Source: United News Network

Author: Lu Xinchang

At the end of the year last year, the Presidential Palace in the press release of the National Security Palace and on December 31st on December 31st, the work requirements on the seventh point showed that "continuously stabilize the overall price and pay special attention to the price of people's livelihood products required for daily life."

Of course, not only when the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the rise of the price of international raw materials is unavoidable; in fact, the main reason for pushing global inflation is exactly the financial expansion and deficit budget of Western countries, as well as the financial budgetIn the event of the market's hot and hot, in the end, it was necessary to combat the psychological psychological psychological psychology and guidance of long -term investment in the inflation expectations and psychological methods that must be raised in a continuous increase and industrial investment subsidy.

The price regulation and control recipe proposed by the Guoan Conference clearly shows that the government will subsidize oil and electricity prices, and continues to reduce the material tax of the community, at least extended to March 2023; secondlyThe prices of raw materials will be strictly investigated and raised to alleviate foreign impacts caused by global inflation that may cause Taiwan's price level.

Especially for the price of people's livelihood, the government will closely grasp the production and sales and pre -adjustment measures of eggs, such as to ensure that the source of chickens has no source, prioritize the use of people's livelihood, and coordinate the origin to strengthen the scheduling.The words are still in the ear, not only the egg price rises by 5%, it seems to be a foregone conclusion; the consumer price index (CPI) published by the General Planning Office increased by 3.04%in January;New high in the past six months!

It is puzzling that the government provides a large number of agricultural subsidies, but it has always been unable to stabilize the price of eggs; even the price of eggs in the first half of last year is higher than the United States and Japan.For nearly a year, the results were not effective, but it was still unsolved that the south and north of the egg -raising chicken and eggs were scheduled.The small British government's management test tracking and planning execution power are not available.

Faced with the rise in prices, is it expected to find the operation space for delaying price increases?

First of all, the starting price of the North and North Foundation taxis will increase by 15 yuan from April 1, and the timing unit of traffic delay is reduced to 60 seconds 5 yuan; it is equivalent to using a car in the urban area.EssenceHowever, the monthly ticket subsidy plan of Beibeiji Tao has been promoted. In addition, various calling services have the impact of price competition and improve the selection of transportation. It can be seen.Like Taiwan wine companies, although the price of wine is to increase the price of wine; but pure rice wine, red labels and other people's livelihood needed items are not included in the review list, all within the allowable range of society.

Secondly, as for the current low prices of oil, electricity, and railway transportation, the losses of the three state -owned enterprises have not made many means of filling the movement;It is necessary to promote the improvement of the manufacturing industry with the increase in industrial electricity, and it is necessary to drive the improvement of carbon emissions by prices.

Moreover, the catering industry leaders such as Ding Taifeng, McDonald's and other operators, as well as coffee shops and bakeries, rose, and foreign foodies faced a new wave of ups and downs.In addition to the careful calculation, self -relief and convening to join the cooking class should be brave to try and participate enthusiastically.In this way, it can also reduce excessive packaging of food, meals, etc., reduce the amount of garbage and guard the environment, and the health of investment is the behavior of benefit and self -interest.

Finally, the new vice president of the Executive Yuan, Mr. Zheng Wencan, the convener of the consumer protection business, should also carefully look at the trend of all things in front of you.The trading committee can bear the coordination responsibilities between various agencies and departments; and to encourage colleagues who are on the front line, they can have the right to propose and detailed claims.

The author is an associate professor at the National Taiwan University