Source: Taiwan United Daily "Heavy Come fast comments"

Before the Nantou legislators made up for the election, President Tsai stated that "not allowed children to enter the battlefield."The folk questioning the credibility of this sentence, but this is not the point. The key is to provide the United States, which provides Taiwan's security assistance, whether to recognize the National Mobilization Law to let children go.

President Tsai has repeatedly emphasized that Taiwan must show self -defense's determination.This is not only a slogan, but also a commitment to the United States. In addition to accepting the military sales project designated by the United States, the essence of this promise has also changed the national defense strategy to the overall defense concept to enhance the asymmetric combat power.It is a part of the overall strategy as a whole strategy.

For more than three years, the US government has demanded that the Tsai government has extended from the reform of the reform of the reform and calling system to the National Mobilization Law. It is exactly the reserve and the residents of the civil defense forces outside the voluntary service.This series of reforms are carried out with individual projects. The commanders of the three armed forces have always been brought by "showing their determination to self -defense", which has blurred the major impact of the entire construction of the army's plan: Taiwanese people not only defend Taiwan on the battlefield, but also arranged for the first island of the United StatesIn the chain combat plan.The space for political resolving disputes in cross -strait is forced to compress.

The Tsai government will lobby Taiwan's policy law last year in the United States, trying to legislate the current status of military cooperation in the United States and Taiwan.In the bill, the "Performing the United States and Taiwan to Strengthen the National Defense Partnership" special chapter, there is a plan called "Taiwan Security Aid Initiative", which lists how the United States speeds up Taiwan to improve its defense, including regular evaluation of Taiwan's implementation of the "overall defense concept" commitment.And the army's efforts to obtain and implement asymmetric combat power.

Evaluation not only take stock of weapons, but also includes the forces of regular armys, reserve and civil defense.In particular, for the evaluation of how the civil defense forces face military threats and recovery, one of the indicators is to "establish a clarified civil defense structure and logistical support" and analyze the demand for restoration after the key economic departments of Taiwan.The requirements for the full movement method to build a book, I am afraid that it is not only to create a chilling effect, but the data of combat power facilitates the needs of the United States to evaluate.

The amendment of this law is specially added to the media, finance, and Zitong mobilization preparation solutions.The basis of the Cai Government Amendment of the Cai government can also be found in the Taiwan Policy Law. The bill authorized the State Council to formulate a strategic "response" Beijing to implement a network information battle on Taiwan and evaluate the impact of Beijing's Taiwan media financial parties and other entities.To put it bluntly, the Cai government's amendment to the law is expanding the control, which is to perform the task of anti -land mission assigned by the United States.

The United States has the right to decide the Taiwan National Defense Strategy.The government emphasized the advantages of the US -Taiwan military cooperation, but did not honestly inform the people why the armor was in the battle. More importantly, the Taiwanese had no choice but to protect the right to self -determination.

The aforementioned "Taiwan Security Aid Initiative" requires that in addition to evaluation of combat power, the "internal resistance plan to the government and the participation of the United States" must be reported.President Tsai has blamed the entire motion correction to the Kuomintang misleading. How could she be unhappy for Taiwanese children?