March 9, 2023

South Korean President Yin Xiyue lived in domestic pressure to determine the solution to the Japanese labor problem in the Second World War to improve the relationship between South Korea and Japan.Yin Xiyue emphasized when he presided over the State Conference on March 7 that the plan weighs the position of respecting South Korean victims and explores the results that meet the common interests of South Korea and Japan and future development.He believes that the future cooperation between South Korea and Japan will definitely help maintain the freedom, peace and prosperity of the two countries and the world.Yin Xiyue's approach has triggered a huge political rebound in China, and also ushered in a high affirmation of Japan and the United States.South Korea and Japan get rid of the entanglement of historical issues and strengthen bilateral cooperation, which will inevitably affect the East Asian Change Bureau.

The solution is mainly raised by 16 South Korean companies in spontaneous "donation" to compensate South Korean workers victims.These companies are beneficiaries of the Rights Agreement of South Korea and Japan in 1965.The funds that year made South Korea a key driving force for economic take -off.Japan believes that the agreement has solved the problem of Japanese workers in Japan for strong recruitment of South Korean workers in World War II.However, for many Koreans, Japan's resentment against colonial rule of South Korea did not sell it because of this.As a result, the problems left over from history, including comfort women, from time to time, the hidden dangers that affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Yin Xiyue's former Wen Zaiyin supported the use of World War II labor issues, which led to a high -profile countermeasure of the Japanese Abe's three government at that time.The whitelist is seriously cracking down on the South Korean economy.Seoul appealed to the International Trade Organization for this.Since then, the relationship between the two countries has been unable to get rid of tension, and even affects military intelligence sharing on the North Korean nuclear issue.The United States has repeatedly mediation.Today, Yin Xiyue has made bold decisions, not only to achieve the reconciliation of Han and Japan, but also allows the United States -based Northeast Asian Military Alliance to closely cooperate.

Tokyo responded rapidly to Yin Xiyue's olive branches. According to major Japanese media reports such as Kyodo News Agency, Yin Xiyue may visit Japan on March 16.Once it is successful, this will be the first time that the South Korean President has met with Japan's Prime Minister for the first time. It is also the "shuttle diplomacy" that the two countries may restart regularly after 12 years.Japan ’s vitamin report also includes the intention to invite Yin Xiyue as an observer to attend the Qi Kingdom Group Summit held in Hiroshima in May.According to Japanese media reports, the leaders of India and the Australian government, which are also members of the Sifang Security Dialogue, may also be invited to participate.Yin Xiyue has a positive performance on strengthening the relationship between South Korea's security dialogue mechanism.

South Korea's diplomatic victory is not only that.U.S. President Biden was highly affirmed after the announcement of the South Korean labor problem solution. The White House announced on March 7 that Biden invited Yin Xiyue to visit the United States at the end of April.Due to the huge economic and trade interests of China, South Korea has always been ambiguous in the United States and China.South Korea and Japan's previous diplomatic disputes also made Seoul unable to integrate into the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategic framework.With Yin Xiyue's breakthrough in South Korea and Japan's diplomatic obstacles, the shortcomings of the United States India Strategy have also been eliminated, and the diplomatic enclosure of China will be more handy.

Despite the success of diplomacy, whether Yin Xiyue will pay domestic political costs? Whether the promoted Korean and Japanese reconciliation will be changed after the next time the Longshan Presidential Palace has changed the master. There is still a variable.The polls released by South Korea yesterday showed that from March 4th to 6th, the "President Yin's National Administration Evaluation" was conducted on March 4th to 6th.The answer was "not bad", 14.6%of them answered "doing well"; 53.8%of the negative attitudes, 9.5%of which are "somewhat wrong" and 44.3%of "very wrong".The results of polls confirmed the status quo of Korean political tearing.In the presidential election in March last year, Yin Xiyue only won 48.58%of the votes, only 0.8 percentage points more than 47.81%of his opponent Li Zaiming, with a gap of about 250,000 votes.

In other words, the rebound of Korean nationalism and populism cannot be underestimated.But in any case, Yin Xiyue took a step step in a key diplomacy after all. On the one hand, the North Korean nuclear provocation was lost and exacerbated the sense of insecurity of Pyongyang. On the other hand, it also meant that South Korea finally chose the side station in the US -China game.It is still low -key to China.South Korean presidential term of office is five years and cannot be re -elected.Regardless of whether the policy can continue, Yin Xiyue's decisive decision -making decisive decision -making will have the influence of Korean -Japanese cooperation within his tenure, which will have a significant role in the East Asian situation.