Source: Workers' Daily

Author: Shi Na

If you want to raise a cat at home, how can you give a name for the cat?How to write a code for a card game?In different contexts, how much does the word "meaning" mean?These diverse and often make people's questions that are difficult to get the answer. In front of the artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT, it is just a "piece of small dish" that can be solved in an instant.

In just two months, ChatGPT's daily survival volume has exceeded 10 million. Many people exclaimed "this is too much like a real human" after "talking".Its excellent performance has aroused more and more market attention, and the concept of artificial intelligence generation content (AIGC) has taken the wind.

What can artificial intelligence chat?What impact and change will the AIGC application represented by ChatGPT?The reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

"True chat and communicating like humans"

"What I love is my real life, because it contains all my experiences and feelings, I experience and think about every day." This sentence looks full of human understanding and emotions at first glance,In fact, it comes from the artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT.

With the ChatGPT fire, many netizens shared it with their chat records on the social platform. ChatGPT is sometimes witty and interesting, and sometimes looks deep.In addition to various chats and interactions, many netizens regard ChatGPT as a tool to let them write, translate articles, and even write code.Quick response ability and more reliable answers made everyone call it "really chat and communicate like humans" and "specially can talk."

China Information and Communication Research Institute and the China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance's tests on ChatGPT showed that ChatGPT's intent to recognize, mathematical quiz, literary exchanges, common sense question answers, knowledge reasoning and other dialogue tasks of ChatGPT reached 98%On the left and right, the identification rate of the intention of chatting in life is about 95%, and it already has better semantic understanding ability.

In fact, ChatGPT is a typical application of generating artificial intelligence.How does artificial intelligence "evolve" so intelligent?"This is because ChatGPT is based on a large language model, and it will train the model by connecting a large number of corpus. These corpus contains dialogue in the real world and various online disclosure information, which makes ChatGPT knowledge rich and can interact according to the context."Zhang Xiaorong, Dean of In -depth Science and Technology Research Institute.

Innovative interaction brings new inspiration to AIGC

With the development of artificial intelligence technology, in recent years, the level of AIGC has continuously enriched, quality is continuously improved, and the level of technology has become higher and higher, and domestic and foreign technology companies have made great efforts to lay out the AIGC field.

Take Baidu's big model as an example to enter a question, which can instantly write hundreds of compositions; according to a sentence or a description text, a beautiful painting can be generated; according to a image, you can automatically generate automatically generate.High -definition, smooth video.

In the view of Wu Hua, chairman of the Baidu Technical Committee, ChatGPT is a more innovative model in the user interface and interaction. It is easier for users to interact in the way of natural language.Will bring new inspiration to AIGC.

At present, some foreign companies are actively exploring and landing many application scenarios of ChatGPT, and improve the level of service intelligence by integrating ChatGPT into search engines.Some opinion believes that ChatGPT will subvert the search industry and will also be widely used in the fields of smart customer service, games, virtual people.Silicon Valley investment institutions have predicted that AIGC will have potential to generate trillions of dollars in economic value in the future.

According to the artificial intelligence white paper (2022) released by the China Information and Communication Research Institute, the "generated artificial intelligence" technology will be widely used in intelligent writing, code generation, voice reading, news broadcast, voice navigation, video repair and other fields.The organic combination of listening, reading, reading and writing has become a future development trend.

"Artificial intelligence generation has shined in artistic creation such as poetry, composition, and painting. The application of scientific research and production fields such as molecular structure, software code, and other scientific research and production fields continuously expand, and also help reduce the scientific research costs and shorten the research and development cycle of clinical trials."Shi Lin, deputy director of the content of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data Research, said that at present, the radiation range of artificial intelligence generation content is still expanding, and it is expected to reshape the research and development of various industries in the future.

Commercial landing needs to overcome technical and ethical issues

Although the prospects for the development of AIGC have remained optimistic, from the status quo, ChatGPT and other products want to truly land, and they also need to overcome problems such as technology and scientific and technological ethics.

In various evaluations of ChatGPT, ChatGPT will make some common sense errors, reflecting that it is still insufficient in terms of controllability and accuracy.Some people describe that ChatGPT seems to be a human friend who is very capable but sometimes likes to open the river.

The evaluation results of the China Information and Communication Research Institute also show that ChatGPT performed in the task completion rate of non -gossip dialogue, and it is difficult to get rid of the knowledge integration and logical reasoning of traditional deep learning models.

"Although ChatGPT can answer a lot of questions better, its answers are often" stretched "in some slightly deep and professional areas.It shows that the algorithm still needs to be improved. "Zhang Xiaorong said.

Outside the technical level, artificial intelligence is also facing unreasonable scientific and technological ethics issues.Zhang Xiaorong said that ChatGPT faces at least three major challenges in terms of scientific and technological ethics: "First is copyright issues, and the content generated by ChatGPT comes more from handling, which is easy to cause infringement;Mechanism, this is a great challenge for regulatory supervision. "

In China, AIGC's industrialization path also needs to be explored.Shi Lin said that the domestic AIGC industry is weak, and the number of related startups is significantly less than foreign countries.At the same time, domestic enterprises are still at the stage of polishing products, and they have not yet appeared more useful content generation services.