Outside the wall

Lin Renjun

Seeing that after suffering, Anhua, who was suffering, finally sat on the seat of the Prime Minister of Malaysia on November 24, 2022. I was very happy for him.

In the past 20 years, the Prime Minister's throne has been here twice, but he has passed with him.For the first time, he offended Mahathir and caused a prison disaster. He fell straight from the clouds from the clouds. During the detention in 1998, he was swollen by the chief sheriff.It is also because of Mahathir for the second time. I hope that after winning the election in 2018, Mahathir, who reappeared from the rivers and lakes, served as Prime Minister for the second time. Originally, it was only two years after two years.However, he did not leave, and as a result, the Pakatan Harapan government fell in the "Sheraton coup", and both went down.

Today, this grass carp, who is going up against the flow of the current, and collisions all over the body, and finally jumps through the dragon gate all over, get the wish.But is Anwar smooth since then?Can his ambitions be paid?

Anhua is indeed a people who are aspiring to Lingyun.As early as the 1970s, I had heard of it. At that time, I was also a "ideal youth". In 1974, I saw that he was a "anti -hungry struggle" for supporting college student demonstrations and supporting the farmers of Hua Ling County, Kedah.The arrest and vigorous, couldn't help but respect him.At that time, he only knew that he was a very attractive and good -looking young leader. He was the founder of the Malaysian Muslim Movement (ABIM), but he was not very good for this organization.

Anwar was detained for about two years under the internal security law, but continued to actively participate in the Muslim Youth Movement. Until 1982, it was extended into UMNO by Mahathir and was absorbed into the system.

The pass will be cut quickly in the party

At that time, I had entered the newspaper. After seeing that he joined Umno, he went straight up in Malaysia's politics all the way, flying Huang Tengda.His more than a decade of politics was like breaking bamboo, which was dizzying: After one year of politics in 1983, he was appointed as the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.Picking up the Liang as the Minister of Finance, in 1993, he was promoted to Deputy Prime Minister and Treasury Secretary, and he became the successor of Mahathir.

At the same time, his status in the party was also upright.The Umno Party's struggle is very fierce and ruthless. From Anhua, he has continued to listen to the party in the party and spend five levels and six generals. He frustrated the process of one strong enemy after another. You can clearly see his political ambitions and means.In the party election in 1993, he decided to challenge the second figure of UMNO and the government, Ghafar Baba, who was overwhelming.I saw that he was holding an unstoppable uptrend, and successfully mobilized the forces of various shares to see each other.EssenceNot only that, his supporters also include all three vice chairmen and the positions of the Wuxi Youth League.Mahathir must look at it and remember it in my heart.

In the first 10 years after joining the party, he was the loyal executor of the UMNO racial line.One of the examples that have a greater influence on the Chinese Society is: in 1987, he was the Minister of Education. He deliberately assigned more than a hundred Malay officials who did not understand Chinese in charge of Chinese primary schools, which caused a series of protests in the Chinese community. As a result, the Malay community rebounded.This incident is generally considered to be the fuse of Mahathir's arrest in October that year.Is Anwar's action from the original intention or to pursue the UMNO route, but others are in the rivers and lakes, and I am afraid that they can't help themselves.

The conference of "Return to Confucian Dialogue" has attracted much attention

In terms of religious routes, as a radical "Muslimalist", Anwar helped to promote the national administrative Muslimalization policy in the 1980s. During his tenure, he was also an important promoter of the education system.These actions should be carried out under Mahathir's bigger notes.Mahathir later simply announced that Malaysia was announced as a "Muslim" without gaining a consensus of society or even the cabinet.

After Anhua consolidated forces within the party in the 1990s, after sitting in the party, after sitting on the other, he suddenly changed his string, put forward new political concepts, embrace diversifiedism, promote the value of social justice and tolerance, and emphasize that Mentians should have dialogue with other civilizations.Not confrontation.These races and religious positions are very different with UMNO and his early Muslim Youth Movement.

The two most talked about his talked about during this period were the historic "Return to Confucian Dialogue" conference at the University of Malaya in 1995, and published a book of Renaissance in Asia in 1996.A total of thousands of scholars, intellectuals and cultural circles have been attracted to the Confucian dialogue, which has attracted international attention, and also invited Professor Du Weiming, a well -known internationally renowned Confucian scholar, to give a keynote speech.

Du Weiming passed Singapore after attending the meeting. I attended one of his private gatherings. He praised Anhua in front of us, saying that he was an enlightened political leader with scholars.The Renaissance in Asia is like a political declaration, emphasizing diversification, tolerance and reform, which has caused a warm response in its own country and internationally.Of course, these are also very incompatible with Mahathir.

At this time, Anhua has emerged internationally and enjoys a very high reputation.He has become the darling of Western media, and there is endless visits. In some internationally renowned newspapers and periodical interviews, he is described as Malaysia's future stars, representatives of democratic progress, and Asia's enlightened Muslim leader.He also rated him as "Asians of the Year."Anhua is not only favored by Western media, but his performance as a financial minister has also been praised by international professional publications.The British Finance Magazine Euromoney was evaluated in 1993 to be one of the four years of wealth, and Asiamoney selected him as the annual finance minister in 1996.Anhua, who is in full swing, has a little high shock.

It is finally coming.In 1997, the Asian financial crisis broke out, and Malaysia, which was high in foreign debt, suddenly fell into a serious economic crisis and Dago plummeted.An Hua, the deputy Prime Minister and Treasury Secretary, supports the solution plan for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), advocates economic reform, adheres to the principles of free markets, formulates tightening measures, cuts government expenditures, delays large projects, refuses to save those debt due to bonds to raise debts dueExcessive and improper operation, the state -owned and old -party companies on the verge of bankruptcy also criticized the "friends" and skirt wind phenomenon that flooded the disaster in the government circle.These policy claims or political opinions are very different from Mahathir, and even tit -for -tat, especially for the IMF position; he was still selected as the chairman of the World Bank and the IMF Development Commission in March 1998!

Gong Gao Zhenzhu was revolutionized

Mahathir, who was fighting the beast under the "internal and external troubles", could no longer hold back, thinking that Anwar had a serious threat to him, and the situation was very critical.On the 2nd, he dismissed him and expelled the government.I remember that the Lianhe Morning Post was preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment at the time. Several Malaysian Chinese Newspaper Come came to participate in the news celebration dinner on September 6, and by the way, they arranged for them to visit some important institutions in Singapore a few days in advance.Unexpectedly, shortly after the visit to the visit, Kuala Lumpur changed. After hearing the wind, the leaders of these editorial departments had no intention of fighting, hurriedly packed out, and rushed back to direct the sudden news flashing warfare.


After, Mahathir did not have a lot of dreams at night, and simply did not do nothing. He was thrown into the jail in some unnecessary crimes (was washed away many years later) ... Since thenRingling career in the wild.

He immediately launched a fire after being led by his duty (reThe Formasi) Social Movement put forward the demands of legal justice, social justice, economic fairness, cultural inclusiveness, democracy, clean government, and so on to gain widespread support from the public.This far -reaching movement later led to the establishment of the people's fair party, and even the establishment of the alliance, and the political concepts were also included in their political platform.

These have become history. As we all know, there is no need to repeat it.

Now that Anhua has finally come out and becomes the highest government leader, and he is in control, but can he truly perform ambitions?Is the political demands that he put forward during the 1990s and the political ideals proposed during the period of the Fenghua Zhengmao, and the political demands that shouted in the hard struggle behind Xiaye?How much does it achieve?Is it possible to restart a significant activity such as the Confucian civilization dialogue?

Malaysian scholar Pan Yongqiang on January 26th in the analysis of Anwar Politics Discussion in the Lianhe Zaobao's speech version on January 26, Anwar said that the overall concept of governance was publicly explained shortly after taking office: "He uses Masyarakat Madani containing the elements of Islamic thought elements as asThe new government's governing discussion ... It aims to propose a right -leaning route that is different from the "nationalism+capitalism" that is different from UMNO, intending to reshape the government governance ideology, and try to connect the cross -civilized characteristics of a diverse societyThere are both ideological patterns and strategic attempts. "Pan Yongqiang pointed out:" For those who are familiar with the course of Anhua, the concept of Madani is not a new initiative."

It can be seen that Anhua did not forget the original intention, and we had no reason to doubt that he proposed the sincerity and determination of this policy of administration, and hoped that he could achieve it successfully.Because this concept of diversity, race and religious tolerance is also respected and pursued by Singapore.If it can be achieved, it will not only promote the harmony of the race and religion of Malaysia, but also help the development of new Malaysia relations.

Unfortunately the situation is stronger than people.The deep -rooted racial politics of Malaysia is an inevitable reality, and the increasing trend of Muslim nationalism is an increasingly obvious trend.In the November election of the Islamic Party in the November election, it quickly risen to become the largest party in the country. The seats won from 18 to 49 in the previous session, which is the best portrayal.

This is the result of the rapid rise of "identity politics" in recent years.Malaysia's investigation agency Merdica Center's survey showed last year that the Muslim young people in the Malaysian Constitution believed that the Coco Scripture had increased from 72%in 2010 to 82%in 2022.The survey also found that the Muslim Youth of the School of Religious School has increased from 48%to 60%.

Norshahril Saat, a senior researcher at the Singapore Easov Issa East South Asia Research Institute, further pointed out that conservative elements not only exist in the youth groups, but also in general Malay and some institutions.He believes that the changes in the Malays' attitudes towards religious attitudes are one of the reasons for the rise of the Islamic Party; identity politics continues to ferment after the election.

Should be the trend of "notes for notes"?

Therefore, the obvious trend of "Muslim Politics" and the political forces of race and religion alliance are the harsh reality that Anwar must face, and it is also a major challenge he faces.

In this situation, it is not easy for Anwar to consolidate the regime. Can you also discuss the ideal of diversifiedism?Don't forget that the Pakatan Harapan he led must dance with the wolf, and unite with the dying of dying against the political opinion in order to govern.Is Umno's sacred mission to defend the interests of the Malaysian people, to support Anwar's diverse political reform?

As long as we look at a small example, a example related to Singapore, we can see that the current Malaysian "right -leaning conservative" is some of the clues.

Ni Kemin, the local government development minister of the Democratic Action Party, proposes to invite experts from the Singapore House Construction Development Bureau in mid -January to share the housing experience.Unexpectedly, even such an idea will touch the nerves of some Malay Mentalians of the National League.The People's Bank of China was originally regarded as the Chinese Sandist Party, and it was a nail in the eyes. Now it is to be unbearable to Singapore, a Chinese who occupy the majority of the Chinese people!

They sacrificed racism, and they fought the Democratic Party and Pakatan Harapan, and the infinite outline claimed that if the plan was successful, it would be a disaster for the Malays.The Minister of Kedah State Sannisi also claimed that the purpose of introducing Singaporean experts was to build a "new Silk Road" that runs through the major cities in Malaysia from Singapore, which is only beneficial to the Chinese!

The argument of this deserted barrier sounds ridiculous, but it highlights what kind of political ecology is in what Anwar is located.

Anwar is a carp turned over, but the rivers and lakes he grew up and followed the flow, and the rivers and lakes were still turbid.Can he jump?If he can't get rid of the entanglement and abdomen of the mud, he can't fly even if he has Lingyun's ambition, he can only be bustling!

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post

Anhua finally came out and became the government's highest leader, but can he truly show ambitions?Is the political demands that he put forward during the 1990s and the political ideals proposed during the period of the Fenghua Zhengmao, and the political demands that shouted in the hard struggle behind Xiaye?How much does it achieve?Is it possible to restart a significant activity such as the Confucian civilization dialogue?