Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Daily News

U.S. President Biden published the second national situation since he took office, vigorously preached economic achievements, proposed some populist policies, strived to support the support of the middle and lower classes, and expressed his tough policy for Huaju.Seeking a re -election to pave the way.However, under the severe differences between democracy and Republican parties, Bayeng Ruyi's abacus may not be beaten, making its administration is dragged back, and it is impossible to do whatever they want. It is difficult for US -China relations to improve room.

Biden made a 73 -minute speech in Congress, and spent a lot of space for economic results first, saying that it has created 12 million new positions in the past two years, surpassing the 4 years of the president of any session, and the unemployment rate is only.3.4%, a new low in the past 53 years, inflation has also fallen for 6 months, cutting $ 1.7 trillion in deficits.He boasted these economic achievements and brought substantial benefits to the middle and lower levels, especially to promote the chip bill, attracting a large number of chip manufacturers to invest in the United States, will create thousands of job opportunities, strengthen the semiconductor supply chain, enhance the United States and China and other countries in China and other countries.Competitiveness has reversed that China has become stronger and stronger before he takes office, and the United States is getting more and more declining.He emphasized that these achievements were just the beginning and announced that all the building materials of all federal infrastructure projects must be made in the United States to create more employment opportunities for American workers.

Policies of the Civil Cultivation Strikes to Return to the Capital Capital

At the same time, he said that he would urge Congress to levy the minimum income tax on the billionaire, because the current average tax rate of the rich is only 8%, which is far lower than the middle class.Biden is self -proclaimed with blue -collar workers. In addition to continuing to improve the US manufacturing industry, the populist protectionism is revealed everywhere.For the next year's election, the ticket warehouse is locked, and the current disadvantages of their people's hope of only 41%, the people think they are too old and endless.

He understands that the valid governance must cooperate with the Republican Party, so before making a speech, he stretched out an olive branch to the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy, and spent a considerable length of shouting to the Republican Party, emphasizing that the two parties cooperated in the previous meeting to pass a number of bills.Repeated efforts, calling on Congress to raise the upper limit of debt bonds, as the national debt has touched the upper limit of US $ 3.14 trillion.However, he talked about his words but did not name it criticized some Republican members to propose to reduce medical insurance and social security expenses in exchange for the upper limit of debt, attracting Republican members to protest.

In fact, in the past two years, the U.S. politics is polarized and the society tears deepen. The two parties have serious differences in medical insurance, abortion rights, barrels, and immigration issues.fierce.Since Biden regards the national love text as a warm -up, I believe that the Republican Party will not follow his mind. It is very likely that it is difficult to get the debt limit, adding to the re -election of Biden to see who makes concessions first.If the two parties are fighting for gas, once the resources of the Ministry of Finance are exhausted and Congress will not raise the upper limit of debt, the US government will face the risk of breach of contract, and will impact the US and the global financial market at that time.

Rendering the risk of Chinese threats to increase guns

He talked about diplomacy in the last space. In addition to showing that he would continue to help Ukraine against Russia with allies, he also mentioned US -China relations and reiterated that the United States seeks competition against China, not conflict.The field of the world cooperates with China.Although he did not say that the US fighter aircraft shot down the Chinese balloon earlier, he emphasized that the incident last week explained that if China threatens US sovereignty, it will take action to respond.In the end, he even broke out and said that gambling with the United States was never a good bet.

Bayon shows good aspects, while staring, reflecting the contradiction mentality of Washington, while trying to improve relations with China, but avoid conflicts with China, but it is the consensus of the United States and the opposite of China.A tough response was made with no balloon incident to explain to the Republican Party and the American people to avoid the risk of hostility in the United States and China.Even though Biden took the competition as the main tone of the United States and China relations, the Republican Party continued to hype the "Chinese threat" theory and continued to do small movements. It does not rule out that McCarthy insists on visiting Taiwan and played a lot of pressure on Biden.To restrict the communication of the United States and China, it is more likely to further push bilateral tension to dangerous land.Therefore, how to keep communication and avoid guns from getting angry will be the biggest challenge in the future.

In other words, Biden's national situation counseling paved the way for the re -election, but in addition to some bright economic data, he proposed that there is no way to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties, the reform of the police force, and the barrel.It is difficult to reverse the intention of the two parties to oppose the atmosphere of the two parties.