Source: Economic Daily

Author: Tong Zheng

Recently, some netizens posted videos on Douyin and wrote that "Beihai Dian was slaughtered 1500 pieces of 4 dishes."After investigation, the Guangxi Beihai Market Supervision Bureau reported that after comparison with the price of Beihai Seafood products on the day, the price of 4 types of seafood products in the store was processed and cooked in a reasonable range.Moreover, all the seafood products in the seafood pool of the shop also made a prompt on the price of high -priced seafood.

Since the pricing is in a reasonable range, it has also made a clear price price. Why is it questioned as "sky -high"?It is not difficult to find out before and after the situation, and the standardized services of merchants are not in place.

In the case of consumers who do not know about seafood, the owner recommended 4 seafood on the spot and quickly slaughtered the slaughter in person.It is said that it has not fully obtained the understanding of consumers.If you do not communicate with consumers in advance, you cannot get the reassurance and trust of consumers, and irregular services will inevitably cause consumers to have questions afterwards.

In real life, it is only expensive, intentionally concealing product flaws, or introducing products and inducing consumption with obscure and ambiguous words.It is said that the service is irregular, and it is to induce consumption, or even suspected of fraud.And some merchants use insufficient communication to scratch the ball, so that consumers are unknown, stepping on the pit and hurting their hearts.It can be seen that standardizing services and understanding consumption not only rely on the pricing reasonable, clearly marked the price, but also requires more full communication, especially for consumers who are not very aware of the goods and market itself.Transparency, satisfying consumers' right to know.

No standard service and inadequate communication, seemingly small problems, but involving specific cases may cause consumers to not understand, and then generate disputes and affect the reputation of the store.Individual credibility issues will also cause negative effects and affect the overall market image.Therefore, relevant competent authorities and market entities should also continuously improve the corresponding service specifications to ensure that regulatory departments urge the regulatory regulations, and market entities are implemented in accordance with regulations.

Compared with service specifications, the bad behavior of serious damage to consumers' rights and interests, such as violations of price illegal acts, especially various "sky -high" events, should be dealt with seriously.Before the Spring Festival, the market regulatory authorities have made it clear that for the "sky -high" incident, the regulatory authorities will never be able tolerated and find together, investigate and deal with them together, and rectify together.

Price illegal acts occur from time to time. In addition to the pursuit of high profits, the difficulty of consumer evidence, insufficient supervision, and insufficient punishment are also important reasons.In this regard, regulators should pay close attention to consumer hotspots such as daily necessities, travel services, etc., strengthen price monitoring and analysis and early warning, pay attention to the issue of signs and tendencies, and improve the keen and pertinence of supervision.Do a good job of emergency supervision, use information such as big data, strengthen the analysis of public opinion hotspots, timely handle price complaints and reports, and resolutely investigate and deal with it according to law.

For locals, in order to win the hearts of tourists, not only need a beautiful natural environment and unique local culture, but also to create a fair and reasonable consumer environment, create a rest assured consumer city business card, allow tourists to take advantage of itCome, go all the way.If you cannot strictly check the price illegal or consumer fraud, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, and no matter how beautiful the scenery is, you can't keep tourists.