Times Time Turns

Today is the 81st anniversary of the fall of Singapore in World War II. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences with colleagues from all walks of life to all people and their families in Singapore.

Since the four months since I served as the Japan Ambassador to Singapore at the end of October last year, I have witnessed the closeness and vibrant relationship between Japan and Singapore in a wide range of fields.Looking back at the past year, Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong visited Japan twice in May and September; Prime Minister Kishida visited Singapore in June and delivered a keynote speech in Shangri -La dialogue.In addition, the high -level exchanges between the two countries are conducting in a stable way, including frequent interoperability of cabinet officials.

In addition, the communication between the two peoples is also very good.Japan is one of the preferred destinations for Singaporean to travel.What makes me happy is that since I arrived in Singapore, I have heard many happy memories of their travel in Japan, including the food experience.In mid -October last year, Japan finally greatly relaxed border control measures.From the end of the year to three months, more than 100,000 Singaporeans visited Japan.Although the number of Japanese tourists visiting Singapore has not returned to the level before the epidemic, the Japanese business community is very interested in Singapore.Therefore, I see the CEO and executives of the Japanese companies visiting Singapore almost every day.

In the process of establishing this good bilateral relationship, many twists and turns have been experienced.In fact, today's dynamic interaction and friendship between Japan and Singapore have deep historical origins, which can be traced back to the second half of the 19th century. At that time, the Japanese community began to appear in Singapore.

However, as a Japanese ambassador, I must keep in mind a fact, that is, Japan's occupation of Singapore, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, bringing inestimable pain to the Singapore people.Whenever I think of the leaders and the people of the two countries established a future -oriented relationship after the war, my heart could not help but gratitude and respect for the people of the Singaporean people. Their tolerance had made all efforts to reconcile.At the same time, Japan has also worked hard to respond to Singapore's expectations and play a role in Singapore's significant development.This is where we are proud.For example, Japan is one of the earliest investors in Singapore's independence. Since the 1970s, it has participated in the construction projects of infrastructure such as Zhangi Airport, Port and Metro, and cooperated with Singapore to train engineers to improve productivity, and establish a establishment.The neighborhood police post system.

For our next generation, my mission is to further promote bilateral relations that the predecessors of the two countries have worked hard for many years.

In terms of economic cooperation, Japan is very lucky to have Singapore, a trustworthy partner, to meet the challenges of emerging areas.Singapore is the first partner of the Japanese Economic Partnership Agreement, and shared with us the experience of standing at the starting point of Japan's economic diplomacy in the 21st century, thereby promoting the comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP) and regional economic partnership agreement (CPTPP) and regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CPTPP)RCEP).As a world leader in the digital and green economy, Singapore has become a base for many Japanese companies, including startups, trying to create new business bases.I firmly believe that Japan can learn a lot from Singapore. Singapore has continuously created added value on the rugged road of global economic development by exerting imagination and flexibility.I am also convinced that by combining Singapore's strength with Japan's excellent technology and other resources, we can deepen cooperation.

In addition to strengthening bilateral cooperation and exchanges, it is also important to further strengthen the close connection between Japan and Singapore, and respond to the common challenges facing the region and the world.In this regard, Premier Li Xianlong passed a very important information in his speech in Tokyo last May. He expressed his expectation to "make greater contributions to regional security cooperation."Japan will take this information seriously.

In December last year, Japan formulated a national security protection strategy and other related documents, which pointed out the direction of distributing more resources in the safety environment and distributing more resources in the security field.Even in the case of drastic changes in the international community, the relationship between Japan and Southeast Asian countries is the core element of peace and prosperity in India -Pacific.Singapore is an extremely important partner in Japan. It decides to be the only sanctions to sanction Russia to respond to its Southeast Asian countries that invade Ukraine, which is proof.Therefore, in the future, in order to promote regional peace and stability, Japan will continue to cooperate with Singapore.

On the other hand, this year is also the 50th anniversary of the cooperation between Asia and Japan.We are developing a new vision of the Aya Ryan -Japan relations and preparing for the Asian Simpan -Japan Memorial Summit held in Tokyo around December this year.At this time, it reminds me of the "Fukuda Declaration" published by the then Prime Minister Fukuda in 1977, and advocating the intimate partnership between the two countries and comparing the heart to the heart. In recent yearsPositive evaluation.After more than 45 years, with the work of the two sides, after the test of time, it shows that it is an effective "turning point".We are willing to continue to serve as a good partner in Singapore in the next 50 years with the next 50 years that moved with Asianan.

Next, I look forward to exploring new areas that Japan and Singapore can cooperate and truly realize the responsibilities I shoulder.

The author is the Ambassador to Singapore in Singapore