Source: China News Weekly

Author: Wang Chunxiao

Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission issued a notice of the Sichuan Province's maternity registration service measures (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), which mentioned that maternity registration will cancel the limitation of marriage and the number of restrictions on the number of marriage, which has aroused the attention of netizens.

As early as 2022, in the implementation of or amending the fertility registration system in Guangdong, Hunan, and Anhui, it also mentioned the policy of canceling the restrictions on marriage and the number of fertility.

In this regard, the local response stated that the method is to ensure the rights and interests of the "unmarried first pregnancy", so that they can enjoy some maternal and child health care services after fertility registration.

Many netizens still express their questions and cancel the restrictions on marriage. Does it mean to encourage non -marriage?


increase the phenomenon of unmarried first pregnancy?

Adjustment of fertility registration is not the first time

Fertility registration is the continuation of the standard for birth permit. Since the implementation of a two -child policy in China, the planning of a family planning service certificate (quasi -birth certificate) in various places will be changed to implement the maternity registration service system., Do not implement approval, arranged for fertility by the family.

Among them, the marriage registration requires a marriage certificate, and the non -marriage fertility requires the collection of social support fees. Because fertility registration is the premise of conducting free property inspection, admission delivery, and fertility insurance reimbursement.Essence

In February 2021, the General Office of the National Health and Health Commission has issued guidance on improving the fertility registration system, requiring the improvement of the maternity registration system, strengthening grass -roots service management, ensuring the optimization of maternity policies, and promoting family development capabilities, Promote the long -term balanced development of the population, and propose to improve the registration process, simplify registration requirements, and implement online processing.

In June of the same year, the Central Committee of the Mainland Government and the State Council issued a decision on optimizing the long -term balanced development of maternity policies to promote the long -term balanced development of the population, decided to implement a three -child fertility policy, and cancel the social care fees and other constraints, establish and improve the population service system, strengthen the monitoring of the population monitoringResearch and judge the situation.Among them, the national life registration management system is required again.

In this context, the provinces have begun to amend the planning regulations and continuously modify and improve the fertility registration system.

From May 1, 2022, when Guangdong Province officially implemented a new revised management method for maternity registration, it also mentioned the policy of canceling the restrictions on marriage and the number of fertility.

In the method of Guangdong Province, the "fertility registration certificate" is changed to "maternity registration voucher".The basis for compliance with regulations.At the same time, Guangdong Province also expanded the registered entity of maternity registration.For example, continuing unmarried fertility people can apply for fertility registration, and so on.

In July last year, Hunan Province issued a notice of the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Commission on the implementation of the fertility registration system. Couples can not only register before fertility, but also supplement them after fertility.Among them, if the two parties meet the conditions for marriage registration are non -marriage, they can be re -completed after applying for a marriage certificate, but they still advocate proceeding with maternity registration before three months before or in the early three months of pregnancy.

In August 2022, Anhui Province's implementation opinions on improving the fertility registration system (draft for comments) also made it clear: Any children who have children should apply for fertility registration.The registered person can apply for fertility registration before pregnancy, and those who do not handle should be remedied in time after the child is born.The materials required for registration are valid documents such as the ID card or hukou book, and marriage certificate of both husband and wife; if they are not processed, they shall hold an ID card or hukou book;In submission.

At the end of January this year, according to the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission, the management measures for maternity registration service in Sichuan Province will be implemented from February 15, 2023, with a validity period of five years.

The method stipulates that all citizens who have children should apply for fertility registration.Citizens shall register before fertility. If they are not registered before fertility, they can be supplemented after fertility.At the same time, fertility registration will cancel the limit of marriage and the number of cancellations.

Yang Fan, a researcher at the Renmin University of China Population and Development Research Center and director of the Department of Population, told China News Weekly that maternity registration is a very important part of the life registration system.Maternity registration not only provides a legal identity that can be used to obtain equity and services, but also provides necessary data for the formulation of public policies.

"The functions of the past maternity registration work and fertility approval are combined, which has some registered restrictions, such as whether it meets the fertility policy and whether it is married. In this case, some people cannot enjoy maternity registration.On the other hand, the various information required for registration and the process of registration are cumbersome. For example, the information between departments is not interoperable. To prepare for the registration of birth registration, many materials and many departments are needed. "Yang Fan said.

In Yang Fan's view, after the adjustment of the maternity registration system in many places, fertility registration has returned to the initial function of its establishment, that is, to simply collect information on the facts of fertility, and at the same timeFunction is loose, ensuring that each pregnant woman and children can enjoy the fertility services and benefits provided by the state.

is not "allowed", but "tolerance"

The Sichuan Provincial Maternity Registration Service Measures, which are about to be implemented in February this year, shows that there are four main aspects of the newly revised content.

First of all, the restrictions on whether the registered object is married, the focus of fertility registration is transferred to the fertility willingness and fertility results, and the national monitoring and fertility service are available;

Secondly, the restrictions on the number of fertility when applying for maternity registration have been changed, and the children who are registered with maternity registration are no longer limited.

Subsequently, the method simplifies the requirements for fertility registration.When applying for maternity registration online, you can obtain an ID card or a valid certificate electronic certificate through the relevant information system, and no longer upload your identity certificate;

In the end, the requirements of information sharing also added, and the "one thing of marriage and childbirth" was added, the sharing of maternity registration information, and the sharing of electronic certificates.

China News Weekly noticed that the Sichuan Provincial Health Construction Commission mentioned in the Sichuan Provincial Maternity Registration Service Management Measures (Draft for Comments), which was released in July 2022, mentioned that "the husband and wife should register before fertility, before childbearing, before childbearing, and before fertility,If you are not registered, you can replenish it in time after childbirth. "

The officially released method has changed the "husband and wife" to "citizen" and canceled whether the limit of marriage and the limit of the number of fertility.

For this adjustment, many netizens said, are they encouraging non -marriage?Will it increase the phenomenon of unmarried first pregnancy?

In this regard, the relevant offices of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission told the media that the method is not encouraging that they do not get married and have children, but to ensure the rights and interests of the "unmarried first pregnancy".Services.In addition, "maternity registration" is not a "household registration". Maternity registration can be registered online, mainly to publicize to the masses to tell the masses what rights and obligations it has, and it is also the department's basic understanding of the masses.

Zhai Zhenwu, the president of the Chinese Population Society, also mentioned in an interview with the media that new fertility registrations are decoupled from fertility and marriage, which does not mean that admitting that extramarital fertility is legal, nor is it recognizing that it is moral correct, etc.EssenceObjectively speaking, it is not "allowed", but "tolerance".

"It is a result -based policy, not a guidance policy, not to encourage non -marriage and fertility." Yang Fan believes that the policy is forIt has guaranteed the rights and interests of non -wedding women and children of non -marriage children, and ensure the fertility services provided by these citizens to enjoy the deserved countries.

Article 1071 of the Chinese Civil Code stipulates that non -marriage children enjoy the same rights as children of marriage, and no organization or individual may be harmful and discriminated.

After the fermentation of public opinion, Popia expert He Yafu also stated on a personal social platform that no matter whether you are married or not, you can apply for maternity registration, but it is only a specific implementation of the law.But in reality, there are some unmarried children in China facing the difficulty of hukou and difficulty in school.The cancellation of marriage registration restrictions can help solve the problem of hukou and school difficulties.

Dong Yuqun, the dean of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Population Development, expressed the same view on China News Weekly. In his opinion, the elimination of marriage restrictions has further guaranteed the health rights and citizenship of the fetus.Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of non -marriage women and non -marriage children, so that they can better enjoy the corresponding public health and health services.

"Do a good job of registering for fertility, more convenient for pregnant women to enjoy some free pregnancy inspections and other services to the hospital. Now the approval is canceled, only paying attention to the fertility itself, and better maintaining the health of pregnant women and fetuses." Dong YuSaid.

As for the restrictions on the number of childbirth, He Yafu mentioned that in recent years, China's birth population has continued to decline, and the birth rate has reached a low innovation. Now China's fertility policy has no longer restricted fertility, and families with more than four children have been punished.There is no need to restrict the number of fertility in maternity registration. It should be returned to population monitoring and fertility service.

"The fertility registration we call can be handled before and after the birth of the child, but it is emphasized the fact that the facts of admitting and accurately affirming the fertility in a timely manner.It should be handled in accordance with relevant regulations. "

In Dong Yuqun's view, the adjustment of the adjustment of fertility only focuses on the facts itself. It is the improvement of the population monitoring system, accurately grasping the masses' birth status and service needs, and providing the basic work of maternity services in a timely manner.This emphasizes the neutrality and objectivity of fertility registration. It is only used as a means of population monitoring, and no longer becomes a tool to restrict the fertility of the masses.

Precise situation.

From the perspective of local perspectives, it is conducive to making more comprehensive predictions and proposed work countermeasures. For example, how many nursery and kindergartens need to be established in the past year or two, it is actually an important basis for providing social services.

It is necessary to increase the fertility rate of the population.

Original Population Journal, No. 6, 2020, named a new trend of marriage and pregnancy names born since 1957 -an analysis centered on unmarried pregnancy, author Li Wenzhen analyzed, "Compared with the OECD countryNon -wedding fertility, whether it is a country with a strong atmosphere of religious beliefs compared to the Nordic, Western European countries, and Eastern European dramas, China's unmarried fertility ratio is at a very low level.Turkey and Greece. "

Therefore, many experts and scholars believe that adjusting the fertility registration policy and canceling the wedding restrictions will not cause the fact that non -marital fertility is encouraged.

According to China News Weekly, in addition to the above -mentioned provinces, some provinces are also planning to cancel marriage restrictions and fertility limit from the management measures of fertility registration.

Yang Fan believes that the reform direction of the current maternity registration work is very clear, and other provinces have introduced similar policies to the general trend.

"As the maternity registration work is becoming more and more convenient and benefit, there will be more groups willing to register for fertility, which also means that more families will enjoy high -quality fertility services. At the same time, the population of government departments will beStatistics will become more and more accurate. "Yang Fan said.

Although the adjustment of the fertility registration management system is conducive to the realization of everyone's fertility, and it is also conducive to reducing the family's fertility costs.However, in Yang Fan's view, this move has a limited role in improving the birth rate of the population.

"If you want to increase the population fertility rate, you need more fertility support policies."

Dong Yu believes that the modification of the maternity registration method is just a convenient measure.

"In order to increase the willingness of the people's fertility, we must also do a good job of benefiting the people and start from all levels of society to form a series of supporting measures. Effectively reduce the cost of fertility, support, and education of the masses, vigorously develop inclusive care servicesThe system, improve the level of eugenics and excellent breeding services, must also be coordinated and improved between relevant policies, and comprehensively promote fertility in the sense of the overall development of society. "