Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

On the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit, Sino -US relations have appeared rare in recent years.Correctional Vice Premier Liu He, who attended the Davos World Economic Forum Annual Conference, met with US Treasury Secretary Yellen in Switzerland for 3 hours.Next month, he will send a delegation to visit China to prepare for Yellen to visit China.In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Brillings reportedly visited China around the fifteenth day of the first month. It is the highest American official who visited China after the President Bayeng came to China.After the President Xi Jinping and Biden held a summit in Indonesia, Sino -US relations seemed to have a rare "Xiaoyangchun".However, Beijing must recognize that Sino -US relations have appeared disruptive reversal since 2018.This year, the new Speaker of the House of Representatives visited Taiwan and further intensified the blockade of China technology blockade and the industrial chain. It would be necessary to provoking life in the South China Sea.Therefore, the may be more vigilant for "cold spring" in Sino -US relations.

Liu He meets Yelun's own needs

Putting the dilemma of US debt to China

For Liu He's meeting with Yelun this time, the mainland official media have a lot of positive interpretations, including the United States' initiative and providing the venue. Yellen made a special trip to Switzerland (the United States said he visited Africa's transfer).Three hours still endlessly ... reminiscent of several talks between Liu He and then US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and trade negotiating representative Leitchizawa, which makes people believe that the Sino -US trade war will shake hands.

The recent recovery of Sino -US relations is of course an important factor, and there are also domestic needs of the two countries.After the three years of strict epidemic prevention measures in China, the economy is recovering. It is necessary to have a relatively peaceful and stable external environment. After the ambassador Qin Gang is promoted to the foreign minister, the recent external posture has been adjusted.Relations of the country; and after the United States has experienced the soaring price of the most serious prices in the past 40 years, although it is slowly coming out of the shadow of inflation, government debt is close to the statutory limit. Once a default, Biden described it as "unprecedented disaster in the history of the US fiscal history."China is the second largest holding country of U.S. Treasury bonds, and it has gradually reduced its holdings in recent years. Therefore, some people have speculated that Yellen met Liu He this time or related to this.

Although the U.S. two -party politicians, Nianzhi, "decoupled" in China, as of November last year, the official US official data showed that the total annual trade between China and the United States in 2022 is expected to hit a record highThe economy is still closely connected.Therefore, some experts believe that if the United States is "Draconian Decoupling", the United States will "have a huge negative impact on the living standards of Americans."And more than 1,500 US commercial groups and companies including the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC), they also called on the US Trade Representative Administration to revoke tariffs on Chinese products left over from Trump.USCC believes that this punitive tariff has "weakened the competitiveness of the United States and brings unwilling economic difficulties to American companies, workers and families."The headquarters is located in Washington, and members include Intel, Samsung, TSMC, Apple and Amazon's Information Technology Industry Commission (ITIC) also said that these tariffs "have caused significant harm to our industry and led to rising costs" and called for completely cancellation.

The history of the United States can ease the relationship between China and China. One is to fall into a major political and economic dilemma.The gesture of peace; the second is to respond to the internal and external public opinion, do the illusion of tactical alleviating, and release the smoke screen bomb.What the United States says should install "protective fences" to the relationship between the two countries. In fact, it is only necessary to set up limits about the Chinese side, and the pursuit of bilateral relations under the leadership of the United States is still pursuing.

After the worship meeting, the United States repeatedly violated the commitment

The new Speaker of the Speaker will set off a new wave

In fact, after the worship meeting, the US Vice President Harris visited the Philippines and deliberately boarded the islands adjacent to the South China Islands to provoke China -Philippine relations; US military planes arrived in the South China Sea last month.Military aircraft crashed; the United States sold martial arts to Taiwan, and the warships crossed the Taiwan Strait again to challenge the Chinese Red Line; when the US -Japan Summit and Foreign Minister's Defense Minister "2+2" talks, the main spearhead will target China;One day, Bayeng met with the Dutch Prime Minister Lutter in the White House, and publicly urged the Dutch to join the United States' chip technology blockade; before the visit of Brinkee's visit to China, it was said that the US -China relations tended to ease, but also accused the Chinese side of the Taiwan Strait.… All of this is "five or four unintentional" made by Biden in Indonesia (do not seek to change the Chinese system, do not seek the "new cold war", do not seek to strengthen the anti -China relationship through the ally, do not support "Taiwan independence", and do not support "The two China and "One China and One", as well as the promise of unintentional conflict with China, unintentionally seeking "decoupling" with China, unintentional obstruction of China's economic development, and unintentional blocking China).

Beijing must recognize it, began in the US policy of the United States policies, which began with the Trump administration and was fully inherited by the Biden government.road.In the past two years, the U.S. Congress's negative bill is more than any previous period, which has limited the space for the US government to adjust the policy of China.The Republican House of Representatives New Speaker Kevin McCarthy took office, and set up the "Special Committee for Competition Strategy in the United States and China" to "deal with China's challenges" and threatened to visit Taiwan.After visiting Taiwan, Lai Qingde, who claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", was appointed as the chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party."Stormy waves", Beijing must make early response to prevent people's hearts.If Sino -US relations can still be "not good enough or not to go" in the past, Sino -US relations in the future can only be "not good, but bad, but yes in the bottom".