Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Society

Jade Rabbit welcomes spring.The Year of the Rabbit came on the face, and the jade rabbit was so happy.

The rabbit symbolizes auspicious signs. Thinking about the Year of the Rabbit 12 years ago, the world economy gradually escaped from the financial turmoil.Negative factors tend to ease, and the world economy is expected to be better.However, the haze of economic recession is dense, and the operation of enterprises is still tricky. It is necessary to overcome the difficulties, new thinking, and strong aspects.The rabbit seems to be weak, but its physiological characteristics and behavioral models are considerable. Think carefully and can learn some corporate operations and get rid of the door.

The strongest ability of rabbits is that it is as fast as the wind, the so -called "moving like a rabbit" is also.In the animal world, rabbits are seen in fast running. Because the rabbit has a small volume, it has become a food for many brutal animals. Therefore, the rabbit must run quickly to escape from the predator.The physiological structure of the rabbit is conducive to Mercedes. Its hind legs have four toes, which are strong and powerful. They can fly and jump to high. The maximum can be Mercedes -Benz at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.This is because the survival situation of weak meat and strong food has inspired the rabbit's running speed, making other animals be out of reach, and it is difficult to get swallowing.

The prerequisites that are quickly separated from danger are the ability to perceive danger. Otherwise, if you know it later, the disaster is already close, and you can't run away.The rabbit lacks the rhino horn of cattle and sheep. It is not as fast as the wolf's running, and there is no dog's sense of smell, so it must be heard in the hearing.The long ears of the rabbit are not used to beautify the body, but are other wonderful uses. The ears can swing left and right. The hearing is more keen. It can gather sound waves and enhance the detection ability of evading natural enemies.

People, enterprises, and countries face increasingly changing environments, and must have the ability to perceive the environmental changes around the surrounding surroundings, and observe the emergence of catastrophic danger as soon as possible in order to respond early.In the ancient strategic family period, it would pay attention to the "turtle -haired rabbit horns", because the turtles had no hair, and the rabbit had no horns. Once the turtle hair or rabbit horn appeared, it should be alert to be strange.The way of fierce is good.The ancients said: "At the time of Shang Yang, the big turtles had hair, rabbits were rabbit, and soldiers would be prosperous."The world's economic situation is strange. The problems faced by Taiwan are becoming more and more tricky. It is more sensitive to consciousness, respond quickly, instantly get rid of difficulties. The keen perception of rabbits and rapid strain are worth our learning.

The way of strain is expensive to keep up with the times. It is constantly updated and adjusted for the new bureaus and challenges. It cannot be stubborn. It is bound by the habit of "path dependence". The rabbit can not be "served the rabbit".Corporate operators remember Hou Hanshu.Volume five or nine.Zhang Hengchuan said: "The world is different, and the things are different, and they cannot change it. For a time, the Schiqi searched for a sword, guarding the rabbit."Another metaphor is "seeing rabbits to put the eagle". With a better choice, you should see good movement.

Therefore, in addition to random and changeable skills, there are also multiple solutions to create various options in order to disperse risks. The so -called "cunning rabbit three cave" is the meaning.The cunning rabbit has three hidden caves. Humans with higher IQs than rabbits should have multiple hidden places. Enterprises must have a variety of preparations for avoiding disaster to see the opportunity, take action in time, and obtain benefits.Once you seize the opportunity, you should "lion rabbits", even if small things are taken out of all energy and take it seriously.

Without the ability to cope with the fast -changing bureau and the rapid response, at least you must be able to know the backing, recognize the change of the situation and the trend, or seize the opportunity to come, formulate a proper and thorough concerns and business plan. The idioms are so -called "Seeing rabbits and dogs "and" see rabbits and dogs ", that is, when you see rabbits, you must hurry up the dog to hunt up. If you can remedy timely, it is too late.Just as the Warring States Policy.Chu Ce Si said: "Seeing rabbits and Gu dogs, not for late; the dead sheep is made up, it is not too late." The most afraid of is obscure ignorance, stubborn and unhappy, both missed the opportunity, but not to seize the opportunity.

The rabbit derives the ability of "one foot tall and one -foot" in the living environment of weak meat and strong food. Humans have learned from rabbits to many ways to do things. Among them, there are many clever wisdom.Learning, to know about changes, strain, and changes, and whether it can come to the end, keep leap forward, and we can welcomes rabbits and blessings in the new year.