Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Su Yiren

The crown disease epidemic observed by global public health experts in the last puzzle in China. With the past of the Chinese New Year and the evolution of China in December 2022 and January this year, it seems that the full picture of this century -old epidemicWith a relatively complete cognition.

Due to China's unfair and transparentness of epidemic information, it is difficult for all walks of life to evaluate the severity of the real epidemic.However, according to unofficial reports and folk materials and drug needs, the first wave of crisis in China's crown disease has been lifted because the natural infection rate in major cities has exceeded 80 %.The "Buddhist epidemic prevention" initiated by Prime Minister Johnson in March 2020 has become a national policy of crown disease prevention.However, due to the end of the evolution of coronal virus, the toxicity of the virus has weakened to one thousandth of the death rate, and it is different from two percent of 2020 percent of 2020. Therefore, the applicability of the different stages of the Buddha's epidemic prevention is very different.It became a classic textbook for public health prevention.

The second or third waves of epidemic that will occur in rural and rural areas that everyone cares about after the Spring Festival of the lunar calendar. Because the rural population density is not high, there will be no major epidemic situation even in areas without vaccines and drugs.EssenceThe control of Chinese tourists from all over the world should gradually loosen with the evolution of the epidemic.

Therefore, the global evolution of the century -old epidemic of crown disease should be announced in the next one or two months.Three years.Recently, the Japanese government has also announced that the epidemic will be loosened, and the isolation of the mask order and diagnosis will also be canceled, which has a footnote for crown disease prevention.

The original curiosity and concerns of public health experts about Chinese crown disease prevention and epidemic prevention are actually based on several important data, that is, the population of mainland China has more than one billion. The protection of domestic vaccine is less than 50 %.The natural infection rate is not high under the long -term clearance policy, and under the high infection rate of OMICRON virus epidemic, it will lead to a large number of infections, especially the elderly people cause severe illnesses and death.In the past a month or two, the hospital's medical population and funeral industry have also occurred in disasters such as surgery, especially the snap -up of pharmaceutical supplies.Compared with the most important, it is still very different in scale, which is not easy for a country with a population of more than one billion.

In all, this century -old epidemic has given a lesson to the public health and epidemiological circles, that is, the severity of the epidemic and the early and late stages of the epidemic.There will be significant differences in the effectiveness of epidemic prevention.How to master these information and scientific evidence will be the key to the success or failure set by epidemic prevention policies.Everyone should also remember the amazing progress of scientific vaccine drugs in this century -old epidemic. Only the usual solid and innovative research can work.

The crown disease epidemic still leaves an inexplicable mystery, that is, seasonal influenza is not popular during the Spring Festival, avoiding the two viruses at the same time the possibility of the medical system that may cause the medical system. This is unfortunate fortunate.The CDC of the U.S. CDC has made suggestions. In the future, it may be routinely like influenza vaccines every year, and crown vaccines are performed at the elderly and high -risk ethnic groups.

The author is the former director of the Taiwan CDC