Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

This article is not written by ChatGPT.However, it is said that ChatGPT has the ability to write papers, novels, and scripts, and you can also write comment articles according to Taoism.

A few years ago, AlphaGo developed by DeepMind defeated the world's top Go master and became a good story.This time, the ChatGPT developed by OpenAI is not a player, but a trained generated transformer. It can automatically generate text and can be used to answer questions, translation, and misconduct.Many university professors and professionals have affirmed its performance after trying ChatGPT to reach the level of college students and even professionals.

How to apply technology at a neutrality of technology

In addition to being a chat tool, how can ChatGPT applies in daily life is currently the most noteworthy issue.Microsoft, which has invested in Openai, has always been inferior to its opponents.If ChatGPT can really help Microsoft improve search engines, users are expected to have multiple options, which must be a good thing from the perspective of promoting market competition.Microsoft founder Gates believes that ChatGPT is applied to the work of documents, which can improve efficiency and "will change our world."

However, soon college students have already used generators to write papers, and professors and even schools must think of ways to deal with.Academic journals in the Mainland have shown that if such artificial intelligence generators are concealed, the article will be refunded or withdrawn.On Valentine's Day on February 14th, I believe no one wants to receive a seemingly romantic love letter, but the truth was only generated by ChatGPT.ChatGPT's technology can replace repeated processes and improve production efficiency, which is the blessing of economic and social.But if used for fraud, bullying or practical use, it will not bring much progress to the world.

Constantly progressive technology has always been neutral, just like other tools, depending on how we use it.Turing's decryption research during World War II promoted the progress of computer science.The predecessor of the Internet was originally a national defense research in the United States and the Soviet Union, and it has now become an indispensable part of modern society.Regardless of military or civilian use, technology can always be used for construction and can be used to destroy.

Military forces can be used to save life

After the Great Earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Korean Army sent staff to participate in the rescue operation. The Japanese Self -Defense Force dispatched special aircraft to transport equipment.Many people disagree with the Constitutional Constitution and expansion of the army, but no one will oppose the disaster relief.The army can meet each other, as if Russia invades Ukraine's creatures, but can also save life.More than 30,000 people in Turkey and Syria have been killed, and numbers should not continue to rise.

China and the United States, as the world's great powers, have the responsibility to take the rescue, deal with natural disasters such as earthquakes, and solve common problems such as extreme weather, rather than spending energy on the trade war or ideological dispute.The United States is begging to let go of the differences in geopolitics, lift unilateral sanctions against Syria, and open the door to humanitarian rescue.If more aviation and monitoring technology are used for scientific research, it can improve economic production and people's lives.No matter how many military and political posture, it is not possible to promote social progress.

ChatGPT is a milestone of artificial intelligence, representing a stage of scientific and technological progress.But human progress is not enough.ChatGPT can answer many questions, but how to respect each other, strengthen unity, and win -win cooperation is a subject that human beings can answer.