended, and the goods must be transferred from the main island Nangan.The source of food and soldiers is different from ordinary islanders. The military rental ship "Mingfu 8th" arrives at the south pole every ten days, and then distributes the islands. However, due to the failure of the wind and waves and the ship, the two classes have been canceled in the past two classes.The western defenders' inventory meat was exhausted, and the main dishes of the meat food for the four or five days were changed to canned meat. On Sunday, the five days were on vacation on the island.Chen Yan, who has been running for tourism and has also been running for the township, took pictures and went online, and immediately became a hot issue.

Matsu is susceptible to the influence of diplomatic transportation. Due to poor living conditions, the monthly non -eclipse budget of the officers and soldiers of Ji Guang is 1,000 yuan more than Taiwan, and the salary is 9790 yuan.A large number of cans and field grains are stored at the front line. Even if the replenishment status is normal, it must be consumed from time to time. For officers and soldiers who have served on the outer island, eating cans is a common memory.This transportation is interrupted, if it is said that the defenders fall into hunger and even affect the combat power, it is definitely exaggerated.However, the idea of serving only in April was different from the veteran, and when he saw the can, he complained; coupled with the popular breaking news culture, he immediately exploded.

The effectiveness of the four -month service period has been questioned for a long time.Although the service man was wearing military uniforms, he lacked awareness as a soldier, and he never thought that "no meat to eat" outside the camp was a dangerous behavior that exposed military conditions.This stems from modern young people strawberry culture, and it is also related to the training of cadres' inadvertent training. They only ask them to retire early.The Ministry of National Defense is dissatisfied with the training grass rate and requires military training men to send to the front -line troops to experience; however, from other crimes or casualties from this case, it proves that it only increases the burden of grassroots.It can also be foreseeable that in the future, it is not easy for training and discipline.

Taiwan society is full of such contradictions.The Tsai government has continuously raised the situation on both sides of the strait to strengthen the people's bad sense of each other; but for how to strengthen the defense of Taiwan, except for continuing to improve the military purchase, there is no ink in person and morale.The Nikkei News uglown Taiwan's retired officers selling affairs, the Cai government was indifferent, and let the people point out the soldiers.In the "food without meat" incident, the main administrative person also allowed the military to point to the military. No matter how the shaking network culture rendered the facts and tears the image of the Taiwanese army.

Taking the Western Wait incident as an example, the long -term materials on the island were tight, and all parties did not pay attention. Once I met Abing Brother Beach, I immediately became the focus.Another example is the peach -colored incident of men and women and soldiers in the army in the near future, showing that the Chinese culture is deeply influenced by the common people's culture, which is not the same as before.The military thought deeply about this, but the system response of his headache and foot pain and feet, but made himself deeper and deeper, making the outside world feel that the military was sinking and irreversible.

The political parties of the court have claimed to attach importance to national defense, but they are often polite to consume the military.When the blue camp saw the army out of the army, he immediately used the opportunity to repair the Tsai government; when Green Camp was in the wild, he spoke to the Ministry of Defense.Nikkei news states that "foreign provinces hold the Taiwan army" and "veterans are normalized together"; people of green camps are immediately regarded as the argument, but they know that they are still full of hatred.

Sun Tzu's art of war said, "Those who want to win up and down."But the tear of Taiwanese society is getting farther and farther.The most united Taiwanese army, under politics, internal injuries far beyond imagination.Political figures and opinion leaders need to cherish one point, and they cannot use soldiers as unlimited cards.When the government ’s high -level intention is to provoke the evil neighbors in exchange for political dividends, it is even more vigilant: seemingly mighty armed forces and hidden fragile masks.