Zhang Rui

When his father was alive, he often heard that he complained that as a retired civil servant of the township government, the salary of more than 4,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 800, the same below) was used for humanity.When I returned home in the Spring Festival this year, I heard that the second uncle who retreated from the post of teachers in the countryside was complained. It was said that the monthly salary of nearly 6,000 yuan was spent 50 % of the gift -giving part.In the eyes of the second uncle, gift expenditures have become the largest annual expenditure at home.

The rural gifts have a long history and have risen, it is already a fact that many Chinese farmers have trembled in their hearts.I remember when my father died six years ago, the maximum gift from his aunt and the three generations of direct relatives was 500 yuan, but now the same gift has risen to more than 1,000 yuan.If my family is going back today, it will obviously stick a lot.

Data show that in 2016, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in China was 12,363 yuan. According to the estimates of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the per capita disposable income of farmers in 2022 reached 2600 yuan, an increase of about 67%in six years.The expenditure of farmers for gifts obviously has greatly won their own per capita income growth.Similarly, from 2016 to 2022, China's domestic prices increased by 14%, a significant increase in the amount of rural gifts.

The form of storage gifts for rural areas in China is extremely rich. It can be said that a person's "from the cradle to the grave" will become the central role of a gift of gifts at home, and even find all opportunities and create various names.EssenceThe child is indispensable to organize new wine, and the full moon wine will be held during the full moon. By 100 days of birth, parents have to be busy hosting a 100 -day banquet.When you are one year old, you still have to handle the age of wine, and 10 years old is the first age of both. In many places, it is necessary to attract relatives and friends to celebrate. Of course, the banquet must also bring a conventional gift.

Like the children from children can develop a variety of banquets, adults can also make various articles on banquets and wealth.Since the expansion of the university, the success of the successful college entrance examination of rural children has increased significantly. No matter what school is the exam, as long as the candidates get an admission notice, parents will have a facial banquet or celebration banquet with a small scene, and as much as possible to attract eight guests and friends.Because the more people participating, the more significant the scale of the banquet is.

Children talk about marriage and marriage, and parents have to use this to do great exercise. From the engagement to the day of marriage, relatives and friends will be present to congratulate the gift.When parents enter the old age, starting at the age of 60, their children will host a 70 -year -old and 80 -year -old birthday banquet for them.Those who received gift lists or telephones and SMS invitations naturally could not come empty -handed.As the last stop of life, the funeral after life returns to the West. Nowadays, many rural areas are also unusually luxurious. The white gifts that the hanging people are served by the people also constitute a lot of financial accounts for the recipient.

For any gift giver, how much to send is definitely the art that needs to be carefully considered and cautious.Among them, the "comparative mechanism" played an extremely important core role in the process of gift giving.On the one hand, it is a vertical comparison, which is compared with the amount of gifts I have sent before. Among them, the new gift given to the same grade as close to the same grade, of course, cannot be lower than the previous quota, at least equivalent to the previous amount;Once the time is long, the gift money will be added according to the delay and the previous level is higher.

On the other hand, it is horizontal comparison, that is, according to the reserved gift list (every red and white event in the countryside will generate a record of records on the red paper), comparing the amount of gifts sent by them before, here is here. HereBased on the amount of gifts sent to the same generation of people.In order to prevent the embarrassment of information asymmetric, a simpler way is to be before giving gifts, the relevant ceremonies will communicate with each other, and collectively discuss the amount of gifts recognized by everyone.On the day of the gift, the same amount of gifts were sent with each other.

Therefore, in the horizontal comparison, the most important homework that the gift -giving person must do before giving gifts is to compare and communicate with key characters, such as brothers, aunts and aunts, between uncle and uncle.The gifts sent by these peers directly determine the amount of gifts and sizes that each other finally sent.

The reason why the gifts are given attention are appropriate and appropriate because if you feel that you are not cost -effective if you send too much, you will lose face if you send less.The negative effects are much more serious.Because if the gifts sent are higher than the level of gifts for the same generation, they just feel uncomfortable when they feel a little loss in their hearts, but they win face in front of relatives and friends, especially those who are affected by the gifts will also show extra enthusiasm.Return, and may be further enthusiastically related to each other.However, if you send less, you will not only attract relatives and friends to finger three, but also encounter the courtesy of the courtesy at the gift site or even the disrespectful feedback. For example, according to the generation, you can sit at the banquet, but it is arranged in the second place.At this time, the banquet crowd will shift their eyes and condense on themselves, making people sit restless and unwilling.

with a helpless or passive threat from

In addition to following your relatives and friends, you must send the corresponding gifts to the traditional etiquette, in many cases, the gift -giving behavior of rural people actually has more helpless or passive threats.

The moral development stage proposed by American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg believes that people's moral cognitive levels are distributed at the three stages of the previous practice level, the level of practice level, and the level of principle, andThe three stages can be continuously continuous, jumping more and more, and even reverse backward.Among them, the pre -convention level is that people's moral judgment standards when they make decisions are based on the maximization or minimization of self -interest.

The level of practice is different. When people decide, people consider more affected by the expectations of others, especially the key and important figures, such as parents, lovers, and bosses. Therefore, at this stageThe characteristic is the purpose of doing what the people around them are around or fulfilling their promises to achieve the purpose of maintaining ordinary order.

At the level of principle, although people’s decision -making back to themselves, at this time, it is not the gains and losses of their own interests, but the judgment of self -or -non -moral standards.People's behavior.

After clearing the development of moral development and the basis of people's behavior decision -making, Corberg pointed out that most of the moral cognition of adults is in conventional testing, that is, the reason why people do some kind of behavior is the main reason is that it is mainly because of some behaviors.Affected by others or just hopes to maintain the normal life order of themselves.Under the control, the wind giving giving in rural China is constantly. To a large extent, the gift giver does not want to be accidentally given gifts and not to keep up with the rhythm of gift giving, and even the rules of the rules.And the three -way and four talks between neighbors affect your normal life, and the common relationship with relatives and friends.

It must be pointed out that the reason why the rural banquet name is becoming more and more, and the wind giving the wind is more and more fierce.The machine was collected and hoped to get double and excess returns, but whether it was profit or loss, one of the most important factor is how much of their children.For those families that are strong, the frequency of banquets can be held, and the more times the number of times.Increase, relative to gift expenditureOf course, the margin of income is of course showing a decreasing trend.

For more and more luxurious rural gifts, many places come up with corresponding dilute and curb tricks. For example, some local governments in Shaanxi Province shall not exceed the hard provisions of the guests who participate in the banquet.The Anhua region requires that rural banquets should not exceed 100 yuan. If it is a guest of ordinary relationships, the amount of gift gifts is 50 yuan.What the author wants to point out is that this administrative regulation does not have any effect at all.In terms of nature, the sources of gifts sent and received by farmers are legal and legal, and they are suspected of being bribery without bribery, and the property rights and interests are protected by the Constitution and the law. Even if the amount of gifts is large, the legal rules are not enough.The customs with courtesy and exchanges are open and transparent, and there are no traces of the slightest cover.More importantly, this kind of gift giving is based on blood, geography, and close relationships, and each other is entangled with each other. Besides, gifts for each other are important rural relics, becoming a kind of explicit rules that have obtained more general moral recognition. In this case, the situation is in this case.In the following, the intervention effect that administrative methods can be generated is actually very small.

When will the rural gifts that are getting larger and larger, when will it weaken and exit?A kind of natural dilution and slutting power is the urbanization of rural population, especially the urbanization rate of young people.At present, farmers over the age of 60 still account for a certain number of rural population. They have become the foundation and bridge that maintains the relationship between relatives and friends.But at the same time, more young people in rural areas have begun to buy houses in cities. This trend will be further strengthened. As a result, the traditional rural geopolitical relationships gradually disintegrate, and the relationship between blood and affinity is increasingly alienated.It is replaced by the Natural Law Firm, that is, it only takes up to 20 years.

The author is a director and professor of economics in the Chinese Market Society

The reason why the rural banquet name is becoming more and more, and the wind giving is more and more fierce. In fact, the game and compensation psychological driver of the stakeholders is actually caused by the game and compensation psychological driver of the stakeholders.This behavior is based on blood, geography, and close relationships, and they are entangled with each other. Besides, it is still an important legacy in rural areas and explicit rules.When will it weaken and exit?A kind of natural dilution and slutting power is the urbanization of rural population, especially the urbanization rate of young people.