Artificial intelligence is a blessing or a scourge, a major proposition of our era.

If blind dependencies, will humans become more and more difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, unable to think and create independently?

"The rain in the early spring brings a fresh atmosphere. Timei's sound of rain, making people feel comfortable. The trees and flowers in the rain look particularly beautiful. This is a re -start season, new hope for new hope, new hopeAnd dream blooms in the rain.

The city in the rain seems more vibrant.On the wet street, people supported the umbrella and walked happily.The lights in the rain look particularly bright.This is a dynamic season, and the new beginning is in this rain.

The rain in early spring brings vitality and hope.Let us move forward in the rain and bravely chase our dreams."

The above texts are not I feel, but after I chat with the explosive chat robot ChatGPT for a few rounds, it is a Chinese essay that I wrote in five seconds.And the instruction I gave it was only one sentence: "Can you write an essay according to the rain in the early spring?"

I was still interested in this newly known virtual pen friend, and felt that it was not as God's online, but it could be exported and had to look at it.This fresh prose cannot be found on the Internet, it seems that it is really not copied.

Hurry up, I let it write a dissertation again, about saving water.It really did not disappoint. Within five seconds, these lines appeared on the screen: "When we face increasingly serious water resources, it is particularly important to save water. In our daily lifeThe method can help us reduce water consumption. "

First of all, we can save water by saving shower time.Shower is one of the main sources of home water, so reducing shower time can significantly reduce water consumption.In addition, we can also save water by turning off the faucet, especially when brushing, shaving, and face washing.

In addition, we can also reduce water consumption by using water diluers.For example, water diluers can be used in irrigation gardens to reduce water consumption.We can also irrigate the garden by collecting rainwater.

Finally, we should actively participate in water resources management and protection activities, and take effective measures in our own lives to save water.Only through joint efforts can we respond to the challenge of water resources."

When I first met this pen friend who was born two days ago, I didn't know what to talk to it at first, and asked the luck in English, and it couldn't predict the future; asked me what to eat for lunch tomorrow, and said it would not answer my personal questions.; Ask if it should invest with provident fund, it said that it is not a professional financial consultant.Later, I remembered that it was better to meet with literary friends and ask it in Chinese to compose.It really has two brushes, and it is indeed passed the American Law School exam.

Avilled ability will inevitably lead to fear.It was originally a great success of artificial intelligence to help humans solve problems, but it was not used well, but it may harm people to use it to walk off the door.The Paris Political College (Sciences PO) and some Australian universities have banned students from stealing teachers to prevent plagiarism.Some people are worried that it will let the scammer find new tools, use it to deceive people to invest, or be charged as the online army to spread false information. Angels are still demons. For a while, it is difficult for anyone to distinguish it.

Artificial intelligence is a blessing or a scourge, a major proposition of our era.Artificial intelligence allows scientists to quickly find rules and answers from massive data, so that programmers can quickly complete a set of procedures without having to rack their brains.It was the original intention of its creator.

In addition, it may also change the appearance of future society.Just as the TV changes the growth mode of family members and children, smartphones have changed the way people communicate, learn, work, and pass the time. Chat robots may become a new companion tool in aging and young childhood society.Especially when it can also have voice and image functions in the future.

But at the same time, if it is blindly dependent, will humans become more and more difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, unable to think and create independently?

At present, CHATGPT is still in the testing stage as a pen friend who enables ordinary people to recreate.How this friendship will evolve depends on its intelligence and my wisdom.