
Under the "stress of financial situation", the reward must also be rewarded. The support must be supported. Those who should cheer must still be cheerful. The future situation should be more dangerous, which should be better than the three -year epidemic.

As the saying goes, "laymans look at the lively, the insiders look at the door", the national event that people are most concerned about is the annual budget.However, when we look at the budget, we just see some data related to us.How much candy given by the government and how many red envelopes have been sent are the most eye -catching highlights.

There is no "lively" budget, not just depression, but also worry.Although candy and red envelopes are the focus of the Treasury Secretary statement, it may be as before, as before, seeing that various government departments advertise on the media, so that good news conveys all corners of the people.

The young people who want to become a family -based business care about whether the government can help them "get" their favorite "affordable" group houses. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai said: "The government uses this budget to solveSome urgency, including recently discussed housing problems. "Families with children under 40 years of age buy a group house for the first time, with additional lottery opportunities, and buying and resale groups can get up to 30,000 yuan of" extra provident fund purchase allowances ".The government made a lot of expressions this time.

The reason why the housing problem is "burning with eyebrows" is because it is directly related to the population problem.Chinese people should have more fertility, and houses are the basic needs.

The young couple who intends to give birth to children depends on how much sweetness can the government give; raising children is originally a personal business. When did it become a government?The amount of fixed tax deduction of 8,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan, an additional 3,000 yuan of fresh babies bonus, and the father's paid accompanying accompanying accompaniment increased by two weeks.Marriage and birth, the government is incomprehensible, and is more nervous than their parents.

The government is not afraid that young couples will borrow their lives and rewards, they are afraid they will not come to receive rewards.The expenses in this area are the most estimated.If the rewarder can exceed the budget, it is a great event, and it is a greater harvest outside the budget.

However, according to past experience, if you want to change the idea of husband and wife who do not want to have children, it is not a purpose that can be achieved by a "lively" budget.

Today's international climate is full of uncertainty and disturbing. To encourage population growth, it must rise to a level of comprehensive response.

Under the large framework of consolidating social contracts, the government cannot take care of this, and it must also have targeted assistance and care for low -income class and elders.The 500 million yuan of the elderly nursing funds and the filling of the 1.5 billion yuan of the health care fund, the filling of the 300 million yuan of the community care fund to cope with high inflation, etc., showing that the focus of social expenditure has tended to the poor.This is the cause of aging society, and the increasing expenses in this area have gradually become an irreversible trend.

Therefore, it is a long -term plan to increase the impact of the population fertility and ease the impact of aging.

On February 15th, the 6th edition of the Morning Post's 6th edition read the data to understand the budget case, giving us a clear concept. Where is the government's money, but where the money comes from, it is difficult to see the clue.The government must "quantitatively enter" and see a few large pieces of spending money:

Anti -inflation and e afternoon: 3 billion yuan strengthened their heart and assistance supporting facilities.

Economic support employees: The National Productivity Fund fills 4 billion yuan and strengthens the internationalization plan of Singapore's enterprise to increase 1 billion yuan.

Establish a tough country: community -age funds to fill 1 billion yuan.

What are the sources of making money for billions of dollars?

Looking at the tax structure, luxury car tax is estimated to increase by 200 million yuan each year; the stamp duty of residential and non -residential buyers is expected to bring an additional 500 million yuan in revenue each year.

Some people think that the government "goes out of the left hand and enters the right hand", giving buyers and encouraging support for fertility, and the increase in other social expenditures, can be made up from the increase in luxury cars and real estate tax.Data show that the government's income and expenditure gaps are very large.

Therefore, at the perspective of "addition, subtraction, multiplication and removal", the surface data can only be "seeing the trees without seeing the forest".The fiscal year was estimated to be 400 million yuan, accounting for 0.1%of the GDP.Even at the most difficult time for the epidemic, the government's confidence is still firm.The optimism of the Chinese people is based on the confidence of the government's government.The core of the "Singapore Spirit" emphasized when summarizing the statement is the word "confidence"."The people do not have no faith", the budget must take the establishment of people's confidence as the ultimate goal.

The husband and wife, just look at how many benefits the individual can get in the complicated data. As for how the government has wealth, "the money seems to have been unusable", and the minister and financial experts need to help people in -depth interpretation.

The doorway in the budget depends on the financial transcripts handed in the government each year, telling us how much economic growth each year, and how much wealth it has increased to the treasury.

On the same day when the Treasury Secretary issued the annual budget statement, Premier Li Xianlong published a post on Facebook that Singapore has recovered strongly from the crown disease epidemic, the economy also rebounds to the level before the epidemic, and will grow in 2023 to grow.EssenceHowever, he pointed out that economic growth has slowed down, Singapore's fiscal situation is tight, and at the same time, the impact of uncertain factors such as inflation and geopolitics.

Under the "stress of financial situation", the reward must also be rewarded. The support must be supported. Those who should cheer must still be cheerful. The future situation should be more dangerous, which should be better than the three -year epidemic.

However, now a bowl of noodles, a bowl of rice, a bowl of rice to eat is full of six or seven yuan. The inflation in front of the eyes has caused people to complain."The effect needs to be observed.

The government will continue to strengthen the "Permanent Consumption Tax Subsidy Plan" to use good intentions, but this may promote the rising trend of daily living expenses.Forgotten the characteristics of the matter is the characteristics of the material society. More security mechanisms should be set up outside the budget to prevent government subsidies from becoming a vicious game that runs with the living consumption.

(the author is a special commentator in Lianhe Zaobao)