Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The United States has delayed the trip to China to visit China on the grounds that the Chinese unmanned airship "violated the airspace" and delayed the visit of the Secretary of State Brills.His results of his visit to China also questioned.Sino -US relations are difficult to break through in the short term. Relations between the United States and the European Union have recently been raised again. As the Russian and Ukraine War is about to be one anniversary, US President Biden will visit Europe this month, but in a public speech in China, he is in Europe.Criticizing the remarks of US trade protectionism scoffed and spoke the words "see ghosts."People must insult and insult. Since the Russian and Ukraine War, the biggest changes in the world's geopolitics is that the European Union is completely led by the United States to take it and take it, causing their own economy to suffer losses.The ideology 桎梏 cannot be extracted, and even the relationship between China is restricted, and it has gradually lost the danger of independence in the polar world.

EU's self -harm society is crisis

Bynden calls allies to see ghosts

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the European Union has launched a nine rounds of sanctions on Russia with the United States.These sanctions also seriously harmed European's own economy and security, such as Cup Ge Russia's oil and gas, which caused the EU to fall into energy shortage, exacerbate inflation, the general public suffered, and society was also in crisis.Recently, the large -scale strikes of Britain and France have surged, which is a microcosm of the European social crisis.

When the European Union faces the predicament, its "Atlantic Allies" in the United States have adopted a policy of robbery and neighbors.On the one hand, using NATO (NATO) to bundle the European Union and encourage pressure to put pressure on Russia and the U -military aid; on the other hand, the United States uses the EU Cup Gyrodian energy opportunity to sell oil and gas at high prices to Europe and make full money.Maximum.Utilizing the fear of war, Washington not only forced European countries to greatly increase national defense expenses, share the US war expenditure, but also play the economic economy economy to achieve most strategic goals.

For the European Union, the biggest blow from the inflation reduction bill (IRA) launched by the United States last August, of which 370 billion US dollars subsidies are related to energy security and climate change related industries.The European Union believes that this subsidy constitutes unfair competition for European companies and is "de -industrialization" in Europe, so it has a fierce response.French President Macron made a special trip to the United States last year. Today, it is Bayeng's "The Hell with That", which fully exposes the extremely contempt of the United States' "partner" of the European Union.

As the EU's largest trading partner, China has always been looking forward to deepening cooperation with it, and China Europe is also a victim of the US trade protectionist policy.At the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting on the 27th last month, five members of mainland China, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Hong Kong raised 8 topics, requiring the expert group to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum products on imported steel and aluminum products.Five rulings of the newly stipulated sources, which are the first shot by China -Europe to play with the United States in the United States.EU leaders have also increased communication with China in recent months. Following the Veritz, German Chancellor, and EU Council Chairman Michel, after visiting China at the end of last year, French President Macron and Italian Prime Minister Melonini also planned to visit China this year. Feng DeWhen Ryan accepted the new Chinese ambassador to submit the Chinese Book last month, he also said that he was looking forward to visiting China in a timely manner.

However, the draft Green Deal Industrial Plan, which just came out last week, responded to the US Ira while named the US "high subsidy".This not only reflects the EU's weakness of anti -American scruples, but also reflects its long -term arrogance to China.

Since political leaders such as Hillary and Merkel have successively withdrawn from European politics, and the United States in recent years, the United States has been strengthened by the infiltration of European politics and culture, the European Union's strategy has been significantly reduced.Anti -Russia and anti -China have become political correct, and anti -war and anti -American suicide is political.As a big case of being bombed by the Beixi gas pipeline, the public opinion in Europe was chilling and left.

Ukraine and Taiwan

I want to use the EU to join forces to curb Hua

Now, we need to be vigilant that the United States not only "harvested" Europe in the Russia and Ukraine War, but also allows the European allies to contribute money for it in the Taiwan Strait.The United States has two themes on the relationship between China: warn China not to help Russia and render the tension atmosphere of the Taiwan Strait.The former binds China and Russia, and wants to transform the atmosphere of Russia into Qiu Hua's emotions; the latter will connect Taiwan and Ukraine, internationalization in Taiwan, and introduce the European (NATO) military forces in Northeast Asia, and use the "Taiwan card" fire for the United States.EssenceLast week, NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg visited South Korea and Japan, and accused Beijing's threat to Taiwan's threat "no legitimate reason", and "the attempt to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait will also cause serious consequences on regions and global security."Dangerous signals involved in Asia -Pacific affairs.

A few days ago, the Netherlands reached an agreement with the United States and Japan to limit China to obtain advanced chip materials and equipment.In fact, in the past five years, Europe has invested as many as 17 billion euros in the chip manufacturing field. With the implementation of the embargo, Europe will sooner or later lose China as the largest customer.Even so, the European Union still stated that it supports this agreement, which is incredible to harm the attitude of self -harm.

In the Russia -Ukraine War, China neither supported Russia to destroy the UN charter's aggression or support the US war agent war to weaken the hegemony of Europe and Russia.The issue of Taiwan is the core interest of China, and it is not allowed to beak the outside world.China and the European Union have no fundamental conflict, and deepening cooperation is good for the two parties, but the European side must first practice strategic autonomy and cannot be easily accessed by the outside world; secondly, the consensus reached in the cooperation must be implemented in place. Finally, the European partyTo let go of arrogance, don't be ideologically handsome.Only in this way can China -Europe relations return to the right track.