February 27, 2023

Recently, the crowds of tourism exhibitions held at the Expo Center recently. Tourist facilities from Asia to Europe are full of people who have asked and signed a contract, reflecting the temperature of the world economy after a long three -year epidemic.The changes in international political and economic situations such as the Sino -US trade war and the decoupling of supply chain have caused the "circle of friends" in the international community and the economy and trade fields to continue to reorganize. The country that focuses on the economy is rapidly competing for resources such as economic and trade investment, including Southeast Asian countries.Singapore is sensitive and smart. Although the challenge of the reorganization of international economic and trade order is large, it can clearly understand its own needs, including continuous big economic cakes.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai clearly pointed out when summarizing the government's financial policy debate on the New Fortune year on Friday that only the economic cakes are enlarged can we have resources to reuse, and then strengthen the social contract of the Chinese people and allow the society to let society.Go forward together.

In recent years, it can be seen from media reports that more foreign and foreign talents have entered Singapore, and the rise of some mid -to -high -end housing has been related to this.Some people have a negative perception and feel that reducing foreigners and even foreign capital entry can help stabilize local housing prices and rents and even prices.In addition, in the past, the bad performance cases of some foreigners, as well as local people based on the sympathy of the vulnerable to the society, believed that the policy did not fully take care of the dissatisfaction derived from the Chinese people, and all contributed to complaining to policies.But the fact is that the biggest root cause of the overall inflation is the epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War, which has caused the international logistics supply chain to break and the shortage of agricultural product raw materials, resulting in soaring prices.With the ease of the epidemic, the interest rate hike in the United States, and the re -deployment of international funds have exacerbated the seriousness of the problem.

However, international funds and talents will choose to enter and stay in Singapore. The first thing to prove is excellent conditions in Singapore. The benefits of these foreign resources to Singapore are far greater than the disadvantages.Many countries in Southeast Asia are working hard to work hard. In terms of price elements, Singapore does not have advantages, and talent strength may not be stronger than other countries in Asia. Therefore, preferential measures such as taxation are the key to investment in foreign investment. How to strengthen these elements.In addition to relying on the persuasiveness of policies, it is also important to continue to improve the ability of employment.

Huang Xuncai pointed out that many major economies are providing a large number of subsidies and launching plans to strengthen their competitive advantages, including the United States and the European Union countries; the economies that are behind Singapore are more attractive in terms of price and human supply.Under the constraints of various conditions, in the face of multinational companies decided to set up factories to settle in according to the principle of profit maximization, Singapore cannot be allowed to ask for price, resulting in the loss of competitiveness in terms of taxation and other aspects.Too many unfavorable factors.

Continuously attracting foreign investment and foreign talents is not only a necessary policy for big cakes in Singapore, but also the key to maintaining Singapore's international influence.This is the direction we have always adopted since the founding of the People's Republic of China. At each stage, this policy of openness and the free market faces different challenges. We must check the conditions and opportunities we have, and adjust it, including human resources, social needs, social needsetc.In recent years, the government has launched measures and other measures to create skills to improve their skills. It is precisely because the development of science and technology is too fast that the economic transformation has forced job positions to not follow the old age. However, the transformation involves too many industries and skills.

Singapore's human resources are inadequate. The government continues to make big economic cakes. Employees must consciously improve themselves and welcome the new era of science and technology and economy.Transfer payment to deal with life.

It is a major feature of the Singapore system that provides a considerable scale of fiscal transfer to help the people respond to life. It ensures that no one will be trapped to the streets and even eat.However, in addition to basic clothing, food, housing and transportation, more and more people attach more attention to social fairness and justice, especially for the wealth gap between the rich and poor in Singapore, which is richer and richer.Long -term revenue and living security are major issues that the government is actively responding and narrowing, and it is also necessary for the new society contract to respond.

Continue and actively improve the living situation of parts of low and middle -class, especially the lowest level people, not only in line with the expectations of the whole society, but also help to eliminate doubts about social injustice and avoid social contradictions.Being a big economic bakery is the correct direction of the country's development, but only by allowing people from different strata in the whole society to eat big cakes can people condense people's hearts, and it is the basis for effectively strengthening social contracts.