Shu Don

The junior college exams will be canceled next year, and old students have lamented that they have been born for more than ten years.

Education Minister Chen Zhensheng announced the change in Congress on Wednesday, as if he could hear the cheers of thousands of students and parents.In recent years, the cancellation of the examination has been the general trend. The government has gradually stepped up. First, it canceled all the first grades of primary school in 2010, and then expanded to the middle school exams in different grades. By this year, the middle and middle school exams in primary and secondary schools have been canceled.

Exam — This has been regarded as the most fair selection system for thousands of years and has been regarded as closest to fairness. With the development of human beings, it is gradually regarded by today's society as a source of evil.The pursuit of a paper diploma, excessive attention, and even leading to class solidification ... The disadvantages of this kind of test are becoming more prominent in the context of people's pursuit of more successful definitions and anti -elite sounds.

However, while the examination system is criticized, I can't help but think about a question: What are we testing?

Of course, the first is to assess the academic level.Without the middle school exam, how do students know how they have the knowledge of knowledge and where do they need to work hard?How will teachers and parents take the right medicine?

It is said that after the announcement of the annual middle school examination was announced, some parents were panicked after a brief happiness.The mid -term exam is gone, and several key exams in life (the Six Sixth Association Exams, A standards, etc.) are still there.Some people use the 100 -meter race as a metaphor: remove a few columns, everyone ran directly to the finish line, and they will still be split and slow.

I heard such a sentence many years ago: the test score of 100 points and 99 points is not only 1 point, and 99 points are because the answer is only 99 points.EssenceThe test papers are limited, and there is no sea in learning the sea.A person's ability is by no means a test papers, but only the score can most intuitively reflect the strength of a person on a certain subject, and the gap between each point may not be accidental.

However, the knowledge point is only an aspect of the exam.In addition to textbook knowledge, the exams are to a large extent testing students' self -driving force, sense of responsibility, psychological quality, and whether they are careful and understanding.In the same paper, some people get high scores, and some people fail. Some people may sleep too much, and even forget to go to the examination room at all.

A person who always misunderstand the decimal point when he goes to school. After entering the workplace, he may also read the wrong number and calculate the wrong account.A student who is still playing in the exam may be the weakest part of the work team.The test results are by no means a perfect measurement indicator. Among the traditional subject examinations, the "ghost talents" may definitely emerge;Practical filter.

For more than ten years, the education system reform has done a lot in reducing academic pressure.At the same time, middle schools adopt subjects to compile class systems, cancel the division of N levels and O of the O to make the pathway more flexible, and students will no longer "determine life for one test."These measures have positive significance, but people should not weaken their emphasis on academics.It is good to give students more freedom, and it is also necessary to discover the real strengths and hobbies, but it is also necessary to ensure that they will not be scattered by freedom.After all, students' own industry is learning, and can manage themselves well. It is the basis for achieving life and flexible applications to achieve the learning and flexible application.

While removing the exam, we must know that the value of the test papers is not just a few questions.When we removed the test of the test, can the battlefield that is better than trying hard work can train a strong troops in the "21st Century Skills"?Schools and parents need to think about how to cultivate their children's self -planning, self -responsibility, and self -drive personality and ability, and these are life subjects without test papers.

(the author is the Digital Director of the Morning Post, [email protected])