February 9, 2023

The Minister of Communications and News and the Second Minister of the Ministry of the Interior Yang Liming responded to several members in Congress to exaggerate the issuance data incident on the new newspaper media trust, and whether the government will continue to provide a funding inquiries about it.It does not change because the three major reasons for assisting traditional media to cope with competition, retain multiple racial sounds, and ensure accurate and objective information are still established.For new newspaper media trusts with multi -language newspapers, including Lianhe Zaobao, ensure that their credibility must not be questioned as the highest goal.It cannot assume that the taxpayer's funding is no prerequisite.

The rise of

Internet and social media has subverted the overall ecology of the traditional news communication industry.The practice of traditional media depending on the survival of advertising has been unsustainable.Many developed countries, especially local newspapers, have closed down due to the fierce competition of new media and advertising revenue and circulation.Although traditional media is also a business, it should also shoulder the protection of the public's right to know, as an important responsibility for the public opinion platform.Compared with new media, especially self -media, the professional operation of traditional media ensures that the information is true and reliable, and it is a public product that cannot be lacking in the basic consensus of social maintenance.

The essence of the good and bad of new media, coupled with communication technology a thousand miles a day, artificial intelligence can already be faked in audio and images, making various false information flooding into disaster, seriously interfere with the people's basic cognition and consensus on the world; plus individual being individualThe use of information warfare tools to weaken opponents has caused society to tear in many places and the people's emotional opposition.In this disruptive ecology, the increasingly slightly traditional media is difficult to play the role of chaos anyway, which has exacerbated the turbulence of these society.Therefore, the government decides to fund local traditional media, focusing on higher national interests.

In this fiercely competitive environment, not only the local English media have to face strong opponents without national borders, the survival pressure of other mother tongue media is particularly severe.Under the special social conditions of Singapore's diversified race and language and culture, the more weak non -English traditional media need to be properly protected.Ethnic groups have their own concerns and cultural heritage needs. It is necessary to maintain the social diversification of social diversified viewpoints through traditional media expressions in their own language, and to achieve the most effective affection and affection.The non -English media platform operated by the new newspaper media trust has a important value outside business and makes the government's funding more reasonable.

The new international situation formed by the US -China game highlights the key role of local traditional media.In addition to the aforementioned threat of foreign information warfare, it means to control the views of the Chinese people, which affects the attempts of government decision -making, and more and more opposite geopolitical environment has also aggravated the pressure of countries in various countries.Singapore has always emphasized sovereignty independence, and all decisions are based on their own national interests. In the international public opinion environment that disturbing, local traditional media has played the core role of maintaining national positions and resistance to foreign political influence.

After the new newspaper media trust exaggerate the issuance data incident, the management has appointed a third -party independent investigation and will report the results of the investigation to the government.Before determining the truth, any speculation or allegations are not responsible.The social effects caused by the incident also showed that Chinese people have deep expectations for local traditional media and have also adopted high standards to ask them.Therefore, the new newspaper media trust cannot assume that the taxpayer's funding is a blank check, but must be alert to ensure that the information is accurate and objective, the viewpoints are balanced and diversified, and the basic social consensus and mutual trust are maintained.

The people have no faith, and the credibility is the element of survival than professional media institutions.Although the new newspaper media trust receives public funding after the restructuring, it still must still be profitable by providing products that consumers are willing to pay in accordance with the principles of free market competition.The biggest difference is that it is no longer a listed company that must pursue the maximum profit for shareholders. Profit is no longer the highest principle.The advantage is that the new newspaper media trust will be able to focus on the journalist, to provide Chinese people with timely, accurate, objective, and reliable information and viewpoints, and let Singapore make its own unique voice in the international community, maintaining small red dots in the country, to maintain small red dots in the country where small red dotsBenefit.