Source: United News Network

Author: Yang Yingchao

Xia Liyan, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, held a press conference on the results of the results of the visit of Land and the media on the 20th, and opened the media to ask questions.In the past, the visit to the blue camp rarely talked about the results of the exchange that was so open and transparent, which was worthy of recognition.Just in this trip, the visiting delegation was repeatedly reddish, and the press conference should answer.Some parts are relatively direct, and the Taiwanese people have carefully taste it, but some parts say that it is either, and it should continue to be clarified.

Vice Chairman Xia's whitening part, in addition to reflecting the recent bad voice of Taiwanese people, is to convey concerns about the possible outbreak of war on both sides of the strait.He finally summarized the first item clearly that the results of this trip were to improve the interactive atmosphere of cross -strait and effectively alleviate tension.This answer the criticism of the Green Camp for their visit.At that time, the Green Camp said that the summer visits were obsessed with the Western anti -China trend and reflected the position of the Kuomintang. It was still similar to the proposition when the 2016 defeated election, ignoring the tremendous changes in the Chinese policy in China and the Indo -Pacific region in China in the past seven years.

Dan Xia's statement is equivalent to telling the people: the two sides of the strait are on the verge of war.Seven years after the Democratic Progressive Party ruling, the current situation on both sides of the strait has continued to rise without official communication channels and civilian hostility spirals.Facing the competition between the mainland government and the United States, Taiwan is likely to be a hot spot in conflict between the two sides. Critics have changed dramatically in the so -called European and American and Indo -Pacific regions. To put it bluntly, the trend is to burn the war to the Taiwan Strait.All the neighboring countries know this, so the sound of retreating overseas is endless.Green Camp also knows that the situation is dangerous, so even if it is not good for the election, it still announces the extension of military service policies.

Critics may explode in the face of cross -strait armed conflicts. Except for the intoxication of the international trend, they did not guide the war from other places, or even eliminated the troops.Most people say so. If the governing elite thinks so, I do n’t want to see the international trend, I do n’t want to fight, and I do n’t have the power to the war that may happen in Taiwan. I do n’t know where it is.

Most of the information and concepts of this press conference, whether before or in the process, is probably known to the outside world.Some words make people feel more.

First of all, most of the criticism of redness is that the logic is that the Taiwanese are united under the banner of the green camp to scare or go to war.However, in terms of all aspects, Taiwan under the leadership of the Green Camp is not ready to fight, and the effect is doubtful.In addition to the abolition of energy policies and let the enemy blockade, Taiwan ’s exports to mainland China (including the transfer of exports of Hong Kong) accounted for the total export proportion of exports, and gradually increased during the period of two green camps.The point is that Green Camp has always been opposed to cross -strait economic and trade exchanges, but it has been unable to reverse this trend. Since the New Year's Day in 2024, the voluntary military service will be resumed and extended, and there are not enough supporting measures.

Blue Camp this press conference should provide a more complete image to Taiwanese.The outside world can pay attention to the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun recently saw Western guests that the party attaches special attention to economic development and faces the international situation of high -level cross -strait economic and trade dependence and tension.Time and space.Those who understand the history of cross -strait exchanges can be seen that they can start cross -strait exchanges during the Lee Teng -hui period because Taiwan ’s accumulated strength at that time was relatively strong compared to the present, and it was enough to open up a new situation.Therefore, regardless of red and green, it should not be opposed to let Taiwan's strength first.

Secondly, a press conference held by the Democratic Progressive Party earlier, criticizing Xia to go to Lu in Lu there is a lot of opaque and uninterrupted itinerary.In fact, the person who knows the background of the members of the Lu Tuan will know that another identity of Zhao Chunshan, a senior consultant of the National Policy Foundation, is the chief consultant of the national think tank of the national security unit.Friends who are in charge of the mainland policy explain.Lan Camp allows such people to participate in all the itinerary is to be open and transparent. The criticism of Green Camp only pays attention to the offensive and defensive of political parties, which should be stopped.

Finally, Xia re -refaruing the importance of each of the middle school in the press conference and good intentions.However, under the promotion and education of the Green Camp, how to hold on the two sides of the strait, or maintain a situation of fighting, I am afraid that the wisdom of the two sides of the strait cares about peace is even more tested.

The author is an associate professor in Mingchuan University