Source: Ming Pao

The Russian army invaded Ukraine for one year. The West was recently worried that Russia ignited a new fire head. Moldova, a small Eastern European country adjacent to Ukraine.Moldova's Western President San Duda accused Russia's planning coup and was supported by the United States and Ukraine, while Russia reprimanded "fiction".The country's pro -Russian political party launched anti -government demonstrations in the capital on Sunday (19th). Facing the intensification of inflation and the rise in energy prices, the demonstrations bluntly welcomed Moscow to intervene.

"We want to be part of Russia"

Moldova is located in the strategic location of Ukraine bordering Ukraine. There is a pro -Russian -separated area in the territory of the "TRANSNISTRIA". The country has always relied on Russia's natural gas.Qi pressure, triggering a series of demonstrations from the autumn, Moldova officially acknowledged that energy expenditure now accounts for more than 70 % of household income. In the face of the domestic economic crisis, Prime Minister Garv Rili is a total of the cabinet.

The President of "Enter the European School" refers to the right to seize Moscow to rebuke fictional

Kissing Western President Maia Sandu, Maia Sandu, accused Russia's plans to use military training foreign "conspiracy destruction" to disguise civilians, and seized power violently in the name of "opposition demonstration".Ukrainian officials also warned Russia to take the "thug" to win the motorcycle, and President Zeleziski said in an exclusive German media in the German media published yesterday that Ukraine is ready to assist Moldova at any time.

Moldova and Romania surveyed the suspected balloon objects over the previous week, the former closed the lead, and the British intelligence agency quoted the analysis on Sunday or the Russian balloon from Wu Piaolai.U.S. Secretary of State Broskel met San Du during the Munich Safety Conference last Friday, and later said that Washington was shocked to "some conspiracy from Russia's try to destroy (the Moldova) government".

Even though Moscow denied the planning coup last Saturday, it was "fiction", but a few days before the demonstration on Sunday, the citizens prohibited nearly 60 citizens from the Russian -friendly country entered the country, including a boxing team from Heishan and the black mountain.Four Uzbekist with fake documents.Police also detained many members of the Russian party SOR Party and searched for their apartment to investigate the party's illegal funding demonstration.San Du claims that Russian conspiracy will rely on the "internal forces" such as the Samar Party and call on Congress to pass more severe security laws.

Sunday demonstrations were initiated by the Sunday demonstration. About 5,000 people attended the rally. Many people came by the Buses of the Samaor Party on behalf of the bus.Some demonstrators asked Sang Du to step down. One of the interviewees said that the family of 4 or 5 children had no food, and half the retirement pension was swallowed by the government.Come here, we want to be part of Russia. "Some members of the Samar party said that as long as the Russian side thinks, it can take Moldova in half a day. "In my opinion, with Russia, our situation will be much better than now."

The spokesman for Kegong said yesterday that Russia and Morromeia had been very nervous. They criticized Momo's hysterical anti -Russia and warned not to further intensify the situation.